Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2445: You Can Really Live Forever. (1 More)

The snake-man knight shook his hand and almost didn't hold the spear tightly. The feeling of flying into the air made him a little strange.


After more than ten breaths, Mu Liang brought Li Yue and others closer to the palace in the center of the lake.

There is a small square in front of the palace. The ground is paved with stone slabs. Although it is a bit uneven, it is much better than the sand outside.

In the square, the twelve snake-man knights looked serious, staring at Mu Liang and the others as if facing a formidable enemy. When they saw the snake-man knight in front of them, their expressions became surprised again.

The snake-man knight commander took a step forward with a serious face, and asked with a serious face, "Snake Li, what's going on?"

Snake Li is a snake-man knight who follows Mu Liang and the others.

He said solemnly: "Chief Knight, these are businessmen from the Xuanwu Kingdom. They have the unique healing potion of the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Really?" The knight captain's eyes lit up immediately, and the coldness in his eyes when he looked at Mu Liang and the others was a little less.

The same is true for the other snake-man knights, but their eyes are still scrutinizing. If Mu Liang and the others behave abnormally, they will definitely point their spears at each other.

The fox fairy frowned slightly, and the fox tail behind him swayed slightly.

She took a step forward and said calmly: "Correct me, this is the king of our Xuanwu Kingdom.

"The king of the Xuanwu Kingdom?" She Li and the others froze, looking at Mu Liang calmly.

810 Soon, some knights recognized Mu Liang. They had seen him on TV, and now they remembered him after a while.

"It's really the same as King Xuanwu." The young snake-man knight exclaimed.

"It's exactly the same, it's him at all." Another snake-man knight said.

She Li stared at Mu Liang with wide-eyed eyes, and couldn't help but tremble, thinking that he had chatted with King Xuanwu all the way, his heart beat faster.

The snake-man knight commander looked solemn, looked at Mu Liang and asked neither humble nor overbearing: "What is the purpose of His Majesty Xuanwu's personal visit?"

Mu Liang glanced at him calmly, and said, "Take me to meet your queen.

The serpent-man knight commander's complexion darkened, and he said in a low tone: "Your Majesty Xuanwu, our queen is not free.

The fox fairy's ears wobbled slightly, and asked casually, "Are you not free, or is there something wrong with your body?"

The knight commander's face sank, he stared at the fox-tailed woman, as if he would strike at the slightest disagreement.

"So, your queen doesn't need healing potions anymore, does she?" the fox fairy asked in a nonchalant tone.

Through the importance attached to the healing potion by the snake-man knight, she had some guesses in her heart (ajae), suspecting that the snake-man queen had a physical problem and needed the healing potion.

The snake knights looked at each other, and the tense atmosphere gradually weakened.

Sheli reminded in a low voice: "Chief Knight, the Queen needs healing potions."

The snake-man knight commander took a deep breath, suppressed his disgust towards humans, and said, "Wait a minute, Her Lady Queen is resting, I'll report it."

"En." Mu Liang's eyes drooped slightly.

The knight commander took a deep look at Mu Liang, then turned around and entered the palace, and walked deep through the huge main hall.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

He crossed the main hall and entered the promenade at the back, and stopped at the end. In front of him was the apse, the place where the snake-human queen lived.

In front of the main entrance of the apse, there were two snake-human maidservants guarding them. Seeing the arrival of the knight commander, they both saluted Shi Shiran.

The snake knight commander lowered his voice and asked, "Is Her Lady Queen still resting?"

"Well, the queen's mental state is very poor today, and she fell asleep very early." The snake waiter sighed softly.

Another snake-man maid asked curiously, "Is there something you want, Master Knight?"

"The king of the Xuanwu Kingdom is here and wants to see Her Majesty the Queen." The snake-man knight leader nodded.

The snake-man maid exclaimed in astonishment: "Why is the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom here?"

The snake-man knight commander said with a serious face: "They have healing potions, and if they want to see Her Lady Queen, it should be beneficial to Her Lady Queen's health."

The two snake maids looked at each other, and after exchanging glances, one of the snake maids said: "My lord, wait a moment, I will go to ask Her Lady Queen for instructions."

"Okay." The snake man knight leader nodded.


The snake-man maid gently pushed open the side door of the apse, and stepped into the apse.

The apse is very large, the roof is supported by twelve stone pillars, and there is a stone bed in front of the apse, with a light gauze hanging down, one can vaguely see a woman with a graceful figure lying inside.

The woman on the bed was covered with tulle, lying flat and sleeping peacefully.

"My lord queen?" the snake maid saluted respectfully.

"..." The apse was very quiet, only the sound of shallow breathing.

The snake-man maid waited quietly for a moment before calling out again: "My Lady Queen, I have something to report."

After a while of silence in the back hall, the woman on the stone bed moved, and a weak voice sounded: "Speak, what's the matter?"

The snake maid said respectfully: "My lord, the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom is here."

The bed was quiet again for a while, and the queen's voice sounded: "For the support of another continent?"

The snake maid said respectfully: "My lord, I don't know, but the knight commander is outside the palace."

"Let him in." The Snake Queen said weakly.

"Yes." The snake maid gave a salute, turned and walked out.

After a while, the snake-man knight commander walked into the apse and respectfully saluted the woman on the stone bed.

"Meet Your Lady Queen." He bent down.

"King Xuanwu is here?" The woman on the stone bed sat up, her golden tail hanging down from the side of the bed, and the snake scales on it had lavender patterns.

Knight Commander[: "Yes, my lord."

"Because of what, it has something to do with supporting the Old Continent?" the Snake Queen asked indifferently.

The knight commander explained in a serious tone: "My lord, King Xuanwu didn't say it was because of this, but he has healing potions, which should be beneficial to your body.

"I know exactly how my body is, and it can't be cured." The snake queen's voice became cold, with a feeling of seeing everything.

Your Lady Queen, how will you know if you don’t try? | The tone of the knight commander became low.

He took a deep breath and continued: "The kingdom of Sha cannot live without Her Lady Queen, and the snake people also need you.

"I've lived for almost a thousand years, that's long enough." The Snake Queen said calmly.

"My lord queen, you can live forever." The snake-man knight said seriously.

The snake queen said calmly, "Eternal life is just a legend, and no one can truly live forever.

The long eyes of the snake-man knight showed fanaticism, and he respectfully said: "My lord queen, as long as you can cure your body, you can live forever.w

"That's just a record, otherwise why would the ancestors of the snake people all die." The snake queen twitched her lips.

There is a legend among the snake people that as long as they are born with a golden tail, they will become the king of the snake people and lead the whole group to prosperity.

Snake people with golden tails will also have the possibility of eternal life.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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