"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

In the jungle on a rainy night, Elena galloped with four highland guards, and quickly approached the temporary stronghold of the ghost team.

"Who?" A cold voice sounded, and a figure silently appeared beside Elina.

"Mia, it's me." Alina said quickly.

"Erina, why did you come back so soon?" Mia stepped out of the darkness and stopped using her awakening ability.

Alina said helplessly: "The situation has changed, there is no way to ambush again, so I can only come back first."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Footsteps came, Yan Bing and others came.

"Is everyone alright?" Alina asked concerned.

Nijisha said crisply: "Huxi and the others didn't come, what can we do?"

"So you didn't gain anything from going out this time?" Mia looked at the pink-haired girl with a questioning look in her eyes.

Alina said crisply: "How is it possible, No. 15 and No. 16 have dealt with two people, and they are No. 7 and No. 8 of the second team.

"Well, it has weakened their strength." Mia nodded slowly.

Alina suggested to 13: "It's raining too much, you should stay here with peace of mind, it's easy to expose your identity when you go out."

Nijisha raised her hand to wipe the rain off her face, and said in a low voice, "I just don't know if the people from the second team can find it here."

"Don't underestimate Huxi and the others, they will find them sooner or later." Mia said seriously.

Yan Bing said, "Hide it, wait until dawn."

"Okay." Nijisha and the others responded, and scattered to hide.

Such an environment is like a fish in water for Mia, and she uses her awakening ability to blend into the darkness.


The rain continued, and the rain fell on the branches and leaves with a noisy sound. There was no other sound in the jungle except the sound of rain and wind.

Outside the jungle, Mu Liang watched the screen on the TV. The members of Ghost Team 1 were all hiding, and the members of Ghost Team 3 had escaped [Ghost Team is rushing to the location of Team 1.

He said calmly: "The soonest half an hour, they will meet."

"The most exciting part is coming." Sibeki said and took a bite of the fruit in her hand.

Yue Feiyan rubbed her hands together: "Fight, fight.

"There are still three hours, and it will be dawn." Li Yue glanced at the time on her watch.

"I hope you don't disappoint me." Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly.

In the jungle, Hu Xi slowed down his pace and whispered to the people behind him to stop: "Take a break."

Angela and the others did not make a sound, and stopped to rest quietly.

Hu Xi whispered: "You wait for me here, I'll go ahead and have a look."

Keina exhorted in a low voice: "Okay, pay attention to safety, come back immediately if something happens, or send a signal to remind."

The girl's awakening ability is space jump, so it would be best to let her go ahead to investigate the situation.

"Understood, don't worry." Hu Xi replied.

She maintained her invisibility state, cast her awakening ability and left the spot.

The space fluctuated a bit, and Huxi appeared on a big tree, the surrounding was pitch black, and the rain was dripping non-stop.

She held her breath, looked around with her beautiful eyes, carefully paying attention to all movements.


The next moment, a crossbow bolt shot out from the dark, flew past Hu Xi, and landed on a tree.

"Not good." Huxi's complexion changed, and his body disappeared in a flash.

Yan Bing frowned, put down the crossbow in his hand, and whispered: "Let her run away, I don't know who it is."

She felt that someone was coming, but it was too dark around, and with the influence of rain and wind, so she could only determine the approximate direction, and it was reasonable for the arrow to miss.

"The people from the second team are here." Nijisha clenched the crossbow in her hand and continued to remain invisible.

Huxi reappeared, still maintaining his invisibility, standing on a tree farther away.

She pressed her hand on the tree trunk, and it felt bad when it was wet.

"It seems that I found the right place." The corners of Huxi's lips rose.

She took out a few lantern beetles, her body flashed away from the original place, and reappeared in the previous position. After releasing the lantern beetles, she used the awakening ability again and disappeared.

The lantern beetle lit up, fluttered its wings and flew around, quickly lighting up the surrounding jungle.

Huxi stood on a tree branch in the distance, staring at the position shrouded in light, and raised his crossbow in his hand.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

As soon as the light of the lantern beetle appeared, the members of the second ghost team quietly approached.


The darkness at the edge of the light squirmed, and the crossbow shot out, shooting down a lantern beetle, reducing the range of light by one-third.

Mia used her awakening ability again, intending to shoot down the remaining lantern beetles.

Hu Ximei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he used space jump to get close to Mia, trying to subdue her.

As soon as she appeared, a pair of arms grew out of her body the next moment, covering her eyes and mouth.

Huxi's expression changed, "This is Nijisha's awakening ability.

She wanted to use her awakening ability to leave again, but she didn't have time to act, and the black shadow under her feet surged up, wrapping her body.

"You have been eliminated." A cold voice sounded, and a crossbow arrow landed on Huxi's forehead.


Hu Xi was stunned, Mia let go of her, leaving the crossbow on her forehead.

"Captain." The second ghost team exclaimed.

Mia's body merged into the darkness and left. At the same time, she shot down the remaining lantern beetles, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.

Hu Xi's face was dark, 680 stood still, she was full of depression, she didn't expect to be eliminated so soon.


The sound of flying crossbow arrows sounded again, and the curses of Wu E and FE sounded in the darkness.

Huxi's face turned even darker, knowing that one of his teammates had been eliminated again.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

Her ears moved. Someone was fighting in the dark, and it was fierce.

Huxi felt itchy, who would be fighting who.

"You were eliminated." Yan Bing's indifferent voice sounded.

The corner of Huxi's eyes twitched, the second team of Ghosts is going to lose, right?

"You were eliminated too." This was Keina's voice.

Hu Xi's beautiful eyes lit up, and hope was ignited in her heart, she really wanted to know what the final result would be, but she was already 'killed', so she could only stay where she was.

Time passed, the darkness gradually dissipated, and the rain and wind gradually became smaller.

In the jungle, the sound of fighting stopped, and the light shone on the ground through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

"The exercise is over." A clear voice sounded, and Mu Liang appeared in front of everyone with Li Yue, Yue Feiyan and others.

"Hello." Yue Feiyan waved her hand playfully.

Hu Xi blinked her beautiful eyes, the exercise is over, who will win?

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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