Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2367: A Special Way To Enter The City. (2 More)

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The melodious sound of the bell marks the beginning of a new day in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In the forest outside No. 8 Acropolis, Magev and the others sat cross-legged.

"What should we do now?" Cherrell scratched his head, and looked at Ma Lutian and De Zhiji, who were facing gloomy faces.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Mageff glared at him.

Cherrell pursed his lips and looked at Draki.

Delaji narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Why, if I want to find a way, what is the use of you?"

"..." Cherrell twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, who made him the lowest.

Magev said in a deep voice: "There are portraits of us everywhere outside, if we don't pretend, we can't go out at all.

They had been out for the past few days and wanted to enter the No. 8 Acropolis. At the gate of the city, they saw someone holding portraits of the three of them, checking the passing Zeng cars one by one.

"Well, I have to find a way to disguise it." De "150" Ciji said seriously.

"How to pretend?" Cherrell blinked his eyes.

Drake glared at him: "Then you have to think of a way.

..." Cherrell twitched the corner of his mouth, why is it him again.

He whispered: "Dragi, last time I thought of a way, and then we can only hide here, are you sure you want me to think of a way?"

"...You shut up." Drake said with a black face.

"Oh." Cherrell closed his mouth as he wished.

Draki looked sideways at the other person present, with a look that could not be refused.

Magov is the first and the second is the biggest, and you want him to advise?

He said in a deep voice, "Let me think about it..."

Magev sneered in his heart, he couldn't even think of a way to disguise his identity, how did Draki become a fifth-rank waiter?

"Think quickly, don't waste time." Deshiji said coldly.

"Yes." Magev curled his lips secretly, and began to think of ways to disguise his identity one by one.

Cherrell couldn't help asking: "Well, what are we going to do in town?"

Drake said unhappily: "Of course it's the next target."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Cherrell laughed dryly.

Xue Ye ran away, they couldn't explain to Feng Zhe, they could only find a way to catch another vampire.

According to the clues they investigated, there are four vampires in Acropolis No. 8, and they are all pure blood vampires, who are also members of the Yeyue family.

Delaji said solemnly: "This time I caught the target, knocked out directly, and then tried to transport it out. I can't make the same mistake as before."

"Let's talk about it after entering the city." Magev whispered.

Delaki glared at him, and reprimanded him: "Why don't you come up with a solution quickly?"

"I'm thinking." The corners of Magev's eyes twitched, and he was even more sure in his heart that he had to become stronger, and his status had to be higher than Drake's.

"How about we dig a tunnel into the city?" Cherrell suggested.

"Don't think of such an unrealistic approach." Dragi headed forward.

"Oh." Cherrell closed her mouth tactfully.

Magev's eyes lit up immediately, and he said happily, "No, we can enter the city through the sewer."

"Sewer, sewage pipe?" Dela twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah." Magoff nodded quickly.

"....." Dracchi's face darkened.

Magev whispered: "This is the safest way, and there is no need to pretend.

There is a drainage system in the Acropolis, and there are drainage wells and sewage outlets on the street, which are covered with well covers on weekdays.

When he first arrived at the Acropolis, he was curious about the covers on the street. After asking the local people, he learned that those were used for drainage and sewage.

Drake gritted his teeth: "Is this the way you want?"

Magev said helplessly: "This is the only way, I can't climb the city wall or fly in..."

Drake said angrily: "If you can fly, you still need to think of a way?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't be discovered." Cherrell quickly reminded.

Magoff shut up.

The three of them fell silent, and Dragi pondered with a gloomy face. It might really be the best way to enter the No. 8 Acropolis through the sewage pipe.

After catching the target, leave the No. 8 Acropolis through the sewage pipe. Everything will be hidden without anyone noticing. The Xuanwu Kingdom can't send people to guard the sewage outlet.

"Wait until it gets dark." Drake sighed, as if he had made up his mind.

"Okay." Cherrell and Magev agreed.


Dracchi looked ugly, and he was hungry again.

When they escaped from the No. 9 Acropolis, they didn't bring any food with them, and many things were left on the beast cart.

The three of them hid in Tibet, and finally arrived outside the No. 8 Acropolis. On the way, they relied on stealing fruits and digging sweet potatoes to satisfy their hunger.

Delaji said in a deep voice: "Look around to see if there is any food nearby, and you can't act hungry."

He was afraid that after getting into the underground sewage pipe, he would not want to eat, so it is better to fill his stomach now...

"I'll go out and have a look." Magoff stood up.

The jungle they were in had no fruit trees, let alone green vegetables like sweet potatoes.


Cherrell's stomach also groaned, followed by Desaki's stomach groaning.

"Stop your stomach." Drake said angrily.

"...I'll go find something to eat." Cherrell got up and walked out of the jungle with black lines all over his face.

Half an hour later, the two returned to their original spot, holding many tomatoes in their arms, which they had stolen from the farmland outside No. 8 Acropolis.

Mageff sat down, put down the tomato and said, "This is the only thing left."

"Something is better than nothing." Deciji pouted, picked up the tomato and ate it.


"It's quite delicious." Cherrell's eyes lit up, and he took three bites of a tomato.

Delaji said hoarsely: "Eat this, how can I fill my stomach, I still have to go to the city to find something to eat later."

"Hmm." Mageff nodded with his mouth puffed up.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened.

The three immortals did not act rashly, but waited until the dead of night before walking out of the jungle towards the wall of the No. 8 Acropolis.

"Find the sewage outlet first. Dracchi said with a serious face.

"Yes." Magav and Cherrell responded in low voices.

The three of them came under the city wall and spread out to find the entrance of the sewer pipe.

Half an hour later, the three gathered again [and found the sewer exit of Xiaochuan Acropolis.

Magav 4.1 said in a deep voice: "That's the sewage treatment plant..."

The sewer of Acropolis No. 8 is connected to the sewage treatment plant, and the sewage generated every day will flow into the treatment plant, and will be discharged into the Xuanwu River after treatment.

"Let's go, don't waste time." Drake stepped forward.

Cherrell and Magav looked at each other, and hurriedly followed, avoiding the staff of the sewage treatment plant, and found the entrance to the sewer.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Sewage continuously flowed out from the glazed pipes, exuding a pungent smell.


Magav's throat moved, and the smell of sewage was hard to describe.

"You go first." Drake kicked Magoff.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and get into the sewer.

Drake and Cherrell followed in.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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