Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2446: You Won't Let The Girl Go. (2 More)

The Snake Queen said coldly: "Legends are legends, don't take it seriously, living for a thousand years is enough.

The snake-man knight commander said in a serious tone: "My lord queen, since you can live for a thousand years, then this legend is true."

"It's not important anymore, go ask King Xuanwu to the parlor, I'll meet him there." The snake queen's tone became calm.

The snake-man knight commander opened his mouth, and tried to hold back a few times when he wanted to speak. Finally, he agreed in a deep voice, got up and left the apse.

"Change clothes." The Snake Queen said lightly.

"Yes." The snake maid responded, and quickly called other snake maids to come forward, and gently changed the dress for the snake queen.

On the other side, the knight commander of the snake-human tribe came outside the palace, and Liang and others were still on the case.

He stretched out his hand neither humble nor overbearing to signal: "His Majesty Xuanwu, please come with me, Her Majesty Queen will meet you in the reception hall."

"Lead the way. Mu Liang dropped two words and led the fox-tailed woman into the palace.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Snake Li hurriedly followed, the lower body was a snake body, gliding on the stone floor, making a rustling sound.

The living room is next to the main hall, and there is a lot of space inside - there are stone chairs.

The whole living room was dusty, and there was a cold air all around. There were no decorations on the walls, only a dozen or so glowing stones on the roof.

The snake knight said hoarsely: "Sit down for a while, our Lady Queen will be here soon.

"Okay." Mu Liang replied indifferently, scanning the surroundings with his deep eyes.


The snake-man maid came in with fruit and wine, and placed them on the stone table in front of Mu Liang and the others one by one.

"My lords, eat something first." The snake maid said respectfully.

"Okay." The fox fairy raised his eyelids, glanced at the maid with rose red eyes, and blinked sleepily.

The maidservant of the snake man blushed slightly, quickly lowered her head while holding the tray, twisted her slender waist, turned and left.

Before she walked out of the living room, she turned her head and glanced at the fox-tailed woman, her pretty face blushing even more.

The fox fairy raised his eyebrows lightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was slightly restrained.

Mu Hao glanced at the fox-tailed woman with a smile, and said with a smile, "Would you not let her go?"

"I didn't do anything, blame me for being too beautiful." Hu Immortal raised his chin proudly, stretched out his hand to tie Yujiao's hair.

"Yes." Mu Liang smiled.

With a smile in the beautiful eyes of the fox fairy, he gave him a charming look.

She picked up a piece of fruit on the plate and wrinkled her expression after taking a small bite.

"It's too sour, and your mouth is astringent." The fox fairy shook his ears, resisting eating beans.

Mu Liang said softly, "Then don't eat."

The long knight moved his mouth, wanting to say something. The fruit on the plate is called red snake fruit, which is unique to the oasis of Sha Country.

Delicious snake fruit is very popular among the snake people, because it can bear fruit all year round. When there are no merchants to bring fruit, they can only eat this.

"This wine is also astringent." Li Yue took a sip of the somewhat muddy wine, her brows furrowed tightly.

Mu Liang glanced at the wine in the bottle, the liquid was as cloudy as the water of the Yellow River.


He was about to say something when he heard the sound of sliding outside the living room.

The knight commander looked serious, and said, "My Lady Queen is here."

Mu Liang and the others raised their eyes and looked towards the main entrance of the living room. A graceful figure came into the living room with twisted waist, followed by two snake maids.

The graceful figure is also a snake girl, with a golden tail, and the purple lines on it add a bit of mystery.

Her hair is lavender, and there is a veil covering her face below the eyes.

The woman is wearing a white dress, part of which is dragging on the ground to cover half of her tail, moving forward with her.

"Your Excellency Muliang, it's the first time we meet." The snake woman Chao Muliang nodded and was supported by a maid to sit on the main seat.

Mu Liang smiled slightly: "It's not easy to see Your Excellency once."

Winkesha blinked her purple-gold eyes, and said slowly: "It's because I'm not in good health, settle down."

"We came this time mainly to support the affairs of the Old Continent." Mu Liang said straight to the point.

Wen Kesha slowly explained: "It's not that we don't support, it's because there are too few people in Saudi Arabia. The total population of our snake people does not exceed 50,000, and most of them are old, weak, women and children.

"Snake people have such a small population?" Hu Immortal said in surprise.

Wen Kesha leaned back, relaxed her posture and said, "It used to be less, but in the past few years, the population has increased by focusing on the reproduction of the next generation."

She feels very tired even sitting up straight now, and she would never sit if she could lie down. If it wasn't for the arrival of Mu Liang and others, she would always be lying down when dealing with Saudi affairs.

Mu Liang was silent for a moment, the number of the Snake People was too small, and they might not be able to send many Xunmen to support the Japanese Continent.


"There are other orcs in Sand Kingdom." Li Yue said coldly.

Winkesha sighed and said softly: "Don't worry, I will arrange it, but the number of people may not be large."

The snake-man knight commander said in a deep voice: "The overall strength of our Saudi kingdom is not strong. If it weren't for the poor living environment and no value of being captured, the surrounding human kingdoms would have annexed us long ago."

"This is the truth. Mu Liang's eyes flashed slightly.

Before coming to Saudi Arabia, he had read some information. Thousands of years ago, the surrounding kingdoms had fought against Saudi Arabia, and they naturally won.

As a result, the barrenness of Saudi Arabia made the human kingdom helpless, and they would rather not waste manpower to occupy it.

It takes a lot of time and effort to manage a kingdom. For such a barren desert kingdom, which is also a kingdom of orcs, everything is worthless.


"cough cough~~~

Winksha coughed a few times, her face pale under the veil.

"My Lady Queen, are you alright?" the snake-man knight commander asked with concern.

"It's okay." Wincosa raised her hand and waved lightly, preventing the knight commander from stepping forward.

Mu Liang looked at Wen Kesha calmly, with scrutiny in his eyes.

The snake queen raised her eyes and looked at him, secretly startled, as if she had been seen through repeatedly.

"You are dying." Mu Liangyan said concisely.

"Bold." The snake-man knight captain looked at him angrily with his eyes wide open.

A cold light flashed across Li Yue's beautiful silver eyes, staring at the Serpent Knight Commander.

"It's okay." Wincosa raised her hand to signal.

She clenched her fingers tightly, then loosened them quickly, and said calmly, "Your Excellency has good eyesight."

Mu Liang said word by word: "Your condition is very bad, if you don't treat it, it won't be suitable for you.

..." Wincosa fell silent.

The knight commander showed a look of astonishment, Her Lady Queen won't survive this month?

His heart sank, he looked at Mu Liang for help, bowed down and knelt down and said: "Please His Majesty Xuanwu use the healing potion to save our queen.

"His Majesty Xuanwu, please save our queen." The snake-man maids bowed down and knelt down, their hands clinging to the ground, and they were almost flat on the ground.

"Healing potions should be useless to her. The sound of Mu Liang's voice made the hearts of the snake people sink.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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