Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2405: Who Is Directing The Virtual Ghost. (1 More)


The magma surged on the sea surface, all Xu Gui's corpses were buried, and the sea water continued to boil, the scene was incomparably spectacular.

"This is the end." Yue Feiyan opened her mouth, staring at the ghosts who had all disappeared, feeling a little complicated.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The giant magma dragon circled in the air, and then left with the Holy Light Golden Crow.


Tai Keke landed behind a worker bee, his stomach let out a hungry cry, and quickly released the dragon man form.

"I'm so hungry, I want to go back to eat." She left a sentence and controlled the worker bees to fly back.

Xi Beiqi and Yue Fei looked at each other in blank dismay, then shrugged in unison.

Yue Feiyan took a deep breath, and ordered loudly: "Okay, don't be in a daze, move quickly to clean up the battlefield, Xu Gui who is not dead remember to make up the knife.

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison and began to clean up the battlefield.

"I'll take a look from afar." Xibeqi looked at the gray sea in the distance.

This time the virtual ghost came suddenly, she was worried that there were still virtual ghosts in the distance.

Yue Feiyan nodded her head and said: "Well, take a group of people, pay attention to safety."

"Understood." Xi Beiqi responded, and asked Kari to lead a team of air force soldiers to follow her and leave.

Not long after the vampire girl left, Mu Liang stepped out of the air and stood beside the red-haired girl.

"Mu Liang." Yue Feiyan's heart was completely relieved.

Mu Liang glanced at the sea area in front of him, and said in a peaceful voice: "It seems that I don't need to take action."

"No, it's resolved." Menstruation Yan raised her hand and patted her chest.

"Very good." The corners of Mu Liang's lips turned upwards, the Xuanwu Kingdom's air force is now in charge, which is something to be happy about.

He released his consciousness to cover the surrounding waters, and after making sure that there were no ghosts hiding in the dark, he handed over the task of cleaning the battlefield to the red-haired girl.

Mu Liang asked, "Where's Xi Beiqi?"

Yue Feiyan explained: "She took people to the salt water area to investigate the situation."

"Well, let me know immediately if you have any questions." Mu Liang instructed.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Qi Zuyan raised his hand in salute.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips curled up slightly, resisting the thought of rubbing the red-haired girl's face, turned and left the air force base.

He returned to the Highland Palace, and as soon as he appeared, Yue Qinlan and others surrounded him.

Mino asked with concern: "How is the situation at the Thousand Thorns Pass?"

Mu Liangwen (bgeh) said softly: "It's okay, the virtual ghosts have been cleaned up, and the casualties are negligible."

"That's good." Mino immediately felt relieved.

Yue Qinlan frowned and analyzed: "It seems that the Xu family is going to take action against the Xuanwu Kingdom, this should be just a test, and there will only be more and more Xu ghosts coming later.

"Well, there's this possibility, but no matter what, the Xu ghost will die as many times as he comes." Mu Liang's eyes were filled with coldness and killing intent.

Yue Qinlan suggested: "Let's have someone strengthen the city wall over the Thousand Thorns Pass first."

"Well, you can make arrangements." Mu Liang nodded.

At the same time, with a thought, he sent the Thunder Spirit Beast and the Nine-Colored Lizard to the Thousand Thorns Pass, where the King Bee was also there, and the general false Guiwu would pose a threat to them.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan turned and left the palace.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered to himself: "I have captured Xu Gui Wang, who gave Xu Si the order?"

He thought of Roy, could it be an order from the Void Ghost Emperor?

Mino waved his hand in front of the man, and asked in a crisp voice, "Mu Liang, what are you thinking about?"

"It's okay, don't you have to teach today?" Mu Liang asked softly.

"There is no class today." Mino said innocently.

Mu Liang reached out and rubbed the plush ears of the girl with rabbit ears, and said softly, "Then you can rest for a day."

But Mino shook his head, and said in a clear voice: "I'm going to help the band, they rehearse a new song, let me see and guide it.

"Okay." Mu Liang sighed inwardly.

The bunny-eared girl liked music from the very beginning, but after that she became busy and went to school to become a teacher.

"What about you, what are you going to do today?" Mino asked, blinking his blue eyes.

"I have to go to the military workshop." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

Mino waved his hand and said, "Then go and do your work, I'm going to the band too."

"Well, have fun. Mu Liang smiled, turned and left the palace.

Time passed, and when it got dark, the palace became lively again.

"I'm back." Yue Feiyan walked into the palace and shouted.

"Miss Scarlet Face, welcome home." Buff replied sweetly.

"I'm starving to death, can I have dinner?" Yue Feiyan asked, clutching her stomach.

Because of the ghost's attack, she didn't come back to the palace for lunch, and she was busy until dark before coming back.

"Soon, we can eat when His Majesty comes back." Ba Xiao responded.

Yue Feiyan asked crisply, "Okay, where did Mu Liang go?"

"Your Majesty went to the military workshop and hasn't returned yet," Buff explained.

"Oh, I see." Yue Feiyan responded, and was about to go to the side hall to replace the Vermilion Bird armor on her body.

Xiao Zi asked curiously: "Where is Miss Xi Beiqi?"

"She will stay at the air force base and won't come back today." Yue Feiyan explained casually.

The ghosts suddenly attacked, which put the air force base into a state of first-level alert, requiring people to patrol 24 hours a day to pay attention to the movements in the salt water area.

"Thank you." Xiao Zi said sincerely.

"I'm going to change clothes." Yue Feiyan left a sentence, turned around and returned to the side hall.

Half an hour later, Mu Liang returned to the palace, and sat down in the restaurant after a simple wash.

All the girls also sat down, and waited for Mu Liang to move his chopsticks before the rest of them had their dinner.

"Aww, it's delicious." Yue Feiyan munched on the fried meat.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice: "Xi Beiqi took people to investigate in the salt water area, what's the result?"

Yue Feiyan shook her head, and said coquettishly: "There is no other discovery, I told her not to run too far, and she will come back after dark."

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, I'll arrange someone to go to a farther place tomorrow to have a look."

"Okay." Yue Feiyan agreed immediately.

It's her turn to be on duty all day tomorrow, and she has time to arrange these tasks slowly.

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered slightly, and said softly: "The Xuanwu Kingdom is about to start to feel uneasy."

"As long as the ghosts don't enter the Xuanwu Kingdom, nothing will happen." Mu Liang said peacefully.

Mino said with a serious face: "Yeah, with Xiao Zi and them around, it's not so easy for Xu Gui to come in."

The sound of hasty footsteps came, and Xiaomi ran into the restaurant.

She looked nervous, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, there is another ghost coming from the Thousand Thorns Pass."

"What, it's coming again so soon!" Yue Feiyan stood up reflexively, put down her chopsticks and ran outside without thinking.

You eat, I'll go and see. "Mu Liang stood up as he spoke, not looking nervous.

Mino also wanted to go, but after thinking about it, he decided not to make trouble, and said, "Mu Liang, be careful."

"Okay." Mu Liang waved his hand and stepped out of the restaurant.

Li Yue, Yan Bing and the others got up almost at the same time, and left with Mu Liang.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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