Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2357: Don't Get In The Way, Just Stay. (2 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Alina returned to the sixth floor of the highland, and walked towards the rest area of ​​the highland guards.

"Who saw Xiang Nuo?" she asked.

"Captain Elina, Xiang Sui has gone to the bathroom." Someone replied from afar.

Alina responded: "Okay, let her find me after she comes out, there is a task."

"Okay." The highland guards agreed.

When Xiangnuo came out holding her nose after going to the toilet, her teammate told Elena what she had said.

"Hey, I have a mission." Her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she hurriedly ran to Alina's office.

She ran into the office excitedly and shouted: "Captain Alina, what's the mission?"

"It's frizzy." Alina was startled, and the cup in her hand almost fell.

Xiang Nuo apologized without hesitation: "I'm sorry."

Alina put down the cup and said: "There is a task, and "Six Six Seven" needs your help with awakening ability.

"What mission?" Xiang Nuo asked.

She has been training for the past few days, and her life is very boring, and she needs a task to enrich herself.

"Looking for someone." Alina said lightly.

Xiang Nuo asked curiously, "Who are you looking for?"

Alina said concisely: "A vampire named Xue Ye, she was captured by the Immortals in the No. 9 Acropolis, and her whereabouts are unknown now, and I need your help to find her.

"Okay, do you have any photos?" Xiang Nuo asked quickly.

"Of course." Alina opened the desk drawer, took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Shaofu.

Xiang Nuo is only sixteen years old, but she is 1.77 meters tall, with a slender figure, an oval face, and beautiful watery eyes, giving people a very clever feeling.

She took the photo from the pink-haired girl, which was a promotional photo of Xue Ye wearing new clothes.

Xue Ye took a lot of pictures of clothing and upper body display, there are many photos.

Xiangnuo Jiaohan said: "It's pretty good-looking."

She is a member of the second highland guard team. Although she is also from the old continent, she is not the first batch of highland guards.

Alina said crisply: "Remember her appearance, now follow me to the place where she lives to find underwear.

"Yes." Xiangnuo nodded, and understood what she needed to do.

The two left the high ground and walked towards the residential area where Xue Ye lived.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"It's here." Alina glanced at the house number and walked upstairs.

Based on the registered information, the two found the house where Xue Ye lived.

Xiangnuo tried to push the door, but couldn't open it: "It seems that there is no key"

"Time is tight, just open the door." Alina said indifferently.

"What are you doing?" A serious voice sounded, and Brilang came up from the stairs, watching the pink-haired girl and Xiangnuo vigilantly.

"Are you here to steal something?" Brown asked.

He hadn't seen Xue Ye for two days, and he was a little worried. He wanted to see if she was at home, but he bumped into this scene unexpectedly.

Alina's eyes twitched.

She said coldly: "Look at the armor on my body, and say it again.

Brown was stunned for a moment, and quickly recognized the armor on the pink-haired girl, which belonged only to the guards around the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"You are someone close to His Majesty Xuanwu." He said in surprise.

"Yeah." Alina responded.

Brown thought a lot in his mind, and his complexion became ugly.

He asked: "Could it be that Xue Ye did something illegal?"

"No, she didn't break the law, she was just taken away." Alina said of course.

"Fortunately, as long as there is no violation of the law." Browne breathed a sigh of relief, and when he heard the second half of the sentence, his whole body froze.

He exclaimed, "What, she was taken away?"

"Keep your voice down." Alina said coldly.

Brown quickly reached out to cover his mouth, his eyes were shining with worry.

Xiang Nuo asked, "Who are you?"

Browne replied: "I'm Xue Ye's friend, and we all belong to the same family."

"Then do you have a way to open this door?" Xiang Nuo motioned for the door.

"No, the keys are all with Xue Ye." Brown shook his head.

Alina waved her hand and said: "Then you are useless, go back quickly, don't disturb our work."

Brown said with a straight face: "That's not okay, what if you steal Xue Ye's things after you go in?"

"..." Xiangnuo twitched the corners of her mouth, resisting the urge to teach the man a lesson.

"He's right, let him watch." Alina said calmly.

"Yes." Xiangnuo nodded.

Alina stopped talking, raised her hand to grab the doorknob, and pressed down hard.


With a sound of cracking, the door lock was completely snapped off.


Alina pushed open the rickety wooden door, and stepped into Xue's house...

The corners of Brown's eyes twitched, and he hurriedly stepped in to follow.

Xue Ye's home is very clean and tidy, and it can be seen that she usually cleans.

"It's so clean." Brown murmured.

Since he came to the Xuanwu Kingdom, he has no maids and servants around him, and the place he lives in has become a doghouse.

The man originally thought that Xue Ye's house was like this, but now it seems that only he can do that.

"It's pretty clean." Xiang Nuo nodded in agreement.

Alina signaled: "Find a piece of underwear, and leave when you're done."

"Okay." Xiang Nuo replied, and walked to the closet.

"Wait, Tian Xueye's underwear." Brendan's eyes widened.

"Why do you have so many questions?" Xiang Nuo glared at him.

Alina looked at the man coldly and said: "The underwear has her smell, you can find someone by smell, understand?"

"Is it okay?" Browne frowned.

"Okay, don't get in the way, just stay there." Xiang Nuo waved her hand and opened Xue Ye's closet.

There weren't many clothes in the closet, so she quickly found a dress that looked like a bellyband, lowered her head and sniffed it, and there was a faint fragrance.

"This should be the smell of Xue Ye." She muttered, "Put away your clothes.

Xiangnuo walked towards the bed, smelled the pillow and quilt, the smell was the same as the clothes. 0.9 Brown's eyes were strange, and he suspected that the two were acting, but there was no evidence to prove it.

"Okay." Xiangnuo said crisply.

Alina said crisply: "Then let's go, don't waste any more time."

The two ignored Braun and walked out of the room.

Brown thought of something, and asked: "Wait, who has Xue Ye been taken away, will she be okay?"

"If we knew, we wouldn't come here." Alina looked coldly.

She indifferently said: "Today's matter, I hope you keep your mouth shut and don't reveal the news, which will affect our mission."

Brown's body trembled, and he quickly nodded in agreement.

"Very good." Satisfied, Alina turned around and left with Xiang Nuo.

Someone from behind came to handle the door and replaced it with a new one.

ps: [2 more]: I wish you all a happy new year. .

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