Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2424: It Seems To Be Sending Off The Plague God. (2 More)


In the New World, at a height of 100 meters, Mu Liang flew with Hu Xian, Li Yue, and Yao Er at extreme speed.

It has been two days since they arrived in the New World, and today they are going to visit the king of Riggs Kingdom.

Hu Immortal put his arms around Mu Liang's waist, and asked in a soft voice: "It should be almost here, it's been flying for two hours.

"Probably." Mu Liang replied uncertainly.

There is no navigation in this world, let alone a world map, so it is difficult to predict the precise location and time.

The fox fairy shook his furry ears, and said in a flattering voice, "I hope that Riggs will cooperate well with our visit this time.

The name of the Kingdom of Riggs was changed from the current king 'Rigs', who has been in power for thirty-five years and is a king-level master.

Although it was called a visit, there was no call post, because whether he agreed or not, Mu Liang and the others wanted to meet.

Yao Er said crisply: "If you don't cooperate, then hit him until he cooperates, just like Nokman."

Nockman is the king of the Calef Kingdom, and also a strong man of the king rank.

After Mu Liang and the others left the Kingdom of Lanlupo, the next destination they arrived at was the Kingdom of Kalev.

When a few people saw Nokman, he was hugging the dancing girl from left to right for fun, without any sense of crisis, until he met Mu Liang's eyes, his expression changed.

Mu Liang persuaded people with reasoning, relying on the crushing of strength to get Nockman to cooperate honestly, and promised to call 6,000 strong men first, and send them to the Old Continent for support after five days.

Ten days later, Nockman will send another 5,000 strong men to the Old Continent, and none of them can be lower than the second level, otherwise Mu Liang will come to visit again.

And when Mu Liang comes next time, the kingdom of Kalev will change its king.

With his current strength, it is very easy to overthrow a kingdom. He only needs to kill all the royal family and nobles, and support a puppet king to take over the throne. He can easily control a kingdom.

It's just that Mu Liang doesn't want to do this, it will easily arouse public anger, and it will also make other kings afraid, which will cause unnecessary troubles.

Hu Immortal recalled the expression on Nuokeman's face when he watched Mu Liang leave, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, his eyes seemed to be sending off the plague god.

After Mu Liang and others left the Kingdom of Kalev, they made the Kingdom of Riggs their next destination.

"It's better to use words to persuade, after all force is not the best option~~." Mu Liang said softly.

"But you like to use force the most." Hu Xianmei said.

Mu Liang was silent for a moment, then asked with an uncertain tone: "Is there any?"

"Yes. The three women responded in unison.

..." Mu Liang gave a wry smile, this is a rare unity of opinion between the master and the daughter.

He looked at the fox fairy, and said softly, "This time you go talk."

Hu Immortal nodded and said: "I'll try, if the negotiation fails, we should resolve it by force, so as not to waste time."

According to the scheduled speed, I have to meet two to three kings a day, and I spend most of the time on the road, so it is good to save time.

"Well, that's it." Mu Liang agreed.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

I don't know who's stomach growled, and the wind couldn't cover it up.

Li Yue looked at the little maid in her arms, and asked softly, "Is Yao'er hungry?"

"No, no." Yao'er blushed slightly.

The fox fairy asked amusedly: "You are lying, can you tell yourself?"

"No." Yao Er replied honestly.

Mu Liang lowered his eyes to look at the ground, and said in a gentle voice: "Go down and have a rest, eat something before you go on your way."

"Well, I'm hungry too." Hu Xian said in a melodious voice, blocking Chuan's words back.

The little maid didn't delay her time on the way, but the fox-tailed woman said nothing more.


Mu Liang and his three daughters landed on a hill, and when their feet hit the ground, the colored glaze covered them, forming a flat area.

After Yao'er landed, she skillfully took out the self-heating pot and ingredients, and began to prepare food.

With a wave of Mu Liang's hand, a long table and chairs appeared in front of everyone.

"Make a pot of tea." The fox fairy said casually.

"Okay." Yao Er agreed.

In addition to being able to identify other people's lies, she can also take care of the diet and daily life of Mu Liang and the others.

Soon, several cups of hot tea were brewed and placed in front of Hu Immortal and the others.

Mu Liang took a sip of hot tea, looked around the surrounding environment, the green plants were lush, and he could smell the faint fragrance of flowers from the mountains and forests.

Li Yue said softly: "I don't know if there will be monsters here."

Mu Liang raised the corners of his lips and said: "I don't know, it's better not to show up if there is something, otherwise we will have extra meals.


Hu Xian laughed a few times, and replied: "You have piled up so much food in your space, why are you still thinking about the monsters here?"

"Of course fresh ones are best." Mu Liang smiled.

"Let's forget it, it's a waste of time to deal with the monster's corpse." The fox fairy poured cold water on it.

"That's right. Mu Liang shrugged, the fox-tailed woman was right, the enjoyment of this special period can only be left behind.

Li Yue sat quietly, watching Hu Immortal and Mu Liang quarreling, her silvery white eyes were soft.

""˘ Gulu Gulu~~~"

Not long after, the hot soup in the self-heating pot boiled up, and the aroma wafted out, making several people swallow their saliva.

Yao Er took out another self-heating pot, and began to fry the prepared ones.

Mu Liang reminded: "Yao Er, you don't need to be so rich."

"It's not rich, it's just four dishes and one soup." Yao Er said obediently.

Before she left the palace, Mino, Xiaomi and others told her not to let His Majesty eat too badly, and every meal should have at least four first soups.

"Four dishes and one soup..." The corners of Mu Liang's eyes twitched, in the wilderness, this is already very good.

"Your Majesty, it's important to save time. I can only cook four dishes and one soup." Yao Er was serious.

She struggled for a while, thought for a while and said: "Actually, it's not difficult to cook two more dishes."

"Very good." Mu Liang said quickly.

"Okay." Yao'er smiled sweetly, and continued to stir the ingredients in the wok.

Liyue looked at the pieces of meat and fungus (Wang Zhao Zhao) mushrooms boiling in the pot, it was no worse than eating in Chongdian.

After more than ten minutes, four dishes and one soup were brought to the table.

The milky white soup in the bowl makes people drool uncontrollably.

Yao Er said obediently: "Your Majesty, it's time to eat.

"Well, sit down and eat together." Mu Liang nodded.

"No." Yao Er shook her head hastily, she is a maid, how could she have dinner at the same table as His Majesty.

Mu Hao glanced at the little maid with a smile: "This is not a palace, sit down. 21

The fox fairy said angrily: "Sit down quickly, don't you listen to Mu Liang's words?"

Yao Er's mouth moved, Mu Liang is the king, what he said should be an order.

She is a maid, so of course His Majesty's orders must be obeyed.

Yao Er hesitated for a moment, and sat down beside Li Yue with her little hands on her lap.

When Mu Liang started to move her chopsticks, she picked up the spoon and sipped the soup.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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