Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2404: Void Ghosts Invade. (2 More)

Yue Fei's face was serious, she turned around and shouted: "Quick, go back.

She flapped her wings vigorously and quickly flew towards the Thousand Thorns Pass.

Salofen chased after her and said anxiously, "I'll let someone inform His Majesty."

"Go quickly." Yue Feiyan replied without turning her head.

After the two returned to Thousand Thorns Pass, the elf girl hurried to the barracks, while the red-haired girl went to beat the drums.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The sound of drums was like thunder, resounding throughout the air force base and Thousand Thorns Pass.

"What happened?" Many people looked blank.

In the air force base, Xia Li and the others stopped their training and their faces became solemn.

Kaeri said anxiously: "The war drum has been sounded, and the rapid sound of the drum is the signal of the enemy's attack."

Tai Keke and Kari also came in a hurry, they were sweating profusely, apparently just got out of training.

"Sister, what happened?" Cary asked hastily.

Kari shook her head and said seriously: "I don't know either, just wait for the notice.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The sound of hurried footsteps came, and the sound arrived before the people arrived.

"Everyone gather, the virtual ghost group is here, organize your equipment and face the battle." Menstruation Yan shouted coldly.

Kari and the others were shocked when they heard the words, and after receiving the order, they turned around and summoned the air force soldiers.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The assembly drum sounded, and all the soldiers in the base assembled.


Swarms of worker bees descended from the sky and landed on the city wall.

Yue Crimson gave an order in a serious voice: one minute to organize the equipment, and then all the worker bees are ready to face the virtual ghost. "

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison, neatly arranging their equipment and checking the flying saddles on the worker bees.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"What's wrong?" Xi Beiqi came out of the training room with a look on her face.

Yue Feiyan explained concisely: "Many ghosts have appeared outside the gate of the country."

"What!" Xi Beiqi's golden eyes widened, killing intent appeared on her face.

Yue Feiyan instructed: "Go and see the Lingqi Pao."

"Okay." Xi Beiqi turned around and ran towards the Thousand Thorns Pass.

Yue Feiyan turned around and waved to the air force soldiers: "Let's go.

"Yes." Air Force soldiers responded in unison.


The worker bees fluttered their wings and took off, and under the leadership of Kali and others, they flew towards the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom neatly.

Outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, the virtual ghost group is already very close, and many virtual ghosts have already plunged into the sea of ​​​​storms.


In the sea of ​​storms, lightning rained down from the sky, densely falling on these virtual ghosts.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The virtual ghosts screamed, and many of them were directly struck to death by lightning, and finally sank into the deep seabed.

The stronger virtual ghosts approached the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom.


Swarms of worker bees appeared, and the soldiers behind them raised their bows and shot arrows that would explode.

Kari roared angrily: "Kill me."


Arrows shot out like rain, killing more than a thousand virtual ghosts in the blink of an eye.

The arrow hit Xu Gui, and immediately exploded, blowing Xu Gui's body into pieces.

"Hmph, I haven't moved my hands and feet for a long time." Tai Keke jumped up, with a pair of dragon horns growing on the top of his head, wide dragon wings growing from his back, and his hands also turned into dragon claws.

She grinned, took out a star fruit and ate it, which can relieve hunger and supplement the energy consumption in the dragon form.

Tai Keke took out a wide giant sword, rushed into the group of ghosts like killing gods, and slashed down with his sword when he saw the ghosts.


Like a Chinese cabbage, Xu Gui was cut in half by Tai Keke's sword in the form of a dragon man.

She killed ghosts like chopping vegetables, she made a mess, and many soldiers were dumbfounded.

"Vice-captain Tai Keke is so fierce. The soldiers are swallowing their saliva.

"Don't be in a daze, pay attention to safety." Another soldier shouted and continued to kill the approaching ghosts.

Kalei and the others entered the state of blood rage, the bat wings behind them spread out, their eyes all turned blood-colored, and their strength increased by a large margin.

The elves stayed behind, pulling the longbow in their hands uninterruptedly, and the arrows they shot hit every shot without fail.


The spirit weapon cannon on the city wall was activated, and the energy beam shot out, sweeping across the group of virtual ghosts, killing thousands of virtual ghosts immediately.

At the same time, the naval soldiers stationed at the customs office also moved, causing countless deaths and injuries in the virtual world in the sea.

Shibeki waved her hands and ordered: "Blast them to death."


The spirit weapon cannon started the second round of volley, and accurately hit the approaching virtual ghosts, directly causing a blank area to appear in front of the sea of ​​storms [the virtual ghosts there all turned into fly ash.

"It's so fierce!" The soldiers were amazed, but they kept moving their hands to kill those lonely ghosts.

Yue Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief, Xu Gui's casualties exceeded 30%, and the pressure suddenly dropped.

Tai Keke complained: ". "It's strange, why are there no high-level virtual ghosts?"

Yue Feiyan's eyes flickered slightly, and she also found something wrong. The strongest virtual ghosts who attacked this time were only at the sixth level, and no virtual ghosts with strength higher than the sixth level appeared.

Tai Keke flicked the huge sword in his hand, and the flesh and blood of Xugui was thrown off.

"This attack is probably a temptation." She said as she took out the second star fruit, and ate it in two or three bites.

"It doesn't matter, don't let any ghost go." Yue Feiyan said coldly.

"Yes." Tai Keke grinned, and rushed into the virtual ghost group again, the big sword in his hand was swung into an afterimage.

She smiled and smashed Xu Gui's head with a slap: "Die, die for me."

......" Yue Feiyan's mouth twitched, Tai Keke turned into a dragon man too fiercely.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The spirit weapon cannon started the third round of salvo, killing more virtual ghosts this time, which relieved the pressure on the air force soldiers a lot.

"Okay, there's no need to fire anymore." Xibeqi waved her hand, then turned and entered the battlefield.

Before the vampire girl could make a move, there was a growling sound from behind (Dema's).

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The magma dragon and the Holy Light Golden Crow appeared one after another, their huge bodies flew over the Thousand Thorns Pass, casting huge shadows.


The sky became dark, and in the next moment, hundreds of holy lights and thunder punishments fell.

The Holy Light Golden Crow killed nearly 3,000 virtual ghosts with just one move, and the air was full of burnt breath.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The giant magma dragon was not far behind, and opened its mouth to spew out large swaths of magma, covering the group of virtual ghosts facing the sea.

When the magma met the sea water, it made a sizzling sound, water vapor and white smoke filled the air, and the remaining ghosts were all wrapped in the magma and sank to the bottom of the sea.

"..." The corners of Yue Feiyan's eyes twitched, is this solved?

Salofen's expression was also dull, and it only took two moves to kill all the remaining virtual ghosts, which was more shocking than the spirit weapon cannon.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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