Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2403: The Virtual Ghost Is Here. (1 More)


In the early morning, Xibeqi yawned and walked into the main hall with a sleepy look.

"Ms. Xibeiqi, good morning." Xiaomi greeted in a crisp voice.

Xi Beiqi grinned and nodded in a delicate voice: "Good morning, everyone~~~"

"What's for breakfast today?" she asked, scratching her cheek.

Xiaomi said crisply: "Breakfast includes deep-fried dough sticks, Lingmi porridge, and sandwiches with marinated eggs.

"Okay, what about lunch?" Shibeki tilted her head.

Xiaomi said obediently: "Lunch is spicy hot pot, Master Qinlan wants to eat."

"Then I'll come back to eat at noon." Xi Beiqi's beautiful golden eyes lit up immediately.

"Okay." Xiaomi responded, thinking that she should prepare more ingredients for lunch, and ask someone to send more mushrooms.

Xi Beiqi looked in the direction of the study, and asked casually, "Is Mu Liang still awake?"

Xiaomi blinked her beautiful eyes and explained: "Your Majesty woke up very early and has already gone to the workshop area.

"Hey, I've been busy so early." Shibeki opened her mouth.

Xiao Mi said softly: "Yes, 16, Your Majesty said he will come back after lunch."

"Okay." Xi Beiqi pursed her pink lips, turned and walked into the restaurant for breakfast.

Not long after, Yue Feiyan walked into the restaurant, sat down next to the vampire girl, picked up the sandwich on the plate, and took a bite.

"Where's Mu Liang?" She asked casually.

Xi Beiqi puffed her cheeks and said vaguely: "He's out to work."

Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes, and said with a serious face: "It's so early, then we can't slack off, we will go back to Thousand Thorns Pass after breakfast.

"Understood." Xi Beiqi puffed her cheeks in response.

After more than ten minutes, the two left the palace after having breakfast, and walked back to the air force base closed by Qianzhuo through the portal.


The neat slogans of the air force soldiers sounded, and they could be seen marching in line from a distance.

Xi Beiqi yawned and said, "Today's training plan is the same as yesterday, so I don't need to keep an eye on it.

"Then you go to training." Yue Feiyan glanced at her friend.

"Let's go, let's go together." Xi Beiqi said charmingly.

Yue Feiyan waved her hand and said, "You go first, I'm going to patrol, and I'll train in the afternoon."

Xi Beiqi muttered: "Okay, then you go to patrol, I'm going to train.

She walked to the training room, where the gravity is stronger and the flow of time is slower than the outside world, and the equipment used for training is also a spiritual weapon, which can help high-level powerhouses complete intensive training.

Yue Feiyan raised her eyebrows lightly, and just about to say something, she saw pickets appearing in the distance out of the corner of her eye.

"Oops." She was startled, turned her head and left in a hurry, not wanting to be stopped by the pickets for questioning.

"Captain Yue Crimson Face, is there something urgent?" Salofen walked by and quickly chased after seeing this.

Yue Feiyan responded casually: "The pickets are here."

"Ah!" Salofen's pupils shrank, and she quickly ran away with the red-haired girl.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"It's really fast." The pickets couldn't stop talking.

Another picket suggested: "Then go to the office and wait, they will always go back.

"No, let's find trouble with other soldiers first." The picket who spoke first shook his head.

The stronger picket said dissatisfied: "How can you say that you are looking for trouble? This is the atmosphere of rectifying the barracks."

"Yes, you're right." The pickets looked at each other and couldn't help it.

"Okay, be serious, don't make mistakes yourself." The captain said seriously.

"Yes." The pickets responded in unison.

On the other side, Yue Feiyan and Salofen came to the city wall, and there was Midu outside.


Salofen looked behind her and said with a sigh of relief: "Captain, the pickets didn't come after me.

"That's good." Yue Feiyan also heaved a sigh of relief.

She stroked her chest, glanced sideways at the elf girl, and asked puzzledly, "Why are you running with me?"

"Captain, I don't want to meet pickets either." Salofen said seriously.

Yue Feiyan stretched out her hand and poked the elf girl's forehead, and said angrily: "What are you afraid of, didn't you get picked out of the wrong class by the pickets last time.

Salofen innocently looked at the red-haired girl and said, "The last time was the last time, and this time is this time."

Yue Feiyan took a deep breath and calmly said: "Okay, since you've come after me, then come with me to inspect the city wall."

"Okay." Salofin raised her hand and saluted.

The two walked forward along the city wall, standing on the battlements from time to time to see the situation outside the city wall.

Soon, the two came to the top of the Thousand Thorns Pass. Looking towards the Misty Sea, they could see the sea surface and the port, and they could vaguely see the huge Xuanwu Kingdom Gate outside.

"There are very few ships coming today." Yue Feiyan stopped and continued to stare at the Xuanwu Kingdom Gate Shield in the distance.

Salofen sighed softly: "Captain, you also know the situation on the Old Continent."

The Old Continent is now in dire straits. Except for the transport spaceships that can travel safely, it is difficult for other ships to cross the salt water area.

Yue Feiyan murmured: "Well, I'm afraid that the old continent will disappear."

Salofin's throat twitched. Given the current situation in the Old Continent, it's really hard to say.

Yue Feiyan stopped, and lightly jumped onto the city wall, staring at the Xuanwu Kingdom Gate in the distance in a daze.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Salofen froze for a moment.

"Is there something there?" Yue Crimson narrowed her red eyes slightly, looking through the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom to the salt water area outside.

After hearing this, Salofen also stood on the battlements, looking out following the red-haired girl's line of sight.

She squinted her beautiful eyes slightly, trying hard to see what was outside, it seemed to be a black shadow.

"I can't see clearly." Salofen shook her head.

"Go out and have a look." Yue Feiyan jumped down immediately after hearing the words, and the wings of Vermilion Bird's armor spread out behind her, leading her to fly towards the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Captain, wait for me." Salofin shouted, and quickly spread out her elf wings and chased after her.


With the sound of the wind, the two of them passed through the gate of the Xuanwu Kingdom to the sea of ​​mist, and behind them was the stormy sea area with constant thunder.

Yue Feiyan's forward movement paused, and she saw something in the distance clearly.

"Xu Gui is here!" Her complexion changed drastically.

On the sea in the distance, groups of virtual ghosts formed a black wave, crashing towards the sea of ​​mist like crazy.

Looking from a distance, one would think that the sea water had turned black, but one would never have imagined that it was formed by countless ghosts.

Salofin's pretty face was also covered with frost, and she could already smell the nasty smell in the air.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The ghosts' cries made one's scalp tingle, they rushed forward, some were in the water, and some floated on the surface of the water by stepping on the ghosts under the water.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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