Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2332: Exercises Should Also Be Treated As Actual Combat. (1 More)

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

In the jungle where the actual combat exercise was located, the rain continued for two hours.

The sky has completely darkened, and in the jungle on a rainy night, it can be said that you can't see your fingers.

The tree of life will simulate the starry sky at night, and emit a faint light to simulate the gaze.

In the jungle, the tall trees and crowns are connected together, coupled with the violent wind and rain, which makes the visibility at night equal to zero, and the starlight and moonlight simulated by the tree of life cannot shine in.

At the location of Ghost Team 1, Yan Bing and others gathered together to discuss the next action.

Nijisha said solemnly: "It rained so heavily suddenly, how can you pay it back?"

Mia said with a serious face: "Don't worry, we'll talk about it when Alina comes back."

They need Elina's information to determine the location of the second ghost team, and then plan the next move.

"The "187" under the rain is so heavy, His Majesty wants to increase the difficulty of the exercise." Yan Bing said coldly.

"Need light?" Mia asked in a low voice.

She brought a lantern beetle, which could provide lighting.

Yan Bing said coldly: "No, in such a dark environment, suddenly there is a light, it is easy to reveal the location."

"Yeah." Mia nodded and put away the lantern beetle.

"Go and check the situation of Ghost Team Three." Yan Bing said sideways.

"I'll go take a look." Mia stood up and walked not far away in the rain.

She came to a few huge rotten logs, reached out and easily lifted the rotten logs, revealing a hole below, with steps leading to the ground.

This underground cave was only dug when the ghost team arrived, so the environment is not good.

Catwoman walked down the stairs, and at the same time took out the lantern beetle to illuminate, so that she would not be afraid of being discovered by outsiders underground.

Deep underground, members of Ghost Team Three were tied up. They leaned against the wall and watched Catwoman approaching.

Heatherfin moved her body and said helplessly: "Sister Mia, this is just a drill, there is no need to tie it so tightly.

She and her sister Hai Fanni are both members of the third ghost team, except for the two, Yun Zou is also in the third ghost team.

"Exercise should also be treated as actual combat." Mia said with a smile on her lips.

Hai Fanny frowned: "Hands are numb."

"Be patient, wait until dawn." Mia said crisply.

After dawn, the exercise will be over, and the members of Ghost Team Three will naturally regain their freedom.

"Is it raining outside?" Heatherfin asked.

She heard the sound of rain and felt that the air humidity had increased a lot.

"Well, it's raining." Mia responded casually, and stepped forward to check the ropes on everyone to avoid accidents.

The first team of ghosts is the earliest team of the ghost special forces, and Catwoman does not want to lose to the members of the third and second teams of ghosts.

Mia checked it again and turned to leave after making sure there was no problem.

The underground cave became quiet again.

Heatherfin stared at the staircase entrance and listened carefully, only hearing the sound of rain and wind.

"What should we do now?" Hai Fanny looked at her younger sister with a questioning look in her eyes.

When Mia left, she didn't take the lantern beetle with her, which kept the environment of the underground cave from being invisible.

Heatherfine said with a serious face: "Of course I want to find a way to get out, so that I can have a chance to win the exercise."

"Let's find a way to untie the rope first." Yunyun said coldly.

Hai Fanny suggested: "Bite it with your teeth."

"These are spider silk ropes, how can they be so easy to bite off." Yun Yun said helplessly.

Another member of the tactical assassination team said: "It's useless to go out, we don't have crossbows and crossbow bolts.

Another said: "Yeah, not even ghost armor and ghost cloak shield."

Yun Yun's eyes flickered and said: "We don't have any equipment, so we have to rely on outsmarting, and when the first team of ghosts and the second team fight, then our chance will come.

Hai Fanny said in a serious tone: "That's right, but this is something to consider after getting out of trouble, now I have to think of a way, how to untie this spider silk rope to get out.

"I have a knife." Heatherfine said suddenly.

"What?" Hai Fanny, Yun Yun and the others were taken aback.

Heatherfin moved her foot and signaled: "The knife is in the shoe, they didn't find it.

This knife was told by Liyue to hide it, and it is the key to escape from the third ghost team.

There is a huge difference in strength between Ghost Team 3 and Ghost Team 1 and Team 2, and they play different identities in the exercise. If there is no possibility of escape, then Ghost Team 3 has no hope of winning

Compared with the first and second ghost teams who can move freely, the ghost team is at a disadvantage.

"Great, then we can get out of trouble." Hai Fanny's beautiful eyes lit up immediately...

Heatherfine signaled: "Sister, come and help take off your shoes, take out the knife first."

She was tied into a silkworm chrysalis shape by spider silk ropes, and she couldn't take off her shoes by herself.

"Okay." Hai Fanny exerted her strength, turned sideways and fell in front of her younger sister.


She twisted her body and turned sideways, groping for her sister's shoes with her two fingers that were still able to move, and soon found the short knife in the shoes.

"I found it." Hai Fanny's eyes lit up, and she began to carry her sister's shoestring on her back, and after half an hour of tossing and turning, she finally took out the knife from the shoe.

The knife is only two fingers wide and as long as an adult's middle finger.

"Quick, cut the spider silk rope on my feet first." Heatherfin urged.

Hai Fanny whispered: "Don't worry, I'm afraid of scratching your feet."

Her hands were tied behind her back, and it was very difficult to use a knife in this position, so she could only fumble slowly.

Yunyun anxiously said: "Speed ​​up [people in the Wanshi ghost team have always been troublesome."

"Understood." Hai Fanny had a straight face, holding the knife with her fingers to cut the spider silk.

The small knife is an intermediate magic tool, which can cut the spider silk rope.


With a soft sound, Hai Fanny successfully cut the spider silk rope on her sister's feet.

"Great." Heatherfine's eyes lit up, her ankles moved, and she broke free from the spider webs on her feet.

Half an hour later, she regained her freedom, and quickly picked up a knife to cut off the spiders on her body for others.

"Great, it's our turn to act." The highland guard's eyes sparkled.

Yunyun lowered her voice and said: "Shh, don't worry, wait until the second team and the first team fight before going out.

"That's right, we don't have any weapons and equipment. If we go out now, we will die." Hazelfin nodded in agreement.

"Then wait a little longer." Hai Fanny responded, putting the dagger close to her body.

Yunyun's eyes flickered slightly, and she said in a low voice: "We have to find a way to get weapons, otherwise it will be difficult to win against the first and second teams.

"Wait." Heatherfine said in a deep voice.

Several people sat around and discussed the next action in low voices.

The ghost team was formed the latest, and their strength is also the weakest. The hope of winning is very small, but if you don't give it a try, how do you know that you can't win.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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