Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2417: People Who Run Away. (1 More)

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The bell rang, as long and melodious as in the past.

The huge tree of life lights up, dispelling the darkness in the misty sea, and at the same time reminding the Xuanwu Kingdom that a new day has begun.

In front of Shanhaiguan, a humming sound came from the huge square.

In the next second, two huge transport spaceships appeared out of thin air, which used the space teleportation magic circle to shorten the flight distance.

On the square, the staff in charge waved the red flag in their hands, guiding the transport spacecraft to descend and stop precisely on the take-off and landing field.

The two huge transport spaceships came to a safe stop one after another, the cabin door was slowly opened, and many people got off from the ship.

These people are all from the New Continent, they are strong men summoned by the major kingdoms, and they are going to the Old Continent for support.

Most of them are knights, and one "—— three" are magicians, some are strong men trained by the royal family, and some are recruited by spending a lot of money.

"This is the Xuanwu Kingdom, it looks really good." The woman in a robe slowly raised her eyes, staring at the towering Shanhaiguan Fortress, feeling the chilling aura from above

Another magician who had been to the Xuanwu Kingdom smiled and said, "This is only the entrance of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and the besieged city is the only place to applaud."

"It's really exciting." The female magician smiled slightly.

"Behind is the Shanhai Commercial City. We will rest for two hours and start on time in two hours. The next goal is another continent overseas in the mist." A serious voice sounded.

Niu Ru came down from the transport spaceship. She was one of the persons in charge of the pick-up mission and a soldier of the Xuanwu Kingdom. She was a mutant with a bull's head.

Although her head was a beast's head, her figure was extremely proud, even wearing a military uniform couldn't hide her good figure.

The female magician's eyes lit up, and she decided: "Two hours, then I'll go to Shanhai Commercial City for a stroll. I heard that there are a lot of delicious food there. I'll eat my fill before I leave."

Going to the Old Continent for support this time is too risky, and she doesn't know what will happen in the future, so why not enjoy it now.

There were quite a few people who thought the same as the female magician, and they walked towards Shanhai Commercial City in small groups.

After a while, only soldiers were left on the landing pad of the transport spaceship, and those strong men from the major kingdoms all went to Shanhai Commercial City.

"When will the rest come?" Niu Ru looked at the man coming behind him.

Xiao De said in a deep voice, "It should arrive in the afternoon."

He is also a soldier, the person in charge of another transport spaceship, and has the same mission as Niu Ru, responsible for delivering the supporting strongmen to the Old Continent safely.

Niu Ru nodded slowly and said: "Well, let's not wait for them, we will take the old bus.

This time there are four teams responsible for the pick-up mission, besides Niu Ru and Xiao De, there are two transport spacecraft to pick up people in the New World.

The pick-up task is not just one time, and when the major kingdoms gather enough strong people, Niu Ru and others will go to the New World to pick up people again.

"Go there earlier, and help me earlier." Xiao De nodded.

In the Shanhai Commercial City, the experts from the major kingdoms of the New World have been dazzled. Many of them are coming to the Xuanwu Kingdom for the first time, and they are very curious about everything here.

"What a clean street." The beauty-loving female magician exclaimed.

The knight who had been to the Xuanwu Kingdom reminded: "You are not allowed to litter here, and you will be fined if you are caught.

"You will be fined, no wonder this place is so clean." The female magician nodded suddenly.

She moved her nose and smelled the fragrance in the air: "It smells so fragrant, it makes me hungry.

"This is the smell of hot pot." Knight Chef said.

He has been to Xuanwu Kingdom more than once, and every time he comes, he will eat hot pot and various delicacies, and now he knows what delicacies are when he smells them.

"Hot pot, is it delicious?" the female magician asked curiously.

The knight said with a serious face: "Of course, among all the delicacies, hot pot ranks first in my heart.

"Then I'm going to eat." The female magician's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and she walked towards the shop where the fragrance came from.

The knight smiled and stepped forward to follow.

Seeing this, the others looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and went into the hot pot restaurant.

"When I go to another continent, I'm afraid I'll have to fight with ghosts every day, so it's better to eat better now."

"That is, no one knows which will come first, the accident or tomorrow, let's talk when we are full."

"Don't say anything, I want to eat the best, and I still have a lot of Xuanwu coins."

Everyone hit it off and filled the third floor of the hot pot restaurant. The shop assistants were so busy that they brought plates of ingredients to the table.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious..." The female magician stuffed a piece of tender meat covered with dipping sauce into her mouth, and chewed a few times with a satisfied expression on her face.


The sorceress had a big appetite, and a whole plate of meat went into her mouth.

When everyone had eaten and drank enough, it was almost time to assemble.

When everyone walked out of the hot pot restaurant, they looked back several times with some reluctance.

Someone suddenly said: "What should I do, I suddenly don't really want to go to another continent."

"Stop talking, I really don't want to go any further." Another person lamented.

"Let's go, we're assembled." The female magician looked serious.

She continued: "If you want to eat hot pot, then come back alive safely, and you can eat it every day in the future.

"That's right, as long as we defeat the Xu Clan, are we afraid that there will be no hot pot to eat?" The knight grinned.

If humans lose to the Xu Clan, then the two continents will not be peaceful in the future, and it is impossible to eat hot pot.

They can't stay out of the war between different races. All human beings are beads in a plate. If the plate is broken, all beads will be smashed into pieces.

Another knight grinned and said: "Let's go, don't waste any more time, I can't wait to kill those ghosts.

"Yes, let those virtual ghosts try my magic." The male magician in the animal skin robe became serious.

Hundreds of people left Shanhai Commercial City in mighty force, and after Niu Ru and Xiao De's approval, fifteen people were missing.

Niu Ru said in a deep voice: "Let's wait a little longer, maybe they are delayed by something."

"Then wait another half an hour." Xiao De nodded.

The bald knight curled his lips: "I think those people are afraid and escaped temporarily."

The others fell silent, knowing in their hearts that the bald knight was not talking nonsense.

In fact, half an hour later, those fifteen people did not come back.

"Sort up the list of absentees and send it to your lord." Niu Ru looked at Xiao De.

"Well, because people will handle it." Xiao De stood up.

He didn't have time to deal with deserters, now was the time to go.

Not long after, the two transport spaceships lifted off again, flew over the towering Shanhaiguan Fortress, and flew in the direction of Thousand Thorns Pass, where there is a national gate leading to another continent.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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