Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2418: Why Can't I Twist Such An Attractive Curve? (2 More)

Inside the palace.

Li Yue walked into the main hall, looked at the busy little maid and asked, "Where's Mu Liang?"

"Your Majesty is still in the studio." Yao Er said obediently.

Li Yue blinked her silvery white eyes: "I've been busy for three days, and I haven't come out yet.

Yao Er looked towards the direction of the studio, and said delicately: "Your Majesty will not come out for several days when he is busy. 17

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other for three days." Li Yue's eyes flickered.

"Miss Li Yue misses Your Majesty." Yao Er blinked her beautiful eyes, her pretty face was full of smiles.

"No." Li Yue said without changing her face, but the base of her ears was already flushed.

Yao Er said with a serious face: "Miss Li Yue, it is wrong to lie.

" Li Yue's mouth moved, forgetting that Yao'er's awakening ability can see through lies.


Yao Er smiled like a flower, and asked in a crisp voice: "Is Miss Li Yue looking for His Majesty for something?"

Liyue opened her mouth and said: "Something happened, many people sent to support from the New Continent escaped.

"How much did you escape?" A cold voice sounded, and Yue Qinlan poked her head out from the sofa.

Li Yue was stunned for a moment: "When did Sister Qin Lan come?"

"I've been there all the time, but you just lay flat on the sofa and squinted for a while, and you didn't see it." Yue Qinlan sat up straight as she spoke, stretching her waist lazily.

"I didn't notice either." Yao Er said in a charming voice.

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "So how many supporters escaped?"

Li Yue said in a serious tone: "The total number of people brought by the four transport spaceships is fifty-two people.

Yue Qinlan thought for a while, and said elegantly: "Fifty two people, then send someone to find them all, pay the fine and then drive them out of the Xuanwu Kingdom and put them on the blacklist."

"Don't you need to ask Mu Liang for instructions?" Li Yue asked softly.

Yue Qinlan shook her head, and said in a serious tone: "No, that's the result of asking for instructions, I can make the decision.

Li Yue thought for a while, Mu Liang would indeed do this, so she nodded in agreement.

Yue Qinlan suddenly said: "The supporters should be able to reach the Old Continent today."

"No news has come back yet, but counting the time, it should be soon." Li Yue nodded.

There is space to teleport the magic circle on the transport spaceship, as well as the eight times the speed of the ship itself, one day is enough to reach the old continent from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

A coldness flashed in Yueqin's blue eyes, and she looked at the silver-haired girl and slowed down her tone: "Okay, give me the list of those who escaped, and I will go and talk to their king in person."

"Here, it's sorted out." Li Yue said as he took out a few pieces of paper from the space storage magic tool.

Yue Qinlan took it and glanced at it, and saw several familiar kingdoms from the paper.

"It was well promised at the Holy Land meeting, and the few people who are missing must be doubled." She curled her lips and stood up from the sofa Shi Shiran.

Li Yue's eyes flickered, and with Yue Qinlan's move, maybe King Lu would double the number of people supporting the Old Continent.

Yue Qinlan remembered something, turned around and asked: "By the way, how many people are in the first batch of support?"

Li Yue said: "There are more than 800 people on the list, but actually there are only more than 700 people who went to the Old Continent.

"Only more than seven hundred people?" Yue Qinlan frowned.

She squeezed the few pages of paper in her hand, and said coldly: "There are dozens of kingdoms, and the first batch of support is only more than 700 people. It is not afraid of embarrassment to say it."

Li Yue sighed: "It's a little small, and many of them are only at the second or third level."

"That's not acceptable. There are only 10,000 people in each kingdom." With a cold face, Yue Qinlan decided to talk to the kings instead.

If you can't reach an agreement, then wait for Mu Liang to finish his work, and then go to the door to talk in person.

The Xu Clan is a huge threat to all human beings, no human being can stay out of it, and all the major kingdoms are the same.

In the face of the threat of the Xu Clan, human beings must unite. If the major kingdoms are unwilling to cooperate, then it is not impossible to destroy the country in advance.

"I think so too." Li Yue nodded in agreement.

Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone: "Don't worry, if those kingdoms don't send more people, let Mu Liang replace those kings."

. " Li Yue blinked her silvery white eyes, startled by Qi Qinlan's words.

"Giggle, just kidding." Yue Qinlan couldn't help laughing out loud, her water blue eyes were full of smiles.

"I think it's okay." Li Yue answered in a strange way.

Yue Qinlan was stunned for a moment, then said elegantly: "I think it's okay too."

After leaving a word, she turned around and left the main hall with graceful steps, ready to communicate with the kings in a 'friendly' manner.

After the Holy Land meeting, the live broadcast spirit weapon is still in the hands of those who participated in the meeting, and now it becomes easier to contact them, and you can make a "video call"

Before Yue Qinlan left, she also took Yao Er away. She could tell the truth from the lie, and would not give those kings a chance to tell lies.

Liyue looked at the woman's slender waist, and sighed inwardly, how could she not twist such a seductive curve.

She tried to walk a few steps, her waist twisted stiffly, and the armor on her body squeezed and made a crisp sound.

"What's wrong with Miss Liyue?" An Qi poked her head out of the kitchen when she heard the noise.

"It's nothing." Li Yue's complexion returned to cool, but the roots of her ears were already completely red.

Her body is not stiff, and even softer than most people. This is related to her years of training. Various difficult movements have great requirements on body flexibility.

An Qi asked innocently: "I saw Miss Liyue twisting and turning just now, the skin under the armor is itchy, do you want me to scratch it for you 523?"

"No, I'm fine." Li Yue's ears turned redder, and she was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a place to turn in.

She turned around and was about to leave, but she met the fox fairy head-on. She seemed to have stood at the gate of the palace for a while, with a charming smile on her face.

"Hehehe, do you need me to teach you?" The fox fairy said as he walked into the main hall, his tail swaying slightly behind him.

Li Yueqiao blushed, and faltered: "Teach me what?"

"Teach you how to twist your waist." The fox fairy approached the silver-haired girl, stretched out his hand to gently hook her chin, and breathed out on the girl's face.

Li Yue's body trembled, her pretty face turned even redder, the fox-tailed woman was naturally charming, and she couldn't stand getting too close.

"No, no, I'm going to get busy." She took a step back, bypassing the fox-tailed woman and was about to leave.


The fox fairy smiled happily, and said charmingly: "Men like women who can twist."

Liyue paused, and Mu Liang's appearance appeared in her mind, imagining how she walked with her waist twisted, her pretty face was so red that she could bleed.

"No need, I'll be busy first." She didn't pause anymore, and left the palace at a faster pace, fearing that if she stayed any longer, she would be bewitched by the fox fairy to learn to walk like a cat.

"It's really interesting." The corners of Fox Immortal's lips rose.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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