Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2454: Don't Think About It, You Can't Escape. (2 More)

The sky of Lieheng Kingdom.

Mu Liang took Hu Xian, Li Yue, and Yao Er to fly quickly, the goal was to go to the Sha Kingdom a few kingdoms away, and to pick up Wen Kesha and return to the Xuanwu Kingdom together.

"Are you ready?" Mu Liang asked slightly tilting his head.

Hu Immortal nodded lightly, nestled in Mu Liang's arms and said, "Well, we can start now.

"I'm ready too." Li Yue and Yao Er nodded obediently.

Mu Liang moved his mind when he heard the words, and took the three girls to jump through the space, and hurried across the space.

There are still two days left before they are going to pick up Winksha and arrive at the Xuanwu Kingdom.

After everyone performed 20 space jumps in a row, Yao Er's body could not hold on any longer, and Mu Liangcai stopped on a grassland with the three girls.

Yao Er's complexion turned pale slightly, and she said weakly, "Your Majesty, I am too weak."

Mu Liang glanced at her, and said calmly: "It's not your problem, but the strength is indeed a little weak, you have to work hard to cultivate when you go back."

"Yes." Yao Er nodded vigorously, she had already decided in her heart that when she returned to the Xuanwu Kingdom, she would seize all the time to practice and improve her strength.

"Rest for half an hour." Mu Liang said, and took out the glass table and chairs from the portable space, allowing the three girls to sit down and rest.

Yao Er said obediently: "Your Majesty, let me get you something to eat."

"Take a good rest." Mu Liang said as he stretched out his hand to condense a mass of life elements, and patted it directly into the little maid's body to help her recover quickly.

"Yes." Yao Er agreed with a blushing face.

Mu Liang took out the charcoal fire, took out the fresh monster meat, lit it and grilled it on the charcoal fire, and prepared the food by himself.

Liyue stepped forward to help, brushing several layers of sauce on the monster meat.


The skin of the Warcraft meat was quickly cooked, and the fat dripped down, making a pleasant sizzling sound.

The fat dripped on the charcoal fire, causing sparks to burst out, which were extinguished before they hit the ground.

"It smells so good." Li Yue's nose moved, she was already hungry.

When they were in Lieheng Kingdom, they didn't eat anything.

Mu Liang said softly: "Wait a little longer, you can eat it soon."

"Okay." Li Yue replied softly.

Yao Er thought of something, and said crisply: "Your Majesty, those people locked in the forbidden weapons, will they starve to death if they don't eat?"

Mu Liang paused for a while while turning the barbecue, and said in a calm tone: "I almost forgot, they haven't eaten for a few days?"

"Five days." Yao Er said softly.

"Then get them something to eat." Mu Liang raised his hand and took out the forbidden weapon from the portable space.

The forbidden weapon was opened, and the six parts flew into the air, releasing the titans of the immortals.


The old woman coughed violently as soon as she appeared. She looked sallow and thin on the outside, as if she was about to die of starvation. If she hadn't been strong enough to be imprisoned for so many days without eating or drinking, she might really die.

Mo Sang and the old man were also in poor condition, staring at Mu Liang and the others with killing intent in their eyes.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Look at it again, then you don't need to eat."

The three of Mosang moved their throats, noticed the barbecue on the charcoal fire, and their eyes sparkled involuntarily.

The three of them were silent, looking away from Mu Liang and the others. They were so hungry that they couldn't help swallowing when they smelled the barbecue.

Mu Liang withdrew his gaze in satisfaction, and continued to flip the barbecue, sprinkling a layer of seasoning on top from time to time.


The gentle breeze on the grassland blows the aroma of barbecue to the three of Mosang, making their eyes straight.

Mu Liang took the barbecue off the grill, cut it into evenly sized pieces, put them on a plate, and handed it to the third daughter.

"Eat." He said softly.

"Then I won't be polite." The corner of Fox Immortal's lips raised, and he poked the roast meat with a small fork and stuffed it into his mouth.

She narrowed her beautiful eyes and praised sincerely: "It's delicious."

"It's delicious." Li Yue chewed on the roast meat, and stretched out her thumb to Mu Liang, this is the way of complimenting people that she learned from him.

Yao'er was also eating the barbecue, with surprise written all over her face.

"Where are we eating?" Mosang couldn't help asking.

Seeing that Mu Liang and the others didn't intend to send them barbecue, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Mu Liang glanced at them, turned his hand and took out a piece of dry food cake from the portable space, and asked his son to send it to Titan.

Mo Sang's face darkened immediately, and he said through gritted teeth: "We want to eat barbecue."

"Roast your legs, do you want to feed them again?" Mu Liang asked indifferently.

Mo Sang was at a loss for words. Looking at Mu Liang's serious expression, he knew that he would really do that, and if he talked nonsense, he would lose a pair of legs.

Yao Er came in front of the three of them, stuffed the dry food cake into the mouths of the three of them, then turned around and went back to eat the barbecue.

The three old women showed resentment on their faces, but they dared not say anything. They bit the dry food cake with their upper and lower teeth hard. If they fell off, they would really starve to death.

Mosang bit down a piece of dry food cake hard, and chewed viciously, his eyes lit up as he chewed.

He was pleasantly surprised, and unexpectedly found that the dry food cake was very fragrant, and the more he chewed, the more delicious it was, and it was better than the cakes he had eaten before.

The old man fell silent, eating cakes heartily, as if he was eating some delicacies from mountains and seas.

",々cough cough~~~"

Mosang coughed a few times, the dry food cake was too dry, and his throat felt like a desert without drinking water for several days.

"Give them some water." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yes." Yao Er obediently responded.

She poured a large glass of water, stepped up to the three immortals, stuffed the water glass into their mouths, and tilted the glass to let clear water pour into their mouths.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

Mosang swallowed greedily, his throat was moistened, and his whole body felt comfortable.

"I want more." He shouted hoarsely.

"No more." Yao Er glanced at him, then turned to feed the old woman and the old man.

"Give me some more." Mosang couldn't help but said.

Mu Liang said casually: "Tell me a secret of the Immortals, and I'll give you a glass of water."

Mo Sang shut his mouth when he heard this, biting the dry food cake bitterly. (Zhao Qian's)

"It smells so good." The fox fairy said gracefully.

The corners of Mosang's eyes twitched, and he turned his head to eat dry food cakes.

He wanted to escape, but unfortunately his body was restrained, and every step he moved would cause his body to suffer an electric shock. This was the forbidden weapon restraining them.

After the three of them finished eating the dry rations and cakes, Mu Liang and the others were also full, and were leisurely drinking star tea, ready to rest for another ten minutes.

Mosang and the old man looked at each other and exchanged glances, looking for a way to escape.

"Don't think about it, you can't escape." Mu Liang's light voice sounded pure.

The next moment, the forbidden weapon was activated, and the three of them were imprisoned again, leaving only a piece of dust behind.

Half an hour later, Hu Immortal and the others had a good rest, and were led by Mu Liang to fly into the sky again, jumping through space and on their way.

After they arrived in Saudi Arabia, it was already half a day later.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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