Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2437: Sand Kingdom·Snake People. (1 More)

In the air, a small transport spaceship flew forward rapidly.

Liyue controlled the forward direction of the transport spaceship, looked at the compass in her hand, and after making sure that she did not deviate from the direction, she returned to the resting cabin in peace.

This is on the way to Saudi Arabia, the transport spaceship was taken out by Mu Liang from the portable space, and he will stay in the transport spaceship when he is tired from the journey.

After enough rest, Mu Liang led Li Yue and the others to advance at full speed.

In the cabin, Mu Liang is drinking the star tea made by Yao Er, while Hu Immortal is flipping through the notepad, writing and drawing on it with a pen.

The notepad was filled with the names of kingdoms, and she ticked off the kingdoms she had visited.

Mu Liang asked casually, "How many kingdoms have you left?"

"There are still seventeen kingdoms that have not been visited." Hu Xian said charmingly.

Mu Liang took a sip of hot tea, his eyes flickered and said: "Seventeen kingdoms, you should be able to visit them all in eight days." "080"

It has been 22 days since they came to the New World. During these 22 days, they traveled to dozens of countries, large and small, and suffered all kinds of cynicism and white eyes.

However, the end result is the same, no one will refuse the decision to send additional manpower to support the Old Continent.

After all, the person who refuses should be beaten once, and if one meal is not enough, he will be beaten twice or die.

Mu Liang put down his teacup, lowered his eyes slightly and asked, "The next kingdom is Sha, what's so special about it?"

"The country of Sand is very special, it is called the second kingdom of orcs." The fox fairy said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, but his eyes were still closed, and he raised his hand to signal the fox-tailed woman to continue talking.

"The land in the Sand Country is very barren, most of the land is desert, and water sources and green plants are extremely scarce." The fox fairy closed the notepad and said.

In Saudi Arabia, nearly 80% of the land is desert, and the rest of the land is oasis, where fresh water and green plants are located.

Most of the people living in the sand kingdom are orcs, among which the snake people are the most, and among the snake people, they are famous all over the world for their charming snake girls.

The Snake Girl is recognized as beautiful, and is deeply loved by rich businessmen and nobles, who will buy it as a plaything or a bed.

The snake girl is an orc after all, and in the eyes of those nobles, her status is still humble, even inferior to their pets.

There are also humans in the Kingdom of Sand, and they are generally merchants who transport goods from other kingdoms and sell them to the orcs.

It is precisely because of this identity that these humans will not be killed by orcs. After all, orcs need merchants to bring supplies to live.

The existence of these human merchants has made the Kingdom of Sand and the Kingdom of Beastmen different, with a lot of human breath.

Also because the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is too barren, the surrounding kingdoms have no plans to conquest and annex the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"I remember that Yishe belongs to Sha Kingdom." Mu Liang asked suddenly.

"Yes." The fox fairy replied.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, Yu Feier's current assistant is Snake Girl, who used to be a slave, and became the girl's assistant after being rescued later.

"Your Majesty, I saw the desert." Yao said suddenly.

Standing in front of the glazed window, she saw a large expanse of yellow sand in front of her.

"I'll take you on your way." Mu Liang took a look, then stood up.

"Okay." Li Yue and Hu Immortal agreed, and stood up to prepare.

The next moment, the three girls were taken out of the transport spaceship by Mu Liang.

With a wave of his hand, the transport spaceship in flight was taken into the portable space.


The yellow sand was blown up by the wind, and it was all yellow at first glance, without the slightest green.

The fox fairy asked softly: "How to find the oasis where the snake man and beast king live?"

"There is no information on this." Li Yue shook her head.

"Then ask a snake man." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

"Okay." Li Yue replied.

With a thought, Mu Liang flew to the depths of the country with a few people.

A few people flew at top speed for ten minutes, and all they could see was yellow sand, and they couldn't see the oasis at all.

"Is there really an oasis here?" Li Yue couldn't help but began to doubt.

"Look further ahead." Mu Liang said clearly.


A few minutes later, a black line appeared in the desert.

"There's something there." Yao'er said in surprise.

Mu Liang and the others looked around, only to see that the moving black line was a caravan.

The caravan is very long, and the goods are all carried by sand monsters.

The sand tortoise is very big, it can grow up to six meters long and three meters high in adulthood, and its appearance is very similar to that of the earth tortoise, but the whole body is sandy yellow.

The merchants sat on the backs of the sand turtles, wrapped in thick animal skins, to keep the strong wind and yellow sand out.

The goods on the sand turtle's back are fixed with ropes, and the surface is also covered with animal skins.

The man sitting on the back of the first sand turtle turned around and shouted: "Hurry up, you will see the No. 7 oasis soon."

His name is Mo Wener, he is the captain of the caravan, a powerhouse of the fifth rank, he has been running this caravan for eight years...

"Captain, the wind is too strong today." The other merchants responded by raising their hands to block the wind and sand in front of them.

Mo Wener shouted: "Then you have to hurry up, we have no water, do you want to die of thirst?"

The people in the caravan hadn't drank water for two days, just because of an accident two days ago, they were attacked by the eight-legged poisonous scorpion hidden in the sand, and the water bag carried on the sand turtle's back was punctured, and all the fresh water flowed out. into the desert.

The eight-legged poisonous scorpion is a fourth-order monster that likes to hide under the yellow sand and attack passing monsters and orcs.

The kingdom of sand is huge, and there are many monsters living in the desert. The eight-legged poisonous scorpions are not the strongest, but they like to live in groups, and they appear in groups every time, which makes both orcs and human traders hate it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the caravan had enough strong players, the end would not be as simple as losing fresh water.

"Understood." The merchants responded with varying voices.

Their destination this time is Oasis No. 1, which is also the place where the Snakeman Beast King lives.

There are hundreds of oases, large and small, in Saudi Arabia, and each oasis has its own number, named after a number.

The oasis closest to the caravan is the medium-sized No. 7 oasis, where tens of thousands of snake people and other Lu people live.


Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the front of the field of vision became gloomy, with yellow sand flying all over the sky.

Mo Wener narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyes to look forward, and his complexion suddenly changed.

He shouted in horror: "Stop, the sandstorm is coming, stop."

"What, sandstorm!" The merchants exclaimed in surprise.

Mo Wener's face was ugly, he tore off the animal skin wrapped around his face, turned around and shouted: "Let the sand turtle get down quickly, protect the goods, and just make it through."

Someone shouted tremblingly: "Captain, this sandstorm seems to be very big."

Looking at Mo Wener, the wind and sand had already covered the sky, and he could still feel the trembling of the desert.

"Category 12 sandstorm..." His mouth trembled.

Sandstorms are natural disasters in the country, similar to the earth's sandstorms, but their power varies from sky to sky.

"It's over." Mo Wener's body trembled.

He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Don't give up, get down quickly."

The merchants' hearts were already sinking, and they still commanded the sand turtle to crawl on the ground, while they hid under the sand turtle's shell.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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