Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2419: New Domesticated Life. (1 More)


The studio door was pushed open, Mu Liang walked out of the room, and glanced sideways.

The palace is very quiet today, and the little maids are not seen.

"What are you doing?" He muttered softly, walking towards Zhengning.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang walked into the main hall, but still did not see the little maids, Yue Qinlan, Li Yue and others were also absent.

"Xiao Mi?" He called out.

It was quiet, there was only Mu Liang's own echo in the palace, and no one responded.

He frowned slightly, and just about to use his ability to cover the palace to find people, footsteps came from outside the palace.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

After a few breaths, Xiaomi and the others walked into the palace with surprised expressions on their faces.

The maids walked into the palace and saw Mu Liang at the same time, the surprised expression on their faces was quickly replaced by joy.

Buff asked naively: "Hey, is Your Majesty finished?"

Cen Feier said pleasantly: "Your Majesty has worked hard, are you hungry?"

"Your Majesty wants to eat something. There is a newly made pastry in the refrigerator, which tastes like lychee." An Qi pinched the corner of her clothes with her small hands, and her beautiful eyes were shining with light.

Qing Wu's eyes brightened and said: "Your Majesty, I have learned how to make egg tarts. If I want to eat them, I will do them now."

"Not hungry yet, let's eat later." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Buff asked crisply: "Your Majesty has been busy for several days, isn't he hungry?"

"Well, where have you been?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

Xiao Zi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, we went to the back garden, and Buff found a huge mushroom there."

Buff nodded vigorously and said: "Yeah, what I saw when I went to collect Angel's Tears in the morning was a mushroom I had never seen before.

"We all went to see it." Xiao Zi said crisply.

After Buff returned to the palace and talked to the other maids, they all went to the back garden out of curiosity, which left no one in the palace.

Suddenly, Mu Liang instructed: "Next time, one or two people will stay in the palace, and they can't all run away.

"Yes, we understand, there will be no next time, please rest assured, Your Majesty~." Only then did Xiao Zi and the others come to their senses, and hastily agreed respectfully.

Qingwu whispered: "If Lord Qinlan finds out, he will be scolded."

"Lord Qinlan won't scold us, maybe we have to write a review." Xiaomi muttered.

Yue Qinlan manages all the maids, and she will be punished if she makes a mistake.

Sometimes I would rather be scolded than write a review.

With a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, he said warmly: "Okay, just don't do it next time, you don't need to tell Qin Lan about it.

They are all girls in their teens, and their temperaments are still undecided.

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty." The beautiful eyes of Buff and the others sparkled again.

"Your Majesty is so kind." Xiao Zi suddenly smiled like a flower, two dimples appeared on her cheeks.

"Okay." With a smile in his eyes, Mu Liang reached out and gently rubbed the girl's head.

He asked curiously, "What does that mushroom look like?"

Xiao Zi stretched out her hand and said, "It's big red, taller than me, and the canopy is wider than my hand."

The girl is 1.45 meters tall, and the length of her hands is also 1.4 meters.

Mu Liang was surprised, and said softly: "Interesting, lead the way, I'll go and have a look."

"I'll take your Majesty down." An Qi said hastily.

"Let's go." Mu Liang responded, and walked towards the back garden.

Buff hurriedly said: "I'll go too, the others stay in the palace."

She caught up with Mu Liang in two or three steps, and walked briskly to the back garden.

Xiao Zi and the others looked at each other, shrugged each other, and started their daily work.

The three of Mu Liang came to the back garden. The air quality here is the best in the entire Xuanwu Kingdom. Every deep breath can make the body and mind feel comfortable. Ordinary people would even get drunk here.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~ ~"

The three of them walked to the depths of the back garden. There were various green plants planted on both sides of the gravel road, most of which were rare species, and more herbs and rare flowers.

Most of the green plants in the back garden were bought by Mino.

Even ordinary green plants, planted so close to the tree of life in the back garden, have already evolved into special varieties after being covered by the life field for a long time.

Mu Liang followed Buff and An Qi to the depths of the back garden, where the angel wings were planted.

Now there are only two places in the Xuanwu Kingdom to plant Angel Wings, one is in the back garden of the highland, and the second is on the third floor of the Floating Spirit Field.

"Your Majesty, it's right there." An Qi pointed forward, and there was an open space in front of Angel Wings.

"I see." Mu Liang nodded.

He didn't need to be reminded by the little maid, he had already seen that huge red mushroom.

To be precise, it is a red mushroom covered with tiny white dots, which is very unfriendly to patients with trypophobia.

Its appearance is very similar to the shiitake mushrooms on the earth, but its red color is particularly dazzling. If ordinary people stare at it all the time, their eyes may sting and cry.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang stepped forward and smelled the smell of red mushrooms, it was a faint fragrance, not unpleasant.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if you can eat it." Ba Tie said slightly.

"It doesn't look like it's edible." "An Qi's voice was soft and cute.

She glanced at Mu Liang, and continued: "As His Majesty said, mushrooms with too bright colors are generally poisonous."

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "This is applicable to most mushrooms, but sometimes there are accidents.

He stepped forward and gently stroked the canopy of the red mushroom to see if it was poisonous.

The next moment, the familiar system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! A domesticable life has been detected, do you want to domesticate it?" The system's voice remained calm.

Surprise flashed in Mu Liang's eyes, and he responded in his heart: "Domestic."

"Ding! The first-level life form 'Phantom Mushroom' is being domesticated..."

"Ding! Consume 10 domestication points, because the mushroom has been domesticated successfully."

"Ding! Do you want to inherit the talent of 'Transformation Mushroom': Entering the Illusion?"

"Inherit." Mu Liang responded to the system's choice in his heart.

"Ding! 'Into the Magic' is being improved...adapting...the inheritance is complete.

The system's prompt sounded in Mu Liang's mind, and he felt a familiar warm current emerge from his body (Nuomahao).

He closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body, but after more than ten breaths, there was no change in his body.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and said to himself, "What's the use of the new ability?"

"Your Majesty, can I eat it?" An Qi asked curiously.

Mu Liang shook his head and reminded: "No, it's the same as the tree of life and the angel's wings, and it's all subdued by me."

An Qi and Buff realized that they had to take good care of the mushrooms in front of them in the future, which belonged to His Majesty.

"Your Majesty, do you need to fertilize and water in the future?" Buff asked crisply.

Mu Liang shook his head, and said softly: "No need, under the tree of life, it is enough to have the nourishment of life elements.

"Okay." Buff and An Qi obediently agreed.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand, stroked the canopy of the magic mushroom again, and ordered in his heart: "System, evolve the magic mushroom to level eight."


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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