Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2453: I Hope You Can Speak Well Next Time. (1 More)

Within Lieheng Kingdom.

The center of the royal city is where the king's palace lives.

At this moment in the palace, Mu Liang was sitting on a wooden chair, Hu Immortal and Li Yue sat on both sides, and Yao Er obediently stood behind.

This kingdom was the last kingdom they visited after they came to the New World. As long as the king of the Lieheng Kingdom agreed to send additional manpower to support the Old World, the four of them could apply for Xuanwu as the main partner.

On the seat opposite to everyone, sat the king of the Lieheng Kingdom, an old man with a gray beard, who was a powerful man at the peak of the king rank.

At this time, his face was ugly, and he stared at Mu Liang with unfriendly eyes.

Longedo asked in a cold tone: "What did you just say?"

Mu Liang said calmly: "According to the regulations agreed at the Holy Land meeting, all the kingdoms will send experts to the Old Continent to support and help clean up the ghosts."

Longedo said: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, did you make a mistake? I have already arranged for the strong one."

Hu Immortal said coldly: "As far as I know, the Lieheng Kingdom only sent 80 people to the Old Continent, and all of them were from the third team whose strength was below 1B.

Longedo smiled, looked up at the fox-tailed woman and said, "I sent people to support, and I didn't violate the agreed regulations. As for how many people to send, it's all voluntary."

The fox fairy looked at the man coldly, and said mockingly: "Your Excellency, do you think dealing with the Xu clan is just a game?"

. " Longedo twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked like a half-smile, which seemed particularly annoying in the eyes of the fox-tailed woman.

Fox Immortal continued with cold eyes: "If humans lose, after the Xu Clan destroys the Old Continent, it will be the turn of the New Continent, and the Lieheng Kingdom will also be destroyed."

"So what?" Longedo sneered, only thinking that this was the alarmist talk of the fox-tailed woman.

The fox fairy closed her eyelids, her slender and curled eyelashes fluttered, and took a few deep breaths to keep her mood from fluctuating too much.

She turned her head and said with a smile like a flower: "My lord, let's do it according to your method.

"En." Mu Liang raised his lips, raised his hand and patted the fox-tailed woman's shoulder, and then Shi Shiran stood up.

Longedo narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Mu Liang with a cold light in his eyes, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Before coming to you, we visited nearly a hundred other kingdoms, Lieheng Kingdom is the last one." Mu Liang's voice was very calm.

He looked at Longedo and said indifferently: "Many of those kings are like you, but in the end they all agreed to send more powerful people to support them. Guess why?"

"..." Longedo's pupils constricted when he heard that, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Can't you guess?" The fox fairy's slender legs were crossed, and his rose red eyes were full of coldness.

"What do you want to do?" Longedo asked in a low voice.

Hu Immortal smiled happily, and said word by word: "What to do, of course I want you to agree to send more people to support the Old Continent."

More than half an hour later, the palace in the royal city collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The Palace Knights rushed over in horror, just in time to meet Mu Liang and others walking out of the ruins, their clothes looking spotless.

The knight commander roared angrily: "Come on, if you dare to destroy the palace, catch them quickly.

"Yes." The knights said angrily, clenched their spears tightly and were about to attack.

"Stop it all." An angry voice sounded, and Longedo walked out of the ruins, his clothes were torn and his body was bruised and purple.

The fox fairy turned his head and glanced at him, his eyes were impassive.

Mu Liang had a fight with him, and the result was naturally a unilateral crush. Longedo had no chance to fight back, and was beaten violently throughout the process. He didn't agree to send more people to support the Old Continent until the palace collapsed.

"If you agree earlier, there will be no such troubles." Hu Immortal said lightly.

Longedo gritted his teeth and stared angrily at Mu Liang and the fox-tailed woman, wishing he could swallow them alive.

"Dissatisfied?" Mu Liang asked coldly.

"...Submit." Longe opened his mouth, and finally squeezed out the word "submit" from between his teeth.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "Very well, I hope that the additional 10,000 people you sent will arrive as soon as possible."

"Okay." Longedo gritted his teeth and nodded.

Mu Liang said lightly: "Five days, I hope Your Excellency won't make me wait too long."

"Five days, the time is too urgent." Longedo's face turned ugly.

"Don't fight again. A cold light flashed in Mu Liang's eyes.

"No, five days is five days." Long Hui's face trembled.

At this time, his body was still in pain, and the scene of being pressed and beaten by Mu Liang was still vivid in his memory, and he felt trembling when he thought about it for a while.

"Very good." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction again.

Hu Immortal waved his hand generously, and said gracefully: "I hope that next time we meet, Your Excellency will be so easy to talk to.

..." Longedo roared inwardly, he didn't want to see Mu Liang and the fox-tailed woman again.

He kept taking deep breaths to suppress the anger in his heart.

Mu Liang withdrew his gaze, and walked away with the Fox Fairy and the others, leaving behind the waste and dazed knights all over the place.

Longedo gritted his teeth and sent 10,000 strong men to the Old Continent, and none of them could be lower than the third level, and one-third of them should be above the fifth level.

"They're all lunatics." He couldn't help but growl in the sky.

"Your Majesty..." The knight commander turned pale.

"Get lost." Longuedo roared.

"Yes." The knight commander had a sullen face, but he was relieved in his heart. Staying here now can only be used as a tool to vent his anger.

He turned around and was about to leave when he heard Ronnie's voice sound again.

"Wait." Longedo's voice became a little calmer.

The knight commander quickly turned around and asked respectfully, "Your Majesty?"

With a dark face, Longedo ordered in a cold voice: "Go, gather 10,000 strong men, the minimum strength of which cannot be lower than the third level..."

The knight opened his mouth and said in astonishment, "Your Majesty, do you really want to send so many people to support them?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, do you want to die?" Longedo said with unfriendly eyes.

He was full of killing intent at this time, and he lost face in front of his subordinates [Now I really want to kill to vent my anger.

"Yes, I understand." The knight commander quickly lowered his head, turned around and left quickly.

Longedo had a gloomy face, clenched his fists and then loosened them. He turned around and looked at the ruined palace, with fear surfacing in his heart.

He didn't want to fight Mu Liang again, the feeling of powerlessness made people despair, it was because of this that he didn't dare to obey Mu Liang's arrangements, otherwise he would really die next time.

"Damn, damn, damn." Longedo roared angrily, and there was nowhere to vent his grievance.

Outside the ruins, the maids and knights all lowered their heads, for fear of attracting the king's attention, which might become the target of venting their anger.

"Come on, rebuild the palace." Longedo roared.

"Yes." The maids responded quickly and started to run, arranging for the workers to hurry up and rebuild the palace.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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