Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2426: Probably Absolutely Crushed By Strength. (2 More)

The fox fairy said: "Of course, not only the Kingdom of Calef, but also the Kingdom of Lanlupo, will send more powerful people to support the Old Continent.

Riggs remained silent, savoring the meaning of the fox-tailed woman's words.

Mu Liang said calmly: "We are here this time, and we need a clear answer from your Excellency. How many more powerful people will be sent to support the Old Continent next time?"

Riggs thought for a while, weighed the pros and cons, and said: "Within a month, send another 2,000 people there.

"Too little." Mu Liang said coldly.

"Two thousand less?" Riggs' face darkened.

Mu Liang said word by word: "Ten thousand people, I will give you the time to open the sky.

Riggs' eyes widened, and he said in a deep voice, "Impossible."

Mu Liang's eyes were indifferent, and he said: "Nothing is impossible, Riggs Kingdom has a population of over 8 million, how could it be impossible to find even 10,000 strong people.

Riggs asked word by word: "Why should I listen to your arrangement?-"

"What you promised at the Holy Land meeting, are you going to go back on it now?" Fox Immortal Rose-sight narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I just promised to send people to support, but I didn't say how many people to send there." Riggs said.

Hu Immortal looked at his upright look, the coldness in his pink eyes deepened, and he really wanted to strangle the man in front of him to death.

"You will agree, not only you, other kingdoms will also agree." Mu Liang said suddenly.

Riggs smiled, and asked with mockery in his eyes: "What is the reason that makes Your Excellency so confident that I will agree?"

"Probably crushed by absolute strength. Mu Liang's black eyes gleamed with a faint light.

A terrifying coercion instantly enveloped the entire palace.


The next moment, all the maids in the palace collapsed to the ground with pale complexions, their consciousness entered a state of darkness, and they all fainted without exception.

In the palace, apart from Riggs and Mu Liang, there was no one standing there.

Rao Riggs was trembling all over at this time, looking at Mu Liang with a look of horror on his face, without the slightest thought of resistance, fear occupied his mind.

It was an absolute crush in terms of strength, Riggs felt the fear of death, and understood that it would be easy for Mu Liang to kill him, and it would not take any effort at all.

The space in the palace is distorting, and the pillars supporting the roof have fine cracks, as if they will collapse completely in the next moment.


Large cracks appeared on the slate floor of the palace, each of which was shocking.

Mu Liang stared at Riggs with an indifferent expression.


Riggs couldn't hold it back, he opened his mouth and spewed out a few big mouthfuls of blood, his breath became sluggish, and his mental state was like a dying person.

Mu Liang said in a calm tone: "If you don't cooperate with the Xu clan's kingdom, I don't mind helping you change a king. I'm very experienced in this kind of thing."

This result was a bad move. He didn't want to do this at first, but Riggs didn't cooperate, and he didn't want to waste more time here. There are still so many kingdoms left.

Riggs' throat moved, swallowing the blood in his throat under pressure, his face pale as paper.

He looked at Mu Liang, a few traces of humiliation flashed in his eyes, and he said hoarsely: "I promise you.

Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, and the coercion released in the next moment disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.

He sighed: "I knew it was so easy, I should have convinced you directly."

"...." Riggs' throat was astringent, and he never thought that Mu Liang would come hard.

He said in a low tone: "In ten days, I will gather 10,000 strong men."

Mu Liang said: "Well, in the next month, we will go to the Old Continent to support another 10,000 strong men, until all the ghosts are cleaned up."

"You..." Riggs widened his eyes.

"What?" Mu Liang looked at him coldly.

"It's okay, I understand." Riggs took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Don't say I forced you, it's all for the sake of all human beings, and you don't want the Xu Clan to win, and it will be human beings who will be destroyed." Mu Liang raised his eyes.

He said coldly: "Even if you survived by chance, you will be scolded by the world because of this incident, and your reputation will be passed down through the ages.

..." Riggs fell silent.

He admitted that he was selfish, and considering from the position of the lord of a country, he naturally didn't want too many strong people in the kingdom to be killed or injured, which would affect the overall strength of the kingdom.

But from the perspective of all human beings, his approach is not advisable. At the moment of survival between races, there must be no selfishness, at least not too much.

Mu Liang raised his chin slightly, and said bluntly: "I've finished my words, if because of this incident, I come to visit again next time, what I said before will become a reality.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Riggs took a deep breath and sat up while leaning on the chair.

0 looking for flowers......

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his hand to take out the star fruit from the portable space, and sent it to Riggs.

"This is..." Riggs looked at the star fruit floating in front of him, and frowned at Mu Liang.

"It can heal your injury." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He still understands the principle of giving a punch and then a sweet date.

Riggs took a deep look at Mu Liang, then stretched out his hand to hold the star fruit in the air, and took a bite in front of his face.

Mu Liang's eyes were calm, watching the man's face change from doubt to bewilderment, and finally his face revealed color.

Riggs was delighted in his heart, a star fruit healed the injury he had just suffered seven or eight times, and after a few days of conditioning, he would be fully healed.

Mu Liang clasped his hands behind his back and said: "Waiting for your good news, there are less than two months before Xu Guihuang's awakening, don't delay the matter of support any longer.

Before Roy wakes up, clean up the ghosts of the old continent as much as possible, so as to weaken the strength of the ghosts.

"Yeah." Riggs replied muffled.

Mu Liang took another deep look at the man, turned around and walked out.

Fox Immortal, Liyue, and the little maid followed, and the group of four left Riggs Palace.

After Mu Liang and the others left, Riggs sat on the main seat for a long time, until the maids and knights who fainted below woke up, he was still drooping his eyes and meditating.

"Your Majesty?" The knight commander looked worried and couldn't help but make a sound.

Riggs remained silent, and what Mu Liang said echoed in his mind, as well as the vaguely loose state in his body, and he was just a step away from breaking through.

He raised his eyes to look at the knight commander, and said in a deep voice: "I will give you ten days to gather 10,000 strong men and arrange to send them to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Your Majesty!" The knight captain widened his eyes.

"Can't you understand me?" Riggs raised his voice a little.

"Yes, this subordinate understands." The knight commander quickly lowered his head.

Riggs waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Go ahead, don't make any trouble.

"Yes." The knight commander sighed secretly, got up and glanced at His Majesty who was sitting on the throne, before turning and leaving the palace.

Riggs looked at the cracked floor and support columns, and suddenly felt dizzy.

"It's too ruthless." He gritted his teeth.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize the length. .

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