Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2463: Four Noisy Zerglings. (2 More)


Over the salty water area, the transport spaceship was flying fast. It was flying from the Xuanwu Kingdom to the Old Continent, and all the powerful people on board were there to support it.

Wen Kesha was on the boat, and she was on the deck at this time. She was wearing a pale gold dress tightly around her waist, and her face was covered by tulle, revealing only a pair of beautiful purple-gold eyes.

She looked at the sea in the distance, and the salt water area was not as vibrant as the sea in the New World, on the contrary it was lifeless, as if she was about to drown in it at a glance.

"It turned out to be like this on the other side of the misty sea." Wincosa's eyes flickered.

She looked at the clouds above her head, which were gray and heavy, as if she was about to overwhelm her.

"It's too depressing, worse than the Kingdom of Sand." She murmured softly.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Footsteps came from behind Winksha. There were three men and a woman who came. The three men were wearing knight armor, and the woman was a magician. She was wearing a white robe covering half of her calf.

The female magician said mockingly: "The snake people also sent people to support them, which is really surprising.

She looked only in her thirties, her cheeks were slightly sunken, giving off a very mean feeling.

"Hehe, don't get there, just look for a chance to escape." The dark-skinned knight also taunted.

Another knight sneered: "The orcs are useless, if they come to support, I'm afraid it will be a hindrance."

The black knight grinned, and said in a sinister tone: "Yes, but trash can also be useful, such as being a trailblazer."

Winkesha looked at the four people in front of her calmly, with an indifferent look, as if the butcher was looking at four dead fish.

"Mute?" The female magician narrowed her beautiful eyes.

The black knight taunted: "Mute, with a scarf on his face, is he ugly and shameless?"

The thin and tall knight rubbed his chin, and said in a disgusted tone: "It shouldn't be, the snake girl of the snake-human tribe is famous for her beauty, so she can't be too ugly."

"Snake girl is pretty?"

"I think you are blind." The female magician rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.

The thin and tall knight said quickly: "It must not be as pretty as you."

The female magician glared at the man coquettishly, her complexion improved visibly to the naked eye.

"Get out of the way." Wincosa said indifferently.

She didn't want to argue with the four people in front of her. In her opinion, it was worthless to waste energy and tongue, just four noisy hoppers.

The female magician looked at the snake queen with cold eyes, and asked in a bad tone: "What did you say?"

She didn't know that the king of Sha Kingdom belonged to the snake-human race, let alone the snake girl. Even if she knew, she wouldn't associate it with Wen Kesha at all.

"I think she is looking for death." The black knight pouted, and raised the spear in his hand.

He wanted to see what the face under the scarf looked like, whether it was too ugly to be seen by others, or it was so beautiful that it would overwhelm the country.

Winkesha's eyes finally changed, with a cold killing intent, and a terrifying aura enveloped the four of them.

The space was slightly distorted, and the four of them collapsed on the ground, looking at the snake queen with terrified eyes.

"If you keep making noise, I'll send you down to cool off." Wincosa said indifferently.


The black knight swallowed his saliva with difficulty, he was almost out of breath, and couldn't speak a word.

The condition of the other three people was not much better, their complexions were as white as paper, their bodies were shaking like chaff, and the tall and thin knight was directly scared to pee.

Looking at the pool of yellow urine on the deck, Wincosa frowned in disgust and said, "Trash."

The thin and tall knight looked embarrassed, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in, and also wanted to refute the snake queen's words, but unfortunately he didn't dare.

Wen Kesha withdrew her gaze, and left without looking back, disdainful to waste any more time with the four of them.

"Damn it, who is she?" The black knight staggered to his feet, looking at the snake queen's back with a gloomy expression.

The female magician said in a trembling tone: "It's definitely not an ordinary person, and the aura it exudes is more terrifying than that of a powerful king.

"Could it be the Supreme Power?" The thin and tall knight's voice became sharp.

"You trash, you can be scared to pee by her." The female magician looked at him with disgust.

The thin and tall knight's eyes were full of embarrassment, and he said aggrievedly: "What face do you have to say about me? Didn't you also get scared to the ground?"

The female magician didn't expect the thin and tall knight to be anxious with her, and she became even more angry: "You are a waste, you are not even as good as a snake girl."

The other two knights looked at each other, then turned and left silently, and it would only be more embarrassing to stay any longer.

On the splint, the soldiers on duty watched coldly, and those who tried to stir up trouble should be taught a lesson.

The Xuanwu Kingdom advocates racial equality, and the four of them openly provoked the Snake Queen on the boat, and they deserved the beating.

Wen Kesha returned to the room in the cabin, looking at the darkness outside the glazed window, the image of Mu Liang appeared in her mind.

The corners of her lips raised slightly, and she whispered to herself: "I really hope that the Xu Clan disappears immediately, so I can go back sooner, and learning how to cook is also very good.

Winksha's eyes flickered, thinking that she might only have thirty years to live, she planned to find some fun so that the future would not be the same as the past.

The joy she finds now is to learn how to cook, and then cook for the man in her mind.

The corners of Winksha's lips rose, and she smiled and said to herself: "What a special man, I look forward to it."

As time passed, the transport spaceship had flown out of the salt water area and officially entered the Old Continent.


After the transport spaceship entered the sky above the land, its flight speed increased again until it reached the nearest big city.

"The speed has become faster." Winkesa looked at the clouds and mist passing by outside in surprise.

Two hours later, the speed of the transport aircraft 980 slowed down, and the crew's prompts sounded in the cabin.

"The front is about to arrive at Sanyang City, the virtual ghost group is attacking the city, and the transport spaceship is about to descend, everyone, please cooperate to clean up the virtual ghosts.

The prompt was repeated three times, with a serious tone, which made many people involuntarily nervous and serious.

Winksha got up from the chair, smoothed the folds of the skirt, and left the room with her golden tail.


Soon after, the transport spaceship began to land, which attracted the attention of the virtual ghost group in the distance.


The group of virtual ghosts galloped towards them like a black tide, approaching dryly.

The next moment, the muzzle of the transport spaceship lit up.


The virtual ghosts rushing to the front fell down in pieces, and were quickly passed by the virtual ghosts behind, rushing desperately towards the transport spaceship.


The second group of spirit weapon cannons was activated, and after the roar of artillery fire, another ghost fell down.

Wen Kesha came out of the cabin door, watching the destructive attack of the spirit weapon cannon, she couldn't help but marvel in her heart, the Xuanwu Kingdom was stronger than she imagined.

She just sighed, and the next moment her body was ejected, turning into a golden streamer and rushing towards the approaching virtual ghost group.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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