Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2370: Repression Of Business Mind. (1 More)

"Miss Lorna?" Sa Qi's pupils contracted, and he stared at the fox fairy who stood up, his face full of nervousness.

The fox fairy glanced at the man, pretending to be surprised and asked: "You know her too?"

"I don't know, who is she?" Sa Qi asked curiously.

The fox fairy said casually: "The noble lady of Haiting Kingdom manages a chamber of commerce by herself.

Sa Qi couldn't help asking: "She also has mirage skin, or is it eighth-level?"

"En." The fox fairy raised her eyelids and nodded.

She said slowly: "If you have nothing else to do, you can go back.

After finishing speaking, the fox-tailed woman turned around and was about to leave, counting in her heart: "One, two, three..."

"Wait a minute." Sa Qi couldn't help shouting.

"What's the matter?" Hu Immortal frowned, and a cold light flashed in his red eyes.

Sa Qi thumped in his heart, seeing the performance of the foxtail woman, she really didn't care about the mirage insect skin on her hand.

He looked serious, and said sincerely: "Since Your Excellency Hu Immortal wants to see me, he should also be interested in the mirage skin in my hand.

Hu Immortal glanced at him and said, "Your Excellency Sa Qi is very confident."

Sa Qi said with a serious face: "Since Your Excellency Fox Fairy needs mirage insect skin, why don't you just buy it from me, which can save time and money. 817"

The fox fairy asked in the tone of a fool: "I can buy better ones for the money I paid for your mirage skin, so why should I buy it with you?"

Sa Qi gritted his teeth, and said sincerely: "I can give you a little discount, and I will trade 300,000 yuan of Xuanwu coins to you."

He only wanted to make a deal with Fox Immortal now, it was one thing to make less money, the key was not to offend her, otherwise there would be no preferential price for business transactions with Xuanwu Kingdom in the future, and the losses would be really heavy.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand Xuanwu coins." Hu Immortal said coldly.

Sa Qi gritted his teeth, and finally nodded: "Okay, just 250,000 Xuanwu coins."

The corners of Fox Immortal's lips raised slightly, and he stretched out his hand to caress the space storage magic tool, took out a small box, and placed it in front of the man.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand yuan, you can count it." She said lightly.

"Okay." Sa Qi frowned slightly, why did he take out exactly 250,000 Xuanwu coins?

He didn't want to understand it, and thought it was a coincidence for a while.


Sa Qi opened the box and began to count the amount of Xuanwu coins.

The fox fairy took away the mirage worm skin and put it in the space storage magic tool and put it away.


After counting the Xuanwu coins, Sa Qi had a happy expression on his face, 250,000 yuan, not a penny missing.

"Is there a problem?" Hu Immortal asked calmly.

Sa Qi shook his head: "No."

"Then sign it, so as to avoid transaction disputes in the future. Hu Immortal said and took out two contracts.

Sa Qi nodded, he didn't think it was wrong, he was used to it that he had to sign a contract when doing business with the Xuanwu Kingdom.

He read the content of the contract, signed his name after confirming that there was no problem, and then pressed his fingerprint.

"Okay, the transaction is over, money and goods are settled." Hu Xian put away the contract, left a faint smile, turned around and left with Yao'er.

Sa Qi sighed: "Oh, the difference between one million yuan and two hundred and fifty thousand yuan is too much...

The joy of a successful transaction was diluted, and the man regretted it a little.

However, if the seventh-order mirage worm skin was sold for 250,000 basalt coins, he did not lose money, but earned a little less.

"Lorna, why haven't I heard of this person before..." Sa Qi muttered, turned and left.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Hu Xian and Yao Er got into the car and drove towards the high ground.

In the car, Yao Er blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "Master Hu Immortal, Miss Luo Na made it up, right?"

"Can't you see through lies?" The fox fairy glanced at the little maid amusedly.

Yao'er smiled like a flower and said: "Hehehe, Mr. Hu Immortal is very smart, and he spends a lot less Xuanwu coins.

"It's not easy to make money, if you can save it, you can save it." Hu Immortal smiled lightly.

Yao Er worried: "But there is only one dbbh skin, I don't know if your Majesty will have enough."

Hu Xian Mei said: "Enough is enough, don't forget what Mu Liang's ability is, one can turn into two or three mirage insect skins."

Suddenly, Yao Er remembered Mu Liang's ability to 'copy'.

"I forgot, His Majesty has too many abilities." She said delicately.

"Who says it's not." The fox fairy raised his hand and rolled up his temple hair.

Yao Er smiled sweetly and said: "Your Majesty will be very happy to see the mirage skin."

The fox fairy smiled, it was natural, otherwise he would not have personally negotiated the deal.

Soon after, the car drove into the highland and drove along the Panshan Road to the eighth floor of the highland.

The fox fairy got off the car and walked into the palace step by step.

"Master Hu Immortal is back." Xiao Zi and the others greeted obediently.

Hu Immortal asked casually: "Has Mu Liang returned?"

Xiao Zi shook her head and said, "No, Your Majesty and Miss Li Yue went to test-fire missiles."


Fox Immortal pouted, and took out the box from the space storage magic tool: "This is the mirage insect skin, send it to the study for storage, I'm going back to the commercial city, I still have things to do in the afternoon.

Xiao Zi took the box: "OK~~~"

The fox fairy left the palace and returned directly to Shanhai Commercial City through the portal.

On the other side, the fog is overseas.

Mu Liang fired the last missile, and his attention fell on the TV screen.

Today's missile test firings were aimed not far away from each other, very close to the impact point of the glazed shell missile last night. This is for the convenience of viewing the power of different missiles.


The fourth missile is made of monster materials. Compared with the other missiles, its flight speed is faster, which is related to the difference in the magic circle depicted in the missile.

Mu Liang looked at the silver-haired girl, and said peacefully, "You wait for me here, I'll go to the New World to see."

"Go." Li Yue nodded obediently.

Mu Liang nodded lightly, turned around and walked out, his body disappeared on the cloud platform.

He used space jump and quickly threw it to the new continent.

When we came to the New World, not far away was the place where the first missile exploded.

There used to be a rocky mountain there, but a deep pit has been blasted out by the missile at this time, and the diameter of the affected area exceeds a kilometer.

Mu Liang looked at the deep pit with a depth of 100 meters, with a satisfied smile on his face. The power of such an explosion is enough to kill most master-level masters.

He looked around the environment, here is a wasteland, without cities and villages.

"It would be great if there were satellites, so that the missiles could adjust their targets independently." Mu Liang looked up at the sky, his deep eyes flickering slightly.

He had an idea in his mind and was going to go back and conduct experiments again.

Before that, Mu Liang had to go and see how much damage the other three missiles had caused.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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