Palace, inside the study.

Yue Qinlan couldn't help laughing wryly as she looked at the documents piled up on her work.

"Mu Liang, come back quickly." She sighed and said to herself, picked up a pen and began to review the documents.

The files on the desktop have been piled up for three days, and the previous ones have been reviewed.

During the day, Yue Qinlan was busy with the affairs of the administration, and had to go to various cities of David frequently. Only at night did she have time to deal with more important documents.

"Knock knock knock~~ww

"Master Qinlan." There was a knock on the study door, and the voice of Bamei's little maid asked for instructions.

Yue Qinlan responded casually: "Come in."


The door of the study was pushed open, and Buff walked into the study with tea and a fruit plate, and put the things in his hand on the table.

She said softly, "Master Qinlan, drink some tea and rest for a while."

""Five Forty" Hmm." Yue Qinlan nodded, put down her pen, picked up her cup and took a sip of hot tea.

She asked softly, "What are Mino and the others doing?"

"Miss Mino is washing up."

Buff said crisply: "Miss Alina just came back from training, and Miss Yan Bing is cleaning the armor..."

Yue Qinlan put down her teacup and suddenly asked, "Is there any news from Mu Liang?"

"No." Buff shook his head.

She said softly: "But counting the time, His Majesty should be back in two days."

"Well, according to the previous budget, it's time to come back, if there are no accidents." Qi Qinlan nodded slowly.

"Yeah." Buff responded obediently.

Yue Qinlan asked gracefully: "I'm quite busy these days, how many people from the New World to support have arrived?"

Buff said crisply: "Lord Qinlan, more than 50,000 people have arrived and are being sent to the Old Continent in batches.

Since Mu Liang went to the New World, a group of strong men will arrive in the Xuanwu Kingdom every few days. After completing the identity registration, all these strong men will be sent to the Old Continent by the transport spaceship.

In the past half a month, more than 50,000 strong people have been sent to the Old Continent, and now more than 50,000 people have arrived in the Xuanwu Kingdom. This is good news.

With the support of powerful people from all sides, the number of dead and injured ghosts in the Old Continent has skyrocketed, and the pressure on many big cities has been greatly relieved.

"That's good, Mu Liang's trip was not in vain." Yue Qinlan raised the corners of her lips.

Buff said in a small voice: "Lord Qinlan, there are more powerful people in the kingdom, which also leads to serious security problems.

Yue Qinlan's head got bigger when she heard the words, and sighed: "I know this, I have already asked Cheng Mao to strengthen the patrol."

The strong people from the new continent will stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom for a long or short time, and wait for the transport spaceship to be emptied before sending them to the old continent.

It was just these two days that these powerful people caused a lot of trouble in the kingdom. They did not understand the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom. Most of them were arrogant and did not want to understand the constitution. The result was a series of troubles.

The Old Continent needs the support of these people, as long as it is not too excessive and outrageous, and Qin Lan will choose to turn a blind eye.

But if the consequences are serious, fines and imprisonment are inevitable, and they must be held accountable.

"Master Qinlan, the problem of discrimination between races is the most serious." Buff continued.

In the past few days, the gang around Wang Wei Youlan has seen the dark side of Shao.

Most of the strong people from the New World look down on the orcs, and some even hate them. Even on the street, if they disagree with each other, they will attack orcs and half-orcs.

"Those people have all been arrested, and this matter will be published in the newspaper."

Yue Qinlan took a deep breath, tapped the table with her fingers, and said wearily: "I will also remind those strong people in the New World that this problem cannot be tolerated.

The Xuanwu Kingdom does not allow the existence of racial discrimination, even if the offender is a strong man from the New World, he will face the most severe punishment.

"Yes." Buff agreed.

Yue Qinlan looked at the documents on the desktop and remembered the complaint letters received in the past few days, 70% of which were delivered by orcs.

They thought that they would not be discriminated against when they came to the Xuanwu Kingdom, but they didn't expect that after the strongmen from the New World came, they would bring those bad habits with them.

A cold light flashed in Yue Qin's blue eyes, and suddenly said: "No, we have to take it more seriously, the racial equality that Mu Haohao has not easily established cannot be ruined because of this incident.

Buff blinked her beautiful eyes, and asked in a crisp voice: "Master Qinlan, what should I do?"

Yue Qinlan calmly said: "People who are racially discriminated against will be added to the Blacklist of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and they will be notified on TV. They will not be allowed to enter the Xuanwu Kingdom for the next 30 years..."

Buff's pink lips parted slightly, and finally nodded in agreement.

Yue Qinlan did this because she wanted to make an example to the monkeys, and secondly, she wanted to appease other races except the human race. The main purpose was to emphasize once again Xuanwu Jinguo's zero tolerance for racial discrimination.

She pulled a piece of paper, wrote down the decision just now, and handed it to Buff: "Send it to Yi Liyi, these contents will be added to the newspaper that will be released tomorrow."

"Yes." Buff took the paper from the elegant woman, and it was stamped with the seal of King Xuanwu, which meant that the decision would take effect immediately.

She turned around and left the study quickly. It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the documents had to be sent to Yi Liyi as soon as possible, so as to have time to revise the newspaper and add new content for reprinting.

"Who is outside, come in." Yue Qinlan shouted.


The study door was pushed open, and Xiao Zi walked in and said crisply: "Master Qinlan, what instructions do you have?"

Yue Qinlan said with a serious face: "Contact Yue Qinyi for me, tell her to help me shoot a promotional video, the content is that racial discrimination is strictly prohibited, and everyone is reminded to abide by the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom

"Okay." Xiao Zi nodded seriously.

Yue Qinlan warned: "Let her work hard, the video will be shown in rotation on all TVs and billboards tomorrow."

There are many billboards in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and they usually broadcast product advertisements. When necessary, they will be turned into TV sets to disseminate more important information.

For a kingdom, it is very important to control the dissemination of information. Only by controlling public opinion can the kingdom be better managed.

Xiao Zi's expression became more serious: "Yes, I will tell you everything.

"Well, go get busy." Yue Qinlan waved her hand.

Only then did Xiao Zi turn around and leave, and went to the contact room to use the resonance bug to contact Yue Qinyi, who was filming a movie.

"Hoo hoo~~~"

Yue Qinlan let out a sigh of relief, picked up a pen and continued to review the documents, and she was destined not to sleep tonight.

In addition to reviewing documents, she has other things to do. She has to go to the military factory overnight to see the production of weapons such as Vulcan and Poseidon.

In one month, Xu Guihuang will wake up, and now he can't understand for a moment.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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