Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2425: Journey To Establish Prestige. (1 More)


Yao'er rubbed her stomach and couldn't help but hiccupped: "I'm so full."

"I'm full too." Li Yue took out a tissue and gently wiped the corners of her mouth.

Mu Liang and Hu Xian also put down their bowls and chopsticks, and ate all four dishes and one soup.

"I'll wash the dishes." Yao Er stood up, rolled up her sleeves and was about to clean up the dishes.

"No, let's go." Mu Liang said with a wave of his hand, and put all the tables, chairs and tableware into the devouring space, becoming disposable utensils.

The tableware, tables and chairs are all made of colored glaze, and as long as he wants, he can make a new batch in a few breaths.

"What a waste." Yao Er said in a low voice.

Mu Liang said softly: "Don't waste it, the glass that enters the devouring space will be broken down.

Liuli was made by him, and the devouring space is also his, this is just a kind of recycling.

"That's good." Yao Er blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Let's go." Mu Liang stretched out his hand.

The corner of the fox fairy's lips curled up slightly, and he naturally took his arm.

Mu Liang glanced at Li Yue, took her hand with the other hand, and clasped her fingers tightly.

Yao Er glanced at it, a hint of envy flashed in her eyes, and then the silver-haired girl grabbed her hand.

With a thought, Mu Liang took the three girls to perform space jump and disappeared in place.

Not long after he left 233, all the colored glaze on the ground disintegrated and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The four made more than a dozen space jumps, and the group entered the territory of Riggs Kingdom.

The pink eyes of the fox fairy lit up, and a city appeared on the land at the end of the line of sight, covering an area similar to the main city of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Based on the known information, she guessed: "The front should be the royal city of Riggs Kingdom, Takiken City."

"Well, let's go down." Mu Liang nodded, and brought the three daughters to the sky, heading straight for the center of Tajiken City, where the palace of the Kingdom of Riggs is located.

The city of Tajiken is very large, the height of the city wall reaches 20 meters, the thickness of the city wall exceeds 10 meters, and there are eight gates for entering and exiting the city.

There were knights patrolling the city wall, and the appearance of the four of Mu Liang quickly attracted their attention. In the blink of an eye, the four of them disappeared in the air.

When Mu Liang and the others reappeared, they were already standing in the palace, and in front of them was the palace where the king discussed and rested.

"Hall of Riggs." The fox fairy read the words on the plaque on the gate of the palace.

"Very earthy name." Yao Er whispered.

Hu Xianmei laughed out loud, and the little maid's evaluation was straightforward.

The appearance of Mu Liang (cgfh) and others quickly attracted the attention of the royal knights in the palace.

"Who are you?" The knights pointed their standard spears at the four of them as if they were facing an enemy, and they planned to strike if there was any disagreement.

Li Yue said coldly: "We want to find your Majesty, please let us know."

Her face was indifferent, and her hand was already on the space storage magic tool at her waist, ready to take out the longbow at any time.

The silver-haired girl doesn't like being pointed at with weapons, especially with Mu Liang by her side. This is a challenge to the king's dignity.

The knight sneered and mocked: "Everyone wants to see our Majesty, do you think this is your home?"

"As long as I want, this can be my home." Mu Liang said calmly.

The knights looked strange, and the mocking look in their eyes was even worse. Just as they were about to speak, they were directly crushed to the ground by a coercion.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Mu Liang said coldly, and walked past the knights into the palace.

Li Yue looked at the knights lying on the ground, her silver-white eyes showed no pity, she could only blame them for being inflexible.

The bearded knight stared at Mu Liang's face, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in astonishment: "You are the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom..."

"It's not too stupid." Li Yue left a sentence, followed Mu Liang into the palace.

The faces of the knights changed drastically. They all saw Mu Liang's portraits and photos, and also saw Mu Liang's appearance on TV, but now they remembered that it was too late.

When Mu Liang and the others walked into the palace, the maids turned around suspiciously. Riggs was sitting at the highest position, and there were dancers dancing below.

Riggs was holding the wine glass in his hand, with one hand on his chin, his deep eyes fell on the dancer, and the lust in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

The palace was singing and dancing, and the music player was loud, playing the most popular songs of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Riggs tapped his jaw with his fingers, his eyelids drooped slightly, enjoying the pleasure brought by the song.

"Your Majesty." The maid whispered, interrupting Riggs' imagination.

He frowned and raised his eyes, and just about to reprimand him, he saw Mu Liang and the others walking into the palace.

Mu Liang said calmly, "Your Excellency Riggs will really enjoy it."

Riggs was startled, Mu Liang's sudden appearance made him nervous, more uneasy.

He raised his hand to make the dancing women stop, and said in a hoarse voice, "Your Excellency Mu Liang came to visit suddenly, and he didn't give any notice in advance."

"That's a waste of time." Mu Liang said indifferently.

. " Riggs' pupils contracted, and he vaguely guessed Mu Liang's purpose in his heart.

He just had a video call with the clerk of the Xuanwu Kingdom three days ago, and talked for half an hour about supporting the Old Continent, but they broke up in the end.

Mu Liang and the others appeared now, most likely because of supporting the Old Continent, but he never expected that King Xuanwu would come in person.

Riggs sat up straight, reached out and pressed the music player next to him, and the palace became instantly quiet.

He asked in a deep voice, "Your Majesty Mu Liang, what's the matter with your sudden visit?"

"Just one thing, to support the old continent." Mu Liang stared into Riggs' eyes.

Riggs frowned slightly, and said inwardly that it was true.

He said in a deep voice, "I don't understand what His Majesty Mu Liang said. The supporters from the Old Continent have already set off. Why are there other things?"

Mu Liang's black eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "How many people did you send over, do you know yourself?"

This trip is really a prestige-building journey.

"Two hundred people, isn't that enough?" Riggs looked back into Mu Liang's eyes.

The fox fairy sneered: "The Riggs Kingdom of Nuo Da only sent two hundred people to support it, and it is not afraid of shame if it is said.

Riggs said without changing his face: "Isn't it the same in other kingdoms?"

He had already sent people to inquire about the news, and many kingdoms only sent one or two hundred people, or even dozens of people.

The fox fairy asked again: "The old continent is destroyed, is there any benefit for Riggs Kingdom?"

Riggs fell silent, he understood what the foxtail woman said in his heart, and also knew that if the old continent was destroyed by the Xu clan, it would be the turn of the new continent next.

The fox fairy said coldly: "Kalef Kingdom has agreed to send more powerful people there, and the next batch of supporters will be at least 6,000 people."

"Really?" Riggs frowned.

Will the Kingdom of Calef really send more people to support the Old Continent?

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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