
The wind and sand are very strong, and it hurts people's faces when they are slapped. Some sand has sharp edges and corners, and even scratches the skin.

"Hold tight." Mowener yelled, hiding under the sand turtle's shell and hugging its legs tightly.


The sand slapped on the turtle's shell, making a dense sound, and the goods on the turtle's back were quickly covered by layers of sand.


The merchants bowed their heads so that their breath would not suck the sand into their bodies.

In just a few minutes, the sand had already buried half of the sand turtle's body.


Mo Wener coughed, and his body was almost buried in the sand.

"Damn it, why does this sandstorm not stop?" He cursed angrily.

The others hugged the sand turtle's body tightly so that they were not taken away by the sandstorm.

"It won't work like this, everyone will be buried alive." Someone shouted in despair.

"That can't be helped, do you dare to go out?" The person beside him said in despair.

In a level 12 sandstorm, even a huge monster like the sand turtle might have been swept up into the sky by the sandstorm if it wasn't for crawling on the ground.

"I don't want to die."

05 "Think about it, the sand is buried up to my neck."


The atmosphere of despair is spreading, making everyone more uneasy.

Mo Wener gritted his teeth: "The strongest sandstorm I encountered before was only level 8, and a sandstorm of level 12 could not be encountered once in a hundred years."

"Too unlucky, do you really want to die here?" Everyone was even more desperate.

Not reconciled, Mo Wener raised his eyes to look outside, and suddenly a few black spots broke into his sight.

"What?" His pupils contracted, trying to see what the black dot in the sky was.

After a while, he saw Mu Liang and the others in the air.

Mo Wener looked shocked: "How can someone fly in a category 12 sandstorm?"

In the air, Hu Immortal looked at the caravan that was about to be covered by yellow sand below, and asked sideways, "Do you want to help them?"

Mu Liang nodded, and said peacefully: "Well, please help me, just ask them how to get to the snake man and beast king."

"That's right." The fox fairy replied.

Just look at Mu Liang stretching out his hand, the wind elements gathered, and then quickly spread out, covering the entire sandstorm area.

"Suppress the world." With a thought of Mu Liang's mind, his ability was unleashed.

He controlled the wind, and used his abilities to stabilize the space, so the wind and sand no longer roared mercilessly.

In just a few breaths, the yellow sand that had been flying all over the sky now fell like rain, and the wind stopped and the sky dawned.

Mo Wener's eyes widened, and he looked at the scene in front of him in shock. The second-level sandstorm in Tian was just gone.

"What's going on here?" The merchants were stunned.

They pushed aside the yellow sand, came out of the sand pile with difficulty, and looked around blankly.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The sand turtles stood up one after another, shaking off the sand from their bodies.

"Why did the sandstorm suddenly disappear?" Someone said in a blank tone.

"It's gone in the blink of an eye, like a dream."

"This is a miracle, the gods are protecting us." Someone knelt down and bowed to the distance.

Mo Wener took a deep breath, looked at Mu Liang and the others flying from a distance, and understood something in his heart.

He turned around and kicked the kneeling worshiper to the ground, and said angrily: "What kind of god is it, those adults saved us.

"What?" The man who was kicked to the ground was startled by Mo Wener's words before he could get angry.

He looked at Mu Liang and the others flying over, with an expression of disbelief written all over his face.

"Captain, you said they saved us?" The man got up and exclaimed.

The corner of the strong man's eyes twitched, and he asked, "How can I save the level 12 sandstorm from disappearing?"

"Well, I saw it." Mo Wener nodded seriously.

Mu Liang landed with Hu Immortal and the others, and looked up at Wen Er and the others.

"Are you all alright?" Hu Immortal asked with a sweet smile.

"No, nothing." Mo Wener's ears turned red.

He hastily saluted and said, "Thank you, my lords, for your help, otherwise we would be dead.

"It's fine." Hu Immortal smiled slightly.

The other businessmen looked at each other in blank dismay, absurd thoughts arose in their hearts, could it be that the sandstorm was really made to disappear by the few people in front of them?

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice, "Where are you going?"

"Let's go to Oasis No. 7." Mo Wener explained quickly.

He could see that Mu Liang was the 'lord' among the four in front of him, and he was also the one who made the sandstorm disappear.

"No. 7 Oasis, what are you doing there?" Hu Immortal asked casually.

Mo Wener explained: "We have no fresh water. We need to go there to replenish and take a rest."

Mu Liang glanced at the sand turtle, and indeed did not feel the rich water element, which proved that the person in front of him was not lying.

"Do you know where the king of the snake people is?" he asked calmly.

Mo Wener respectfully said: "You know, he is in the No. 1 oasis, and our destination this time is also there."

He looked at Mu Liang, his eyes flickered, and he felt that the man in front of him was very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Li Yue asked coldly: "How far is the No. 1 Oasis from here?"

Mo Wener replied: "If you go there by sand turtle, you will have to walk for five days to reach the No. 1 oasis."

The No. 1 Oasis is located in the center of the sand country. If there is no road map, it is easy to get lost in the desert, let alone get to the No. 1 Oasis.

"How to get there, tell us." The fox fairy said with a smile.

Mo Wener said sincerely and seriously: "We often travel to and from No. 1 Oasis, and we already know how to get to 463, so if you don't have a map, it will be difficult for you to ask me to show you the way."

Mu Liang looked at the man, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Since there is no map, then come and take us away, to Oasis No. 1."

"Yes, several adults can go with our caravan." Wen Er agreed without hesitation.

For the life-saving grace, this little thing can still be agreed.

Mu Liang said calmly: "No, your caravan is moving too slowly, five days is too long, I'm in a hurry."

Mo Wener opened his mouth, hesitated before speaking: "In this way, I will let the caravan rest in the No. 7 oasis, and I will take the adults to the No. 1 oasis first, which can save a lot of time.

"Captain, so many goods will be damaged." A businessman couldn't help but said.

This time the goods contain a lot of fruits and green vegetables, as well as precious herbs, and the fresh ones have the highest value.

"Shut up, if it weren't for these adults, we would all be dead, and if the goods are broken, they will be broken." Al scolded in a deep voice.

The man opened his mouth and said nothing tactfully.

"The captain is right." Another person comforted him.

"Don't bother, just go together." Mu Liang wrote lightly.

"Yes, we can go together." The corners of Fox Immortal's lips curled up slightly.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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