Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2331: The Water God Of Xuanwu Kingdom. (2 More)

"Swish, swish~~ww

The pen in Mu Liang's hand was very steady, leaving long lines on the paper, as well as countless complicated patterns and symbols.

He has been drawing for two hours, and there is still one hour before Li Tianhei.

Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi sat next to each other, staring at the TV without blinking their beautiful eyes.

Xi Beiqi whispered: "They have been discussing for two hours, and they still haven't made the next move."

"Should we sit until dark?" Yue Feiyan grinned and yawned.

"Let's go, it's time to act." In the live broadcast screen, Wei Xi stood up.

The next move has been discussed, and the members of the second ghost team continue to go deep into the jungle.


Angela and the others got up and walked into the depths of the jungle.

Yue Feiyan's beautiful eyes lit up, and she muttered: "If this continues, the first and second ghost teams will meet soon."

Li Yue said softly: "If this is the case, the exercise should end soon."

Xi Beiqi quickly said: "That can't be done, I didn't do anything, the exercise can't just end like this.

"How about making it a little more difficult?" She blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Mu Liang.

"Increase the difficulty..." Mu Liang thought for a while, and finally nodded happily.

With a thought, he summoned the crystal dragon fish wandering in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Not long after, strong water elements gathered in the distance.

Li Yue and the others raised their eyes and saw that the crystal dragon fish was swimming in the sky, surrounded by water, as if a sea appeared in the sky.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Soon the crystal dragon fish came to the sky above Muliang, and its huge body swooped down.

"Good." Mu Liang said in a gentle voice.

The crystal dragon fish that has evolved to level eleven can already control the water element anytime and anywhere. It is the "water god" of the Xuanwu Kingdom and controls the rainfall in the entire kingdom.

"Wow, wow, wow~~..."

The crystal dragon fish swung its tail, and its long whiskers hung down in front of Mu Liang.

Mu Liang raised his hand and gently touched the whiskers in front of him, and fed him fifty thousand evolution points.

Crystal Arowana is very happy, swinging its tail and fins and flying up to the sky to complete the task assigned by Mu Liang.

"Is it going to rain?" Li Yue guessed.

Mu Liangping said calmly: "Well, the rain can wash away many traces, making the exercise more difficult.

"Very good." Li Yue's silvery white eyes lit up.

Rainwater can not only wash away the traces of walking, but also affect the line of sight, and it will also affect invisible people.

Although the person is invisible, but the rain falls on the body, but it can make people see the traces.


When it rained, it began to rain heavily over the jungle, and the rain became heavier and heavier.


At the same time, the Flying Fish King also flew in from afar, creating a strong wind that began to hit the jungle, turning the heavy rain into a violent storm.

Xi Beiqi opened her mouth, her body trembled, and she murmured: "This exercise is too difficult......"

"Would you like some more lightning?" Mu Liang thought for a while and said.

"No more, this is enough." Li Yue said hastily.

She was afraid that if Mu Liang called the Thunder Spirit Beast, if he was not careful, he would directly kill the ghost special forces personnel.

"Okay. With a thought of Mu Liang, the spirit beast will not come.


The violent wind and rain hit the jungle, causing the expressions of the three teams inside to change.

"Why did it suddenly rain? In the jungle, Huxi stopped and hid under a big tree.


The big tree shook violently, and the rainwater fell down the branches and leaves, converging into bigger water droplets and hitting everyone.


"What should we do now, should we wait for the rain to stop?" Angela stood still, letting the rain fall on her body.

The same goes for other members of the Highland Guard and Tactical Hit Teams.

Hu Xi said with a serious face: "No, it will be dark soon, it's an opportunity to attack, we just need to be careful.

"I think so too." Keina nodded in agreement.

Angela said with a serious face: "Then move on and remain invisible."

"The members of Ghost Team Two responded in unison.

Ping doctor ha~~~"

The members of the second ghost team acted, the ghost armor on their bodies flashed into an invisible state, and the highland guards pulled the cloak to cover the whole body.

In a short while, the ground of the jungle is full of water, and it will splash when you step on it.

On the other side, Elena took No. 15, No. 16 and others to hide in the tree, waiting for Huxi and others to arrive.

"Why is it raining suddenly?" Alina frowned, the rain fell on her body, and the splash splashed out the vague outline of the ghost armor.

"Captain, the rain will expose us." No. 15 said in a deep voice.

"I know." Alina took a deep breath.

...asking for flowers......

She stood up, looked around her surroundings, and raised her eyes to see that the dense leaves above her head could block the rain.

"Look for a big tree with dense branches and leaves, which can block a little bit." She ordered:

"Yes." The highland guards responded, and got up and took action one after another.


Suddenly, the wind became stronger, and the trees shook violently, and the few people standing on the trees almost lost their balance and fell down.

Alina complained in a low voice: "Mu Liang, this is too cruel.

She knew that the sudden change of weather must have something to do with Muliang.

No. 16 anxiously said: "Captain, the wind is too strong, it's easy to be exposed."

"Withdraw, go back." Alina thought for a while, then ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes." The highland guards didn't ask any more questions, got up and jumped off the big tree, and followed the girl to the stronghold.

Outside the jungle, Mu Liang is very satisfied when he sees it.

"That's right." Yue Feiyan became excited.

Because of a rain, the plans of the second ghost team and the first ghost team have changed.

Li Yue said softly: "Rain and strong wind will both affect the accuracy of the crossbow arrows, this is fun."

She kept the pen steady "Wrote ten messages on the notepad.

Mu Hao glanced at her with a smile, and continued to improve the magic circle.

He decided to improve the magic circle in the past two days, and only after the exercise is over can he start improving the city wall. The sooner this matter is completed, the better.

As time went by, the sense of urgency to improve grew stronger.

"The eighth level is not strong enough..."

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, he overthrew the existing defensive magic circle, continued to improve it, and decided to raise the magic circle to the ninth level or even the king level.

As time goes by, the wind and rain remain the same.

Above the jungle, the crystal dragon fish hovered, controlling the water elements to condense into raindrops, and smashed into the jungle non-stop.

The same is true for the Flying Fish King, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, causing the trees tens of meters high to shake violently.

Soon after, the sky gradually darkened until it became impossible to see.


Mu Liang raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the light elements above his head gathered, illuminating the 20-meter range around him.

In the TV, the screen turned gray and white, and the situation of the third ghost team could still be seen clearly, and the dark night did not affect the operation of the live broadcast spirit weapon.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize it. .

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