Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2464: Otherwise, I Don't Know How I Died. (1 More)

Wen Kesha's attack method is very special, the palm of the hand glows with golden light, and the next moment, she throws out ten small snakes that look like life, and shoot towards the nearest virtual ghost.


The little golden snake flew very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the group of virtual ghosts, and then all the little snakes exploded, blasting all the surrounding virtual ghosts to pieces.


The eyes of all the powerful men who got off the transport spaceship were wide open. First, they were surprised by the power of the spirit weapon cannon, and second, they were surprised by the strength of the snake queen.

"It's amazing." The female magician's face was ugly, and she regretted offending Wen Kesha, and her intestines were turning green at this time.

The black knight asked fearfully, "Will she trouble us again?"

"The strong men of the orc clan have already taken action, what are you still doing?" the soldier reminded.

These words are like a slap on the face of the female magician and others. They used to discriminate against orcs, but now they lag behind others, like a coward.

"Come on." The black knight gritted his teeth, waved his spear and went straight to the approaching ghost group.


The battle is on the verge of breaking out. Many of these strong men from the New World are facing the virtual ghost for the first time. They will be at a loss at the beginning, but they quickly adjusted their attack methods and started fighting with the virtual ghost.


The spirit weapon cannon enters the cooling state, and it needs to wait for three minutes before it can be activated again.

Without the suppression of artillery fire, the pressure on the human race increased sharply, and casualties soon appeared.

The strength of these powerful people from the New World is generally around the third level, and a small number of them are powerhouses above the fifth level. There is an existence like Wen Kesha "I can't find one out of ten thousand people.

The disadvantage of the human race was reversed when the spirit weapon cannon was activated again.


Cannon fire poured down, and pieces of virtual ghosts fell down.

Winkesha's eyes were cold, and the skirt on her body was already stained with Xu Gui's blood, making her look like a killing god.

More than a thousand virtual ghosts died under her hands, most of them were killed with one blow, and the ruthlessness of the blow made many people fear.

Wen Kesha's shot this time cast a shadow in the hearts of the strong men, and they decided not to trouble her in the future, otherwise they would not know how they died.

Half an hour later, all the virtual ghosts near the transport spaceship were wiped out, leaving only the group of virtual ghosts attacking the city in the distance.

"Keep moving forward" Wincosa flicked her sleeve, shaking off the blood of the virtual ghost sticking to it.

"Yes." The strong man from the New World agreed, not daring to disobey the Snake Queen's order.

Many of them responded subconsciously, approving the leadership of the Snake Queen from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone rushed to the virtual ghost group in the distance, and the battle continued.

When the virtual ghosts here were cleaned up, the sky had already darkened, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt and fresh blood.

The black knight staggered, sat down exhausted, and murmured: "Too many people died..."

The familiar female magician died, her body was cut open by a ghost's paw, her intestines fell to the ground, and was crushed by another ghost.

There are many such situations, the strong who came to support were too weak, and all died on the battlefield.

Winksha flicked the tail of the snake, looking at the muddy soil soaked in blood, feeling very heavy.

Her eyes flickered, and she whispered to herself: "The virtual ghost is even more disgusting than imagined..."

After Mu Liang helped her extend her life, she felt that she had endless energy all over her body. This time, she didn't feel tired after fighting Xu Gui.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The war drum on the transport spaceship was sounded, which was an order for assembly.

Twelve drums make a group, and when three groups are played, all must gather and go to the next haunted place of ghosts.

Winksha glanced at the person who was burning Xugui's corpse, turned and left after a moment of silence, she was going to kill more Xugui.

Half an hour later, the transport spacecraft took off again.

Winksa returned to the cabin room, locked the door, took off her black dress and went into the bathroom.


The cool water washes over her body, the soap spreads all over her body, and after the foam is washed away by the clear water, the stench of Xu Gui's blood is also washed away.

"Soap is really a good thing." Wincosa closed her beautiful eyes, fingers running through the thick hair.

When she washed up and left the bathroom, the sound of assembly drums had already sounded in the cabin.

"Please gather everyone, the transport spaceship will land again." The crew's prompt sounded many times.

Winksha frowned, and the clean dress on the boat left the cabin.

"As soon as we left, another virtual ghost attacked the city. We have to go back." The person in charge of the transport spaceship shouted.

Wen Kesha twisted up her long hair and let the ends of her hair drip, her eyes turned cold.

Not long after the transport spaceship left the big city, more virtual ghosts appeared.

"Damn it, how long have you been resting?" Someone cursed angrily.

Many people had just washed up and only rested for a few minutes before being summoned to the door by the sound of drums.

"Very good, this time we will kill all the virtual ghosts." The strong knight said in a deep voice.

".||Everyone should pay attention to safety. I hope there will be fewer casualties this time." The crew of the transport spaceship reminded.

After a few brief explanations, the transport spaceship landed on the vast land.


The spirit weapon cannon was activated again, killing the approaching ghosts.


The cabin door opened, and Wen Kesha and others left the transport spaceship and continued to kill the approaching virtual ghost group.

With a cold face and a golden light in her hand, Wen Kesha easily killed the approaching ghost.

Xu Gui's blood splashed on his body again "The newly changed dress was stained black again.

"What a waste of clothes." Her eyes were cold, and the dresses she was wearing were all bought when she was wandering around the main city with the little maid.

Wen Kesha likes the clothes she bought from Xuanwu Kingdom very much. Not only are they of good quality, but also the style and softness of the fabric are the best.

"Come on~~~"

Those who appeared were all low-level virtual ghosts. They didn't understand the meaning of Winkesha's words, and they couldn't feel her anger. They just rushed forward without thinking.

Winkesha made another move, waving thousands of little golden snakes, covering all the approaching virtual ghosts.


The next moment, all the little golden snakes exploded, engulfing the group of virtual ghosts approaching.


The virtual ghosts roared angrily, and collectively launched an attack on the snake queen.

"Come on, don't be in a daze." The strong man from the New World yelled, waving his weapon and resisting the approaching virtual ghost together with Wincosa.

Wen Kesha's complexion remained unchanged, and she continued to condense the little golden snake, causing more virtual ghosts to die.

It was completely dark, and the little snake emitting golden light became particularly conspicuous. Every explosion was like fireworks blooming in the dark night, dazzling and full of lethality.


The battle lasted for two hours before it really ended, and the human race still won.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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