Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2366: Accompanied By Beautiful Women, Not Bitter. (1 More)

After dinner, Mu Liang returned to the study, followed by Elina, Li Yue and others.

"Sit down." Mu Liang sat on the dragon chair, his eyes fell on the table, and the corners of his mouth moved.

I saw hundreds of documents piled up on the desktop, the thin ones were only one page, and the thick ones were more than a dozen pages, and they were very thick when stacked together.

"It's not too much, you can finish it in one night." Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes playfully.

"I'll talk about it later." Mu Liang smiled wryly, and moved the document to the side.

Li Yue and the others straightened their backs and looked at Mu Liang in unison, with serious expressions on their faces.

Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with a smile: "Why are you so stern, do I look like you can eat people?"

"If you want to talk about business, it's better to be serious." Yan Bing said seriously.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and gestured: "Okay, who will talk first about the investigation status of the immortals.

"I'll do it." Yan Bing said coldly.

"En." Mu Liang raised his eyes.

Yan Bing took out the notepad, flipped through two pages, and then said, "According to the investigation information, the Immortal Organization has been established for more than a thousand years.

"The Immortals don't have a good reputation. They once researched a potion that allows users to live ten years longer." She continued.

Alina blinked her beautiful pink eyes: "This potion is quite powerful."

Yan Bing shook his head, and said coldly: "The price of taking the potion is that you will become unconscious, and like the White Walkers, you will be thirsty for human blood, and it will be contagious."

"Forget it, it's not a potion, it's a poison." Alina quickly waved her hand.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he said to himself, "It sounds a lot like a zombie virus."

Yan Bingyu was astonished and said: "Not only these, in order to study longevity, the Immortals have experimented with newborn babies and pregnant women..."

"What?" Alina and Nijisha exclaimed at the same time.

"Such an organization should not exist." Mu Liang's eyes flashed coldly.

Alina gritted her teeth and said: "Damn it, even the newborn child will not be spared."

Nijisha's blue eyes sparkled coldly, and she said coldly: "No, it's too annoying, don't let me catch them, or they will be hacked to death with a scraper.

"Continue." Mu Liang tapped his fingers on the table.

Yan Bing continued: "There is more than one Longevity Research Institute, which is distributed in various kingdoms, and their longevity research results are shared.

Elena said angrily: "If they dare to build a longevity research institute in the Xuanwu Kingdom, I will be the first to disagree."

"It's not your turn, and Mu Liang doesn't agree." Nijisha glanced at the pink-haired girl.

"Don't interrupt." Li Yue reminded.

"Okay." Nijisha and Alina were honest, and continued to listen to Yan Bing.

Yan Bing said indifferently: "The Immortals have studied orcs, elves, various monsters and spirit beasts, and have produced some useful potions, but compared to their past, it is far from enough."

Li Yue said indifferently: "No matter what, if you dare to violate the constitution in the Xuanwu Kingdom, you should be punished.

"Yes." Alina and Nijisha nodded in agreement.

Mu Liang asked in a calm tone: "How is Xueye's matter handled?"

Elina pursed her lips, and said in a serious tone: "Xue Ye has been rescued, but the Immortals escaped and are still wanted.

Li Yue added: "According to Xue Ye's description, the ones who took her abducted were Magev, Cherer, and Delaki, all of whom were servants.

"Are there any traces of the three?" Mu Liang nodded and asked.

Li Yue shook her head: "Not yet, after the three escaped from the No. 9 Acropolis, the traces disappeared."

"How to arrange the follow-up?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

"Their photos have been published in the newspaper, and at the same time, people are sent to search for them at major railway stations, animal stations, airship yards, customs import and export." Li Yue said.

Mu Liang reminded: "Well, restaurants, Samsung buildings and other places where you can stay overnight have to be checked."

"I will arrange it." Li Yue nodded.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "But don't waste too much energy on this matter, just follow the arrangement mentioned above and it's enough, there are many more important things to do.'

"Yes." Alina and the others agreed.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked, "Well, is there another heavy one?"

"Uh, Mu Liang, is this the end of the matter of the Immortals?" Alina blinked her pink eyes.

Mu Liang said with a serious face: "You have already arranged how to deal with it, so there is nothing to say, I believe in your ability."

Alina saluted excitedly: "Your Majesty will not be disappointed.

………… Ask for flowers…

Liyue and Nijisha were also shaken in their hearts, and secretly vowed to deal with these things well and not let Mu Liang be distracted.

"Okay, there's no one else here." A smile flashed in Mu Liang's eyes.

The Xuanwu Kingdom is very large and there are many things. He can't take care of everything and can only rely on his subordinates to deal with it.

Mu Liang knew Liyue and the others, and he also knew himself. How could the ghost special forces he cultivated be so bad.

"Okay." Alina blushed pretty.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice: "So, is there anything else?"

Liyue said: "Yes, a batch of live-streaming spirit weapons have been produced, do you want to send people to distant kingdoms and big cities first?"

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Okay, send it to the distant one first, and then send it to the nearby kingdom and big city after the new live broadcast spirit weapon is made later."


This matter was what he said was more important than the capture of the three Magoffs.

"Yes." Li Yue agreed.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "If there is nothing else, let's go."

Elena and the others looked at each other, and there was nothing else to do, so they got up and left the study, leaving Liyue to stay in the study.

Mu Liang looked at the silver-haired girl stretching out her slender palm.

Li Yue's slender eyelashes trembled, she put her hand on Mu Liang's palm, and said softly, "Mu Liang, let me organize the files for you."

"Okay." Mu Liang responded.

He opened the documents and began to approve them one by one.

Liyue kept quiet, and put away the documents by category, according to the Acropolis No. 1 to No. 12.

"It's only been five days, and so many documents have been piled up." Mu Liang sighed.

Liyue said softly: "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not bitter to be accompanied by a beautiful woman." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he raised his hand to gently scrape the bridge of the silver-haired girl's nose.

Li Yue blushed slightly, thought of something, and quickly reminded: "Mu Liang, the start time of the Holy Land meeting has to be determined in advance.

Send the spiritual artifact live, and also inform the king and city of the Great Kingdom of the start time of the Holy Land Conference.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and finally said: "Then it will be in fifteen days."

"Fifteen days later, I understand." Li Yue kept it in her heart, and when she was about to send someone to deliver the live broadcast spiritual weapon, she passed the message along.


ps: [1 more]: Please customize the size. .

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