Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2365: It's Too Fast. (2 More)

The fox fairy looked expectantly and said: "Take out the missile quickly, I'll see what it looks like.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled.

With a wave of his hand, he first hardened the surface of the cloud platform and covered it with a layer of glass, otherwise the missile launcher would shake if it landed on it.

After doing all this, Mu Liang took out the missiles from the portable space and fired the missiles into Lingo.

There are four missiles, all of which are very similar in appearance, and the difference can only be seen in the materials.

Each missile is three meters long and half a meter in diameter, and looks like an enlarged version of a bullet.

The shells of the four missiles are made of glass, purple-patterned light steel, monster materials, and monster materials.

Except for the missile made of glazed material, the shells of the other three missiles are all engraved with magic circles, and they are also Mu Liang's most promising test products.

Hu Immortal watched the missile launching the spirit weapon, and commented: "It looks like an enlarged version of the spirit weapon cannon."

"It's a bit like it." Mu Liang raised his hand and patted the spiritual weapon beside him.

The missile launcher is huge, with a height of more than five meters. It looks like an enlarged version of the spirit weapon cannon, with a launch tube that is more than three meters long.

Its whole body is as black as ink, the inner wall of the launch tube is made of monster materials, and the outer shell is made of purple pattern light steel.

With Mu Liang's hand on the 597, the launch tube of the missile launcher began to move, and the base was firmly fixed on the glass.

"Get up." With a slight lift of his finger, the glass-encased missile flew up and filled into the missile launch tube.


The missile fell into the launch tube perfectly, and Mu Liang adjusted the launch angle, and activated the live-streaming Lingo on the warhead.

He took out the TV and connected it with the live streaming device, so he could see the screen in real time.

"Cover your ears." Mu Liang glanced at the fox fairy.

"Okay." The fox fairy responded.

Mu Liang raised his hand and pressed the beast spar on the missile launcher,

After a shock, the magic array in the launch tube was activated, and a high pressure burst out, and the missile was launched in the blink of an eye, flying towards the distant sea level.


The sound of the missile launch was loud, and the fox-tailed woman covered her ears, still feeling a little deafening.

Mu Liang murmured softly: "The launch power is not enough, but the power is not provided by launching spiritual weapons, it is enough to fly out.

Each missile has a "power system" that allows the missile to continue flying forward after it breaks away from the launcher until it hits the target or runs out of energy. (chcc)


There was a strong wind sound from the TV, and the missile flew very fast, flying thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye.

Hu Immortal put down his hand and looked forward, and said softly: "I can't see it anymore."

"Let's watch TV." Mu Liang sat down and watched the screen on the TV.

It can be seen that the missile flies at a very high altitude, more than a thousand meters away from the sea.

If you look down from a high place, you can see that the glass shell missile is flying very stably, the tail of the missile is shining with light, and jets of gas flames are sprayed out, which means the magic circle is in operation.

There is a magic circle in the missile, which is the key to the missile's ultra-long-distance flight. When the energy in the magic circle is exhausted, the missile will lose its flight power.

Hu Xian sat down and stared at the TV screen, waiting for the missile to stop.

"What do you want it to attack?" she asked casually.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "I don't know, let it fly for a while and see how far the limit can fly."

For this test, thick flight endurance is critical.

The fox fairy tilted his head: "Then if it keeps flying, we'll just wait here?"

"No, we can go back to have dinner later." Mu Liang smiled slightly.

It has calculated the energy of the magic circle in the missile, and it is not a problem to let the missile fly for an hour. As for the limit, it depends on the specific performance of the real object.

Hu Xianmei said: "The remaining missiles will be tested tomorrow. When it gets dark, you will not be able to see the target clearly."

"Well, listen to you." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

Time passed, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the missiles in the TV video screen were still flying.

Twenty minutes later, the picture on the TV became darker, but the land was visible in the picture transmitted by the missile.

"This is the New World?" Hu Immortal widened her pink eyes.

This missile is flying too fast.

"Of course." Mu Liang chuckled lightly.

With a thought, he controlled the missile to aim at a barren mountain.

The next moment, a violent explosion sounded, and then the picture was interrupted.


"It exploded. It's a pity that we can't see how powerful it is." Mu Liang said regretfully, and decided to go to the scene tomorrow to see how destructive it is.

After the missile explodes, the live broadcast spirit weapon will be directly thrown away.

The fox fairy opened his mouth, and he also wanted to know how powerful it was.

Mu Liang stood up and said: "Let's go, go back to have dinner.

"Okay." Hu Xian smiled charmingly.

Mu Liang took the fox-tailed woman with him and disappeared in place. As for the missile launcher, there is a rock turtle, so no one will steal it.


The two returned to the palace on the eighth floor of the highland, when Yue Qinlan, Li Yue and the others happened to come back, and they took a photo of each other.

"Mu Liang." Li Yue's beautiful silver eyes lit up.

Mu Liang said crisply: "I've been busy so far, thank you for your hard work."

"Mu Liang, I miss you so much." Alina's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Mu Liang's beautiful eyes twitched lightly: "Think so?"

"Yes, I really want to." Alina nodded vigorously.

Li Yue's eyes flickered slightly, and she glanced sideways at the pink-haired Shao'an.

Alina poked the silver-haired girl's hand with her arm, teasingly said: "Li Yue, you must also miss Mu Liang very much."

Li Yue blushed slightly, calmly said: "Think."

Alina looked like I saw through everything, and said with a coquettish smile: "Giggle, I knew it.

"Who doesn't want Mu Liang, tell me?" Hu Immortal rolled up his hair from his temples, and scanned the crowd with rose red eyes.

"Hehehe, everyone wants to." Alina smiled playfully.

Mu Liang said softly: "Alright, let's pack up and have dinner.


The girls went back to the palace, changed into comfortable clothes, and then gathered in the restaurant.

Mino walked into the restaurant, his rabbit ears stood up, and his beautiful eyes fell on the page.

She said pleasantly, "Mu Liang, are you done?"

"I'm done with today's work." Mu Liang said softly.

Minuo was stunned for a while, "muttered: "Today...then you have to be busy tomorrow?"

"Yes." Mu Liang reached out and rubbed the head of the girl with rabbit ears.

"Thank you." Mino said charmingly.

"Hahaha, sit down." Mu Liang nodded his chin.

"Okay." The girls sat down.

The little maid helped serve the rice, and everyone began to enjoy dinner.

Li Yue lowered her head: "Mu Liang, the Immortals haven't been caught yet.

"Well, there's no rush." ​​Mu Liang said indifferently.

Elina's expression also became serious: "Mu Liang, we will find the members of the Immortals as soon as possible."

"Let's eat first, and we'll talk about the work after we finish." Mu Liang said softly.

"Yes." Alina nodded quickly.

. . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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