Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2371: Things That Offend People. (2 More)


Liyue sat on the cloud platform, staring at the turbulent sea below, with the stormy sea and the towering mist behind her.

She raised her eyes and looked into the distance, and whispered softly: "I haven't come back yet..."

It has been nearly three hours since Mu Liang left, and he has not returned yet.

Liyue waited patiently, thinking in her heart, she couldn't be made to wait until it got dark.

Not long after, the space beside the silver-haired girl fluctuated, and the familiar figure stepped out.

"I kept you waiting for so long." Mu Liang apologized.

"No, how's the situation?" Li Yue's silvery white eyes lit up, and she stood up quickly.

Mu Liangyan explained concisely: "The missile is more powerful than imagined. The four missiles have their own advantages. I plan to integrate them and redesign a new missile.

"Okay, then I'll be busy when I go back." Li Yue said softly.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Yes, we still have to find a way to make the satellite."

He already has an idea for the production of satellites, which are mainly for missiles, and do not need to be as complicated as the satellites of the previous life on Earth.

Mu Liang plans to use the signal tower of the TV set, and it will be much simpler to do so with satellites.

At the beginning, in order to sell TV sets, aerial signal towers were built in the old and new continents. With a little improvement, they can also function as 'satellites' and become the 'eyes' of missiles

These are all hypotheses, and Mu Liang has to go back and study them before he can determine whether they can be done.

"What is a satellite?" Liyue asked in surprise.

Mu Liangyan explained concisely, and soon the silver-haired girl understood.

Liyue said softly: "The workload has increased again."

Mu Liang smiled: "Just get used to it."

"Let's go, let's go back." He reached out to hold the silver-haired girl's hand.

The two disappeared in place, using space to jump back to the high ground.

Xiao Zi said softly, "Your Majesty and Miss Liyue are back."

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice, "Has the Fox Immortal returned?"

"Your Majesty, Master Hu Immortal came back and left again, but he left the mirage skin in the study." Yao Er spoke first.

"The mirage insect skin trade is back?" Mu Liang showed joy.

"Yes." Yao Er nodded obediently.

"Tell me about the specific situation. Mu Liang walked towards the study while talking.

Yao Er hurriedly followed, and said charmingly: "Master Fox Immortal bought it for only 250,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins, and the face of that businessman named Sa Qi turned green..."

"Unexpectedly." Mu Liang smiled.

If a woman with a foxtail makes a move, how could the transaction price be as Sa Qi wished? It must be as low as possible.

Yao Er described it vividly, Mu Liang was dumbfounded with a smile, and the fox fairy threw out a fake Lorna nobleman, successfully getting Sa Qi hooked.

"Twenty-five thousand yuan, a very cheap price." Mu Liang pushed open the study door and saw the box on the table.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

He stepped forward, opened the box, and carefully took out the mirage worm skin. It was warm and cool, not much heavier than paper.


To be on the safe side, Mu Liang directly used his ability to make six copies of the mirage worm skin.

In this way, even if the first mirage skin is broken, there is still a second or third chance.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips raised, and he whispered to himself: "The production of missiles must be done first, and the magic and spirit crystals must be produced first.

At the beginning, because of the lack of mirage worm skins, the production of the magic array printing spirit weapon was temporarily shelved, and the missiles were made first.

Now that the mirage worm skin is available and the materials are complete, it is more important to make the magic array printing spirit weapon first, which is of great importance.

"Your Majesty is going to be busy again?" Yao Er blinked her beautiful eyes.

Mu Liang nodded calmly and said: "Well, come to the studio to find me if you have something to do."

"Yes." Yao Er obediently agreed.

Mu Liang looked at Li Yue, handed over a document and said softly: "Look at this document [choose ten batches of people according to my requirements. 17]

Liyue took the document and opened the first page, and there were a few large characters: "Picket plan."

Mu Liang read the documents sent by Yue Qinlan yesterday, and knew that there were some problems in the armed forces.

There are more than 50,000 people in the sea, land and air forces. Qin Yu and Zhen Huan alone have limited energy to manage them.

Mu Liang thought of the picket soldiers in his previous life, the image of the white hat made the soldiers love and hate.

Often when the pickets leave the army, they leave half a month in advance when the night is dark and the wind is high, otherwise they may be beaten.

Pickets are easy to offend people. They even dare to control the officers, that is, they have the right to manage all soldiers, whether it is discipline or clothing. "Anything in the barracks belongs to him."

...asking for flowers......

But for the armed forces, the presence of pickets is essential, which helps in the management of soldiers.

"I understand." Li Yue nodded slowly, understanding what Mu Liang was going to do.

Mu Liang warned: "It's good to just pick people from the three armed forces, and explain to them the duties of the pickets.

"Yes, don't worry." Li Yue agreed.

"Of course I don't worry about your work." Mu Liang nodded with a smile.

He didn't say anything more, turned around and left the study and went to the studio.

Liyue picked up the document and read it carefully again, and whispered to herself: "Pickets, offending people."

She thought for a while, put away the files, turned and left the study.


The silver-haired girl had to go to a garment factory first, and had someone make a sample of the picket uniforms, and had to order a white hat.

In addition to clothes and hats, red sleeves are also made, and the two big characters of picket will be written on it.

After Liyue has seen the sample clothes and feels that there is no problem, she will make a batch and wear them for future pickets.

After arranging the clothes, Liyue was about to go to the base of the armed forces, to pick out fifty soldiers to form pickets.

Mu Liang returned to the studio, took out the materials that he had processed before, and started to make the magic printing spirit ghost.

In order to speed up, he directly used his three-headed and six-armed ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time.

Mu Liang began to be self-absorbed and busy, and the production of the magic circle printed spirit weapon was more difficult than expected, and the first few attempts failed.

The mirage insect skins were destroyed one by one, and only one piece remained intact.

"I don't believe it can't be done." Mu Liang's deep eyes flashed a cold light.

He used the ability of duplication again to increase the number of mirage insect skins, one of which was stored, and the rest continued to be used to make magic circle printing spirit tools.

After repeated failures, Mu Liang accumulated experience and wrote down the improvement plan with a finger-thick paper.


Mu Liang dropped the broken mirage skin in his hand, frowned and said, "Failed again, the twenty-eighth time?"

He let out a breath, took out a star fruit and gnawed it, sat on the chair and picked up a pen to continue drawing the improvement plan.


ps: [2 more]: Ask for custom soil. .

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