Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2358: It's A Pervert. (1 More)

In Acropolis No. 9, the vortex in the space portal rotated rapidly, and legs wearing nine-color armor stepped out.

"Here we are." Alina exhaled, and walked out of the portal.

Xiangnuo followed behind, the ghost cloak and shield hanging down behind him.

The soldiers stationed beside the portal raised their hands in salute, and the two saluted back before turning around and leaving the building where the portal was located.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Elina and Xiang Nuo were walking on the long street, attracting many people's attention.

"Quick, use your awakening ability and start looking for someone." Alina urged.

"Okay." Xiang Nuo replied, took out Xue Ye's clothes, put it under her nose and sucked it hard.


She groaned, her pretty face blushed, and she remembered Xue Ye's smell.

The passing little boy tugged at his mother's hand, and said in disgust, "Hey, mother, look at that Aunt, holding the clothes and sucking so hard, she's a pervert.

The corners of Xiangnuo's eyes twitched, and she turned her head to glare at the rambunctious little boy.

"Ah, it's Aunt's fault for staring at me." The little boy screamed.

"It's impolite, go away." The boy's mother said embarrassingly, and pulled her son away quickly.


Alina couldn't hold back, covered her mouth and smiled happily.

"Captain, don't laugh anymore," Xiangtang said angrily.

Alina coughed twice, then smiled and said: "Ahem, stop laughing, you need to find someone."

"Understood." Xiangnuo said in a resentful tone, put away her clothes and began to smell the air.

She moved her nose, shook her head and said, "No, there is no smell of Miss Xue here."

Alina said crisply: "She probably didn't leave here, I'll take you to the place where she died."

She knew the details of Xue Ye's accident, and she knew which street it happened on.

"Okay." Xiangnuo nodded, followed the pink-haired girl to another long street.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"It's here." Alina stopped, and in front of her was the place where Xue Ye's accident happened.

"I can smell it." Xiangnuo's eyes lit up.

As she spoke, she took out Xue Ye's clothes, took another deep breath, ignored the strange eyes around her, and went into the alley.

Elina's pink eyes lit up, and she followed into the alley. The next moment her body entered the shadows, nine colored lights flashed on her body, and she entered an invisible state.

"I am in the dark, but you are in the light." She said coldly.

"Yes." Xiangnuo replied, and continued to follow the smell.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two walked through the long alley, one in the dark and the other in the light, and came to another long street.

Xiang Nuo stopped walking, moved her nose, turned around in a circle, and continued to run towards the street.

Elena followed closely behind, holding a short knife in her hand, and could control the magnetic force to make the short knife fly at any time.

Ten minutes later, Gu stopped in front of the first building.

"The smell here is the strongest." She said seriously.

"You can really run, this place is completely in the opposite direction from where Xue Ye's accident happened." Elina complained secretly.

Xiangnuo walked towards the building, paused in front of each door, and then went to the second floor, where the smell of snow became more intense.

"Here." She took a light step and continued to stop in front of the door on the second floor.

Elina raised her finger, and the flying knife was suspended in the air, ready to attack.


Xiang Nuo stopped in front of the innermost door of the corridor, pointed at the door with a serious face, and opened her mouth soundlessly.

Alina stepped forward, stared at the closed door, remembered the house number on it, and then raised her hand to knock on the door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

The moment the door rang, Xiang Nuo widened her beautiful eyes, quickly pulled the ghost cloak shield to cover her body, and entered a state of invisibility.

Quiet, the corridor was silent, and there was no movement in the room.

Alina frowned, raised her hand and knocked on the door again.

"Lu Lupin~~1

After the door rang, it became very quiet again, and there was no sound from inside the house.

"Strange." Xiang Nuo lifted the ghost cloak and shield, leaned close to the door with her ears, and listened carefully to the movement in the room.

After a while, she turned her head and whispered: "There seems to be no one inside."

"Then open the door." Alina revealed her figure.

"Okay." Xiang Nuo replied.

Alina didn't open the door violently this time, but took out a short knife and cut open the door lock directly, as if cutting tofu.


The door was opened, revealing the dark interior.

Xiangnuo walked into the room vigilantly, Xue Ye's smell became stronger.

She looked around the house, but saw no one.

"Captain, there is no one, he must have run away." Xiang Nuo said with a serious face.

"One step too late." Alina's expression turned cold.

Xiangnuo shrank her neck, came to the bedside to smell the smell, and said seriously: "Miss Xue Ye has been lying on the bed, judging by the strong smell, she should have left for three hours.

Alina raised her watch and looked at it, frowned and said: "Three hours, that's when it's just dawn.

Xiangnuo nodded and continued to search for clues in the room, but unfortunately there was no other valuable information except the smell.

She reminded: "Captain, we can go to the rental office to look up the renter's information.

"Well, let's go." Alina nodded, and by the way, notified people to come here to guard, so as not to miss someone after returning.

The two left the building and went straight to the rental office.

After seeing the identity tokens of the two, the staff hurriedly searched for the recent rental registration information from 860.

"When was Room 301, Building 6, Jiaqi Street rented out?" Elena asked seriously.

"My lord, wait a moment, I'll check." The staff hurriedly flipped through the registration book, looking for the rental record of Room 301, Building 6, Jiaqi Street.

After a while, the staff flicked the pages and their eyes lit up: "I found it."

Alina raised her chin: "Say."

"My lord, Room 301, Building 6, Jiaqi Street, was rented out half a year ago. The person who rented the room is Li Yu, and his ID number is: 34802..."

Alina frowned, picked up the registration book to check for herself, the house that was rented out half a year ago, could it be that the person who kidnapped Xue Ye started planning this matter half a year ago?

Xiangnuo guessed: "Li Yu, it should be just the renter of the house, but the person living in it is not him.

Elina nodded slowly, and ordered: "I'll investigate this Li Yu, and you can continue to find Miss Xueye according to the smell."

"Okay." Xiang Nuo raised her hand in salute, took Xue Ye's clothes and left.

Alina remembered Li Yu's registration information, turned around and left.

Xiangnuo returned to Building 6, Jiaqi Street, and walked around outside before finding the smell of Xue Ye leaving.

She followed the smell again and went straight to the gate of the No. 9 Acropolis.


ps: [1 update]: I wish you all a happy new year.

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