Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2379: The Magic Circle Prints The Spirit Weapon Completed. (2 More)

In the study, Mu Liang took out the magic array printing spirit weapon and started a new round of debugging.

The magic circle printing spirit tool is a high-level spirit tool, which is specially used to print magic circles in batches.

The original intention of researching and manufacturing the magic array printing spirit tool is to describe a large number of 'reinforcement magic array' and 'defense magic array' to strengthen all the walls of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The magic array printing spirit tool is very large, more than three meters high, and looks like a large refrigerator. The outer shell is made of purple pattern light steel material, and the inside is made of monster material.

Mu Liang opened the cover of the magic array printing spirit tool, revealing a half-meter-wide cube space inside, covered by mirage insect skin.

There are two such spaces in the magic circle printing spirit weapon, one above and one below.

"Don't let me down." Mu Liang whispered to himself.

He took out the Warcraft spar with a reinforced magic circle, and carefully put it into the cube space above.

Mu Liang took out another magic beast spar that did not depict the magic circle, and put it into the cube space below.

The cover of the magic array printed spirit weapon was closed, the spirit weapon was activated, and the magic wave was emitted.

Mu Liang stared at the spirit weapon with a serious expression, and after about five minutes, the spirit weapon returned to calm.

"Successful?" His deep eyes trembled slightly, he reached out to open the spiritual weapon door below, and took out the Warcraft spar inside.


Mu Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, and carefully looked at the Warcraft spar in his hand. There was a delicate magic circle carved inside, which was exactly the same as the Warcraft spar he had carved.

The corners of his lips raised and his eyes lit up: "Successful.

Mu Liang was in a happy mood, after so many days of busy work, it was finally not in vain.

He took out a few Warcraft crystals, and continued to the next test. After confirming that the magic array printing spirit tool could complete the printing, the group stopped the test.

With the magic array printing spirit tool, the magic array can be drawn in batches. According to the current printing speed, a sufficient amount of magic array can be produced in two months at the fastest, covering all the outer city walls of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Just make a copy..." With a thought, Mu Liang used his awakening ability to make a copy of the magic circle printed spirit weapon in front of him.

With two magic array printing spirit weapons, the efficiency of characterization can be doubled.

"It's not in vain." Mu Liang was in a good mood, and stood up, ready to tell someone to take charge of the reinforcement of the city wall.


He left the study, and Xiao Zi, who was waiting outside the door, stood up straight.

"Your Majesty, are you going out?" Xiao Zi asked crisply.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Ask Diane to meet me in the highlands.

"Yes." Xiao Zi replied, turned around and prepared to leave.

Mu Liang thought of something, and warned: "By the way, by the way, contact Qin Yu and Xin Xi, I want to know the current situation in the Old Continent.

"Yes." Xiao Zi nodded respectfully.

She walked quickly to the liaison room, first contacted Shanhaiguan, and informed Diane to come to the highland.

There is a portal, and it only takes ten minutes to travel between Shanhaiguan and the highlands.

Xiao Zi returned to the study and reported the situation: "Your Majesty, Master Qin Yu and Master Xin Xi are fighting with Xu Gui, so they can't report to work for the time being, and it will take a later time."

"Yes, I see." Mu Liang's eyes drooped slightly.

Xiao Zi continued: "Miss Diane is already on her way."

"Okay." Mu Liang responded.

He started to contact the wooden avatar in the Old Continent, and waited for a long time before the round consciousness completed the communication.

Mu Liang looked at the memory of the wooden avatar, and had a more comprehensive understanding of the current situation in the old continent.

He whispered to himself: "The number of virtual ghosts is increasing."

In just two months, all the virtual ghost nests appeared one by one, and the virtual ghost group began to push across the entire old continent. Now only the big cities and a small number of medium-sized cities can resist the attack of the virtual ghosts

The emergence of Mu Liangmu's avatar has solved the crisis of extinction in many cities, but it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The best way is to kill Xu Guihuang.

Since Mu Liangmu's avatar went to the Old Continent, he has not rested every day, and has appeared in various big cities in the Old Continent. Like Xinxi and Qin Yu, he has tried his best to kill the ghosts and weaken the power of the Xu Clan.

Mu Liang opened his eyes and whispered to himself: "It's still more than a month before Emperor Xu wakes up.

He felt that time was running out, and he had to accumulate enough power to completely defeat the Void Clan before Roy fully woke up.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the study door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

There was a knock on the study door, and Xiao Zi's voice sounded: "Your Majesty, Miss Diane is here."

"Come in." Mu Liangping said in a harmonious voice.


The door of the study was pushed open, and Xiao Zi led Diane into the study.

"Your Majesty Wanan." Diane's eyes were bright, and she bowed to Muliang.

Mu Liang raised his hand to signal: "Sit down."

"Yes." Diane sat down.

Xiao Zi brought hot tea, turned around and closed the study door.

Mu Liang looked at Diane and said calmly: "I called you this time because I have something to arrange for you.

Upon hearing this, Diane straightened her back and said with a serious expression: "Please speak, Your Majesty. "

Mu Liang briefly introduced: "I plan to strengthen the walls of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and I need to place two types of magic circles in the walls..."

Diane blinked her beautiful eyes, and tried to ask: "Your Majesty, you intend to entrust this matter to me?"

Mu Liang laughed lightly, and said, "You are in charge of this matter, but it is up to you to arrange for whoever does it.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how to draw magic circles." Diane said seriously.

Mu Liangping said in a peaceful voice: "You don't need to draw the magic circle, there is a magic circle printing spirit tool, you just need to arrange people to produce the magic circle, and then complete the placement work."

He took out the magic circle printing spirit weapon, got up and taught the ice-haired woman how to use it himself, and returned to the seat to sit down after making sure she had learned it.

"If there is something you don't understand, ask now." Mu Liang said clearly.

Diane nodded quickly and said: "No, please rest assured, Your Majesty, I have learned everything.

"En." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

He gestured: "These two (Zhao Hao) magic circles print the spiritual weapon, you take it back, and arrange for people to start mass production of the magic circle."

"Yes." Diane saluted respectfully, and carefully put the two printing artifacts into the magic storage space.

Women already have half of the right candidates for the job in their minds.

Thinking of this, she said: "Gao Cao and Zan Yan have been relatively free recently, so let them place the magic circle and complete the reinforcement work."

"Well, you arrange for Jingfang to take care of it." Mu Liang said gently.

He changed his voice and asked, "Tell me about the operation of Shanhaiguan. Have you encountered any difficulties?"

"Your Majesty, Shanhaiguan is operating well, and everything is in accordance with the rules and regulations, and there will be no mistakes." Diane said hastily.

"That's good, let's go back." Mu Liang waved his hand.

"Yes. Diane stood up, saluted respectfully, then turned and left the study.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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