Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2380: The Pursuit Of Longevity. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Liyue walked into the palace, the hard soles of her shoes hit the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Miss Liyue." The little maid staying in the palace said hello obediently.

The little maids work in rotation every day. Some people stay in the palace, and some go to learn new knowledge and training, so that they can become qualified battle maids.

Li Yue nodded her head, and asked in a crisp voice, "Where's Mu Liang?"

"Your Majesty is in the study." Qingwu said crisply.

"Okay." Li Yue replied, and walked towards the room.

Buff whispered: "Your Majesty is very busy."

Qing Wu said with a serious face: "That's Your Majesty, who has to manage an entire kingdom, of course he's busy."

Buff sighed: "Yes, if there is no Lord Qinlan's help, His Majesty will be overwhelmed."

"If there is no Xuanwu Kingdom, His Majesty will have a very comfortable life if you want to provide the people with a safe and comfortable living environment." Qing Wu pursed her pink lips.

"Your Majesty is an ambitious person, don't say such things." Buff said seriously.

Qing Wu smiled and nodded in agreement: "Got it.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

Li Yue knocked on the door and said, "Mu Liang."

The door is unlocked, come in. "Improved and clear voice came from the room.


Li Yue pushes the door open and enters, seeing Mu Liang buried in writing and drawing, she can't help but walk forward lightly.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang looked up at the silver-haired girl.

Li Yue stepped forward and put a two-finger-thick document in front of the man: "The interrogation of the three of De La Ji is over, this is the interrogation record."

Mu Liang's deep eyes lit up slightly, he picked up the file and flipped through it: "The interrogation speed is faster than I imagined.

Li Yue said calmly: "Now there are hundreds of interrogation methods, if they can't survive ten, they will explain all of them."

"That's right." The corners of Mu Liang's lips raised slightly, and he looked at ten lines at a glance.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Li Yue watched as Mu Liang's page-turning speed became faster, and her attention fell on the paper he was drawing earlier, which was the design drawing of the new missile.

She saw a line of words, and said softly: "Space shuttle missiles..."

Mu Liang explained casually: "That is the missile I newly researched. If it is researched and produced, it can hit the target without anyone noticing."

Li Yue widened her beautiful eyes and exclaimed: "Let the missile jump in space, this is something only you can think of.

Mu Liang smiled confidently, and said in a firm tone: "No, others may be able to figure it out, but they can't do it. y

"Yes." Li Yue smiled.

"The people of the Immortals focus on vampires because they want to study longevity." Mu Liang paused as he flipped the page.

Liyue nodded and said: "Yes, I don't know where they got the news, but they know that vampires live longer than ordinary people."

She didn't know the source of the vampire news from Draki and the others, but they got the news from their superiors.

"Maybe there are vampires in the New World too." Mu Liang guessed.

"Maybe." Li Yue nodded slightly.

Mu Liang put down the document in his hand, and said coldly: "Anyway, if you break the law in the Xuanwu Kingdom, you will have to pay the price."

He looked at Liyue and instructed: "Let the court prepare for the public trial of the three of Deraji in the near future, but the matter of vampires must be concealed.

"Yes." Li Yue agreed.

Mu Liang continued to arrange: "As for the Immortals, let people continue to investigate and collect more information, which may be used in the future."

He is also very interested in longevity, but he will not choose to pursue longevity by any means like the immortals, and he should learn to respect life.

He has a long lifespan, and his interest in longevity is entirely because of Liyue and others.

The years are long, and Mu Liang doesn't want to be alone for tens of thousands of years without close people around him.

"Okay, I see." Li nodded.

Mu Liang thought of something, and asked in a peaceful voice: "How is the arrangement for the pickets?"

Liyuehui reported: "The candidates have been selected and are undergoing unified training."

*(agcg) unified training, who is in charge of the training?" | Mu Liang blinked his deep eyes.

"Me." Li Yue said crisply.

Mu Liang raised his eyes, looking at the silver-haired girl in surprise.

"You didn't tell me who to train them, I can only go to Liyue and shrugged.

Mu Liang smiled and said: "Alright, you know very well about military discipline and military regulations, so you can train them on your questions. y

Liyue said crisply: "You can go and have a look when you are free. This afternoon is the last training class."

"Okay, where is it?" Mu Liang asked.

"Building No. 8 on the first floor of the high ground." Li Yue responded.

There are many vacant buildings on the first floor of the highland, a small part of which are the families of the highland guards and ghost tactical assassination teams, and more buildings are vacant.

Liyue placed the pickets in Building No. 8 on the first floor for a five-day training, and today is the last day.

Building No. 8 has six floors, and each floor has ten rooms, enough for fifty pickets to live in.

Mu Liang agreed: "I understand."

Liyue said crisply: "Then I have no other arrangements, so I will go to work.

"Go." Mu Liang lightly nodded.

Liyue thought for a while, lowered her head and approached him, left a shy kiss and turned to leave.

Mu Liang was stunned for a moment, what happened today "Has Jin Yong become more courageous?

He looked at the closed study door, and the corners of his lips raised slightly. This was a good start, at least the silver-haired girl was more open than before.

Mu Liang was in a good mood, picked up a pen and continued to draw the design of the new missile, and the efficiency was much faster than before.

Near the afternoon, the little maid knocked on the study door again.

Xiao Zi probed into the study room, and asked obediently: "Your Majesty, Lord Qin Yu and Lord Xinxi have sent a message, do you want to answer it?"

"En." Mu Liang paused the pen in his hand.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

After a while, Xiao Zi sent the resonance bug into the study.

"Your Majesty." Qin Yu's cold and respectful voice came from the resonance insect.

Mu Liang asked in a clear voice, "Is the battle over?"

"Yes, the battlefield is already being cleaned." Qin Yu said and looked behind him, Xu Gui's body was lying on the ground, and a soldier was making up his sword.

Xin Xi was standing beside her, wiping the black blood on her hand, which was the blood of the Supreme Void Ghost.

The virtual ghost that appeared this time has two supreme strengths, and it was Xin Xi who took the initiative to solve it.

"How's the situation?" Mu Liang leaned back and his voice became serious.

Qin Yu said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the number of virtual ghosts is increasing, and the number of high-level virtual ghosts has increased a lot. If this continues, most cities will not be able to stop it.

Mu Liang lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "Tell those city owners that the Xuanwu Kingdom can provide the city's shelter, but after the matter of the Xu Clan is over, they need to pay a reward."

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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