Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2420: The New Ability Against The Sky. (2 More)

The command in Mu Liang's mind fell, and the system prompt sounded immediately.

"Ding! To evolve from level one to level eight, **evolution points are consumed."

"Ding! The eighth-level 'Fantasy Mushroom' evolved successfully."

"Ding! Do you inherit the ability of 'Fantasy Mushroom': spore rebirth.

Mu Liang's deep eyes light up slightly, the name of the new ability sounds very interesting, and he has a few guesses in his heart.

He responded in his mind: "Inheritance."

"Ding! 'Spore Resurrection' is being improved...adapting...inheritance is complete." The system prompts sounded, and finally returned to silence.

Mu Liang lowered his eyes, feeling the warm current from his body, and got a strengthening that was better than nothing.


When he opened his eyes, the red fungus in front of him began to grow, and the canopy became even bigger, with a diameter of more than ten meters and an astonishing six meters in height, like a building.

The color of the phantom mushroom has become more bright red, the white spots on it are the size of a fist, and the surface is covered with fine fluff. It doesn't look like a mushroom, but more like a huge plush toy.

Under the huge canopy, there is a thick layer of spore powder.

Below the spore powder, there are also protrusions, which are small phantom mushrooms that have been split by the phantom mushroom.


An Qi opened her mouth wide, she could already stuff a whole egg.

"It's a bit dazzling." Buff quickly lowered her head, even if she kept staring at the eighth-level fantasy mushroom, her eyes would feel uncomfortable.

"Don't stare at it all the time." Mu Liang warned.

"Okay." Buff and Angie responded in unison.

Mu Liang stared at the fantasy mushroom, remembering the new ability prompted by the system.

"Spore Resurrection" allows the user to shatter into spores and scatter when the user receives fatal damage.

In the next month, the spores will fall to the ground and begin to grow, until the person who has taken the spores 'grows' out to achieve the purpose of resurrection.

"Interesting ability, but it's difficult to test." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

He looked at An Qi and Buff, he couldn't let them take magic mushrooms, and then let them die to test their new abilities.

Mu Liang gave up the idea, and only waited for his subordinates to take the little magic mushroom when they went to perform dangerous tasks in the future, so that they could still have a chance to survive in an accident.

It is impossible for him to be by everyone's side, there will always be accidents, and if he ends up dead, even the Fountain of Life cannot save him.

Thinking of this, Mu Liang's deep eyes became brighter, 'spore rebirth' is a heaven-defying ability.

"Your Majesty, Master Qinlan is looking for you." Qingwu's shout came from a distance.

"Go back immediately." Mu Liang responded.

He looked at Buff, and warned: "Tell Xiaozi and the others that the spore powder on it should be collected every three days and stored at a low temperature."

"Okay." Buff nodded seriously.

Mu Liang reminded: "When collecting spore powder, remember to wear sunglasses, so as not to hurt your eyes."

"Yeah, I'll tell them." Buff promised seriously.

"Going back." Mu Liang rubbed the head of the little maid, turned around and walked towards the palace.

Buff took An Qi's little hand and followed Mu Liang back to the palace.

Seeing Mu Liang come back, Qing Wu said delicately, "Your Majesty, Master Qin Lan is in the study."

"Understood, let's make a pot of tea." Mu Liang left a sentence and walked towards the study.

Qing Wu went to make tea, while Buff and An Qi called other maids and told about the magic mushroom, emphasizing the precautions for collecting spore powder.


When Mu Liang walked into the study, Yue Qinlan was flipping through the documents on the desktop, seeing him coming in, her water blue eyes lit up a little.

"What do you want from me?" With a smile in his eyes, he sat on the dragon chair.

Yue Qinlan tapped on the files on the desktop, and said elegantly: "You have to read these files first, you can't wait any longer."

"Just because of this?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, picked up the file and flipped through it.

"Of course not, there is another matter." Qin Lan shook her head.

She raised her slender legs and folded them together, elegantly said: "It is related to those kingdoms, (cgfd) sent too few people to the Old Continent to support them, I have communicated with them, but the effect is not great.

"Tell me in detail." Mu Liang kept flipping through the documents, his black eyes scanning ten lines at a time on the paper, picking up a pen to make corrections from time to time.

Yue Qinlan said word by word: "The total number of people who are going to the Old Continent to support now does not exceed ten thousand.

"All kingdoms?" Mu Liang frowned.

Dozens of kingdoms, less than a thousand people were sent to support, is this a joke?

Yue Qinlan nodded: "Yes, all kingdoms.

"Oh." Mu Liang's eyes turned cold.

He put down the document in his hand and asked, "What about the result of the communication?"

Yue Qinlan sighed and felt a headache: "They are willing to send more people, but many kings said they are only willing to send about a thousand more people.

"Qianren, are you going to die for the Xu Clan?" Mu Liang snorted coldly.

Yue Qinlan patted Mu Liang's hand, and said softly: "I don't think it's useless to chat with them online, you have to go face-to-face."

Mu Liang thought for a while, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he replied, "Well, then let's talk about it."

"I'll go with you." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"You talk?" Mu Liang smiled.

.” Yue Qinlan’s eyes were dim.

She gave Mu Liang a blank look, and said helplessly: "I'd better stay here and help you keep an eye on the kingdom, let the fox fairy go with you, she can speak better than me."

"Okay." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to hook the elegant woman's neck, and moved closer to leave a kiss to express comfort.

Yue Qinlan's pretty face blushed, and she cast another glance at the man coquettishly.

Mu Liang let go of his hand, and said in a gentle voice: "It will take a long time to go out this time, if you need something, please contact me in time, and you can come back quickly.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan sighed inwardly.

"You haven't left yet, so you don't want to part with me?" Mu Liang smiled and pinched Xia Yue Qinlan's face lightly.

Yue Qinlan turned her head away, not looking into Mu Liang's eyes, and muttered: "Who is reluctant, don't think too much.

"Really?" There was a smile in Mu Liang's eyes.

"..." Yueqin's blue and red lips moved, but she remained silent.

"I'll leave tomorrow." Mu Liang said softly.

Yue Qinlan thought of something, turned around and asked, "Do you want to take Liyue with you?"

"Well, together." Mu Liang nodded.

Yue Qinlan bit her lower lip and said in a low voice, "That night... I will come to you."

"Okay." Mu Liang's black eyes lit up, staring at the elegant woman's earlobe, already blushing.

Yue Qinlan stood up unnaturally, and said anxiously: "Okay, I'm going to get busy, you should finish approving these documents soon, and I'll pick them up in the afternoon."

"Okay, let's go." Mu Liang said with a smile.

Yue Qinlan took a deep breath, turned around and walked away on high heels, struggling to maintain her elegant temperament.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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