Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2381: Being Alive Is More Important Than Anything Else. (2 More)

Qin Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and she asked aloud, "City shelter?"

"That is the glazed barrier, which has been strengthened twice, and can resist the attack of the virtual ghost with supreme strength." Mu Liang introduced casually.

With the reinforced magic circle and defensive magic circle, plus the evolved ability of the glazed beast, the defensive power of the created glazed barrier has been improved by several levels.

Rather than saying it is colored glaze, it is better to say that it is analogous to diamonds, but the hardness is higher.

"I will tell them." Qin Yu nodded thoughtfully.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "The key point is to tell them that this fee will be collected from them after the war."

"I understand." Qin Yu's heart shook.

She understands Mu Liang's thoughts. Now that the four sides are in trouble, the Xuanwu Kingdom has the ability to lend a helping hand, but the loss-making business is not done.

Help people get through the difficulties first, and if you survive successfully, then talk about follow-up expenses.

Being alive is more important than anything else.

If there is a glazed barrier and the city is still destroyed by ghosts, then there will be no follow-up charges.

Mu Liang did this because he was afraid that some city lords would be worried about the cost and reject the proposal of the Xuanwu Kingdom, so that death would really not be far away.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and followed what Mu Liang said, and more people would survive this disaster.

Mu Liang warned: "You should pay attention to safety, and put your own safety first in everything."

"What about me?" Cinsey interjected.

The corner of Mu Liang's mouth twitched, and he said calmly: "You just need to think about it, if you don't meet Roy, you can get out at any time.

Xin Xi curled her lips and said calmly: "I want to hear something auspicious, but your Majesty is unwilling to say it?"

"Okay, you also pay attention to safety." Mu Liang said with a smile.

The old god Xinxi was there, and he said in a tone of anticipation: "Understood, remember to prepare flower wine for me, and I will drink it when I go back.

"Well, not less." Mu Liang said in a gentle voice.

Xinxi is a strong man of the holy rank and a member of the Xuanwu Kingdom, so the treatment will not be bad.

Mu Liang warned again: "If there is something that cannot be resolved, send it back to the highland as soon as possible.

"Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty." Qin Yu said respectfully.

The call of the resonating insect was hung up, and the fluttering resonating insect became quiet, nestling in the woman's hand to sleep.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The soldiers in charge of logistics stepped forward and picked up the resonator bug.

Xin Xi glanced at Qin Yu, and said calmly, "You have too much respect for Mu Liang."

"He is a great man, worthy of me." Yu said word by word.

In her heart, no one can shake Mu Liang's status, he is like a god.

If there is no Mu Liang, there will be no her now, let alone the opportunity to avenge the people of the former mountain city.

Xinxi shrugged her shoulders noncommittally. She had heard about what Mu Liang had done before, but she hadn't experienced it personally, so she didn't sigh deeply.

She only knows that Mu Liang is very strong, much stronger than herself, and has many novel ideas, it seems that there is nothing he can't do.

Xin Xi also feared Mu Liang, but it was far from admiration, but he was willing to follow him, and at the same time, it was because of the delicious food and wine, and looking for a place to retire.

Qin Yu's eyes flickered, she wanted to become stronger, to become the spear in Mu Liang's hands that defeated all opponents.

"Clean up the battlefield and spread the news about the glass barrier." She turned around and called the soldiers to give orders.

"Yes." The soldier took the order and turned around to make arrangements.

On the other side, in the Highland Palace, Jiayi and Yueqinlan went to the local floor for medical treatment.

After the lunch time was over, Liyue left the palace first to prepare for the picket training in the afternoon.

After Yue Qinlan learned that Mu Liang was going to attend the audition, she planned to go with her.

Mu Liang asked softly, "You've worked hard these past few days, do you need a rest?"

"No need, now is not the time to rest." Yue Qinlan raised her hand to tie Yujiao's water-blue hair.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he suddenly said: "After the matter of the Xu Clan is over, we can arrange the wedding."

After the matter of the Xu clan is over, the Xuanwu Kingdom needs a happy event, and the wedding of the king and queen is just one part of it.

Mu Liang has a lot of ideas in his mind, all of which are based on the great victory of human beings, and all the efforts he is making now are aimed at this goal.

"Wedding, with whom?" Yue Qinlan was stunned for a moment.

"And the queen." Mu Liang answered the question.

Yue Qinlan's heart moved, her throat felt a little astringent, is it herself?

She resisted the thought of asking, and changed the topic in an unnatural tone: "After finishing the afternoon, you have to work on the research of new weapons, right?"

"Yes, the missile should be produced as soon as possible." Mu Liang nodded.

When the missile is researched, it will be mass-produced and used to attack the Void in the future.

0...... Ask for flowers......

The production of missiles is not simple, and the time period required is relatively long, which requires more time.

Mu Liang also wants to research different missiles to deal with different situations, and the missile with space jump is one of them.

Space jump means shorter flight time, can hit the target faster, and has fewer restrictions on the size of the missile.

Just imagine, a missile the size of a house suddenly jumped in front of the enemy in the next second, what kind of scene would it be?

It is precisely this kind of thought that makes Mu Liang pay more attention to the research of missiles.

Without saying anything, he followed Mu Liang to the ground floor, and quickly found Building No. 8.

"Your Majesty." The soldier on duty at the gate raised his hand in salute.

Mu Liang nodded indifferently, and walked into Building No. 8.

Building No. 8 has six floors, the first floor is the living area "and a place for training.

Liyue was talking on the podium, and there was a blackboard on the wall, which was already filled with elegant chalk characters.

Below the silver-haired girl, fifty soldiers sat upright, taking notes in their notebooks with pens in their hands.

When Li Yue saw Mu Liang, she just nodded her head and continued to talk: "Remember, the first task of the pickets is to make all soldiers abide by military discipline and rules and correct their mistakes.

Mu Liang put his hands behind his back and didn't disturb the silver-haired girl's lecture.

"It is strictly forbidden to abuse power and maliciously punish soldiers."

Liyue said solemnly: "Every soldier whose military points are deducted by you will be interviewed later, but if you are found to be punished maliciously, you will go to jail and go to court.

"Yes." The pickets responded in unison, and their faces became serious.

When they agreed to become pickets, they read the rules and regulations for joining the team, which were clearly written.

Liyue's voice continued to sound, and became more serious: "Your duty is to help soldiers face up to military discipline and regulations, and correct their mistakes..."

"From behavior to basic necessities of life, everything that is wrong must be corrected..."

Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan turned around and left quietly, the lecture would not end so soon.

. . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize the size. .

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