Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2468: You Learn Everything. (1 More)

"Boom boom boom~~~"

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, the Xuanwu Bell was rung, and the sound of the bell echoed in the air.

The sky had already darkened, and the huge tree of life withdrew its brilliance, allowing the Xuanwu Kingdom to slowly enter the night. At the same time, billions of points of light were lit up, simulating the appearance of a starry night sky.

In the palace, the little maids had already prepared dinner, and the smell of various foods wafted from the kitchen.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yue Qinlan walked into the palace, smelled the smell and came to the door of the kitchen, her eyes fell on the little maids who were arranging the dishes.

Yao'er turned her head to look, and called out sweetly: "Qinlantian is hungry after coming back."

"Well, is dinner ready?" Yue Qinlan nodded slightly and asked.

Yao Er said crisply: "Yes, I will have spicy hot pot for dinner today, as well as cold pot skewers.

The cold pot skewers are what the little maids have learned to make in the past two days. The recipe given by Mu Liang has written the method, because it is very suitable for eating when it is hot.

"I'm almost drooling." Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes.

Qingwu smiled and said: "Master Qinlan, wait a little longer, everyone can eat at 21."

"Understood, I'm going to change clothes." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully, and said, she took off the hairpin on her head, and let her long aqua blue hair hang down.

She turned around and left with her slender waist twisted, and went to the side hall to change into home clothes.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yan Bing, Elina and the others came back to the palace one after another. Everyone was sweating profusely, and they could only rest when they came back to the palace after a busy day.

Xiao Zi said considerately: "Everyone has worked hard, and the hot water for bathing is ready."

"Great, I'll take a shower before I have dinner." Alina let out a long breath, took off the helmet she was wearing, and let her pink hair hang down.

Nijisha grabbed the blue curly hair on her shoulders, frowned and smelled it, it smelled like sweat, and immediately decided to take a shower before eating dinner.

The training tasks of the few people today are very heavy, and they are already tired after returning to the palace, so Xiao Zi will prepare the bath water in advance so that he can relax his body and mind.

"Okay." Li Yue and Mia stiffened, turned around and went to the side hall to wash up.

Half an hour later, the woman sat down in the dining room after washing.

"It's comfortable, I feel like I can practice for another three hours." Alina sat down and sighed.

Yan Bing said calmly, "Then stop eating and go to training."

Elina stretched her arms around the purple-haired girl's shoulders, and said with a laugh: "That's not okay, as Mu Liang said, people are iron, food is steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.

"Why do you learn everything?" Yan Bing's eyes revealed disgust.

"If you learn what Mu Liang said, you must be right." Alina patted her chest and said firmly.

Yan Bing glanced at the pink-haired girl, not bothering to engage in this meaningless topic with her.

Yue Qinlan rolled up Yujiao's hair, glanced at everyone, and asked in surprise: "What happened tonight, why didn't Xi Beiqi and Scarlet Yan come back?"

"Maybe the Air Force has night training." Alina guessed casually.

The Air Force often conducts night training, and occasionally soldiers have heavy training tasks in the afternoon, and the training ends later.

Yue Qinlan nodded slowly: "Yes, additional training for soldiers is common."

Xiao Zi asked: "Lord Qinlan, do you need me to contact the air force base to ask?"

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "No need, I should be back soon after a while.

"Let's eat first." She raised her hand to signal.

All the girls picked up their chopsticks when they heard the words. Just as they were about to enjoy the delicious spicy hot pot, they heard the surprise voice of the little maid outside the kitchen.

"Your Majesty, are you done?" Yun listened to Mu Liang who came out of the studio.

"Not yet, we will continue tomorrow." Mu Liang said softly.

Yun Xin said crisply: "The dinner has just been served, and your Majesty's is just right."

"What a coincidence. With a smile in his eyes, Mu Liang stepped into the restaurant.

The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips rose, and she said gracefully: "I thought you would really be busy for a few days before coming out. 17

"It was originally planned to be like this, but I encountered a little problem, and there is no way to solve it for the time being." Mu Liang spread his hands helplessly.

He is making a new spiritual weapon, ready to make the trial of Thor.

"Then let's have dinner first, and then think of a solution after we're full." Yue Qinlan thoughtfully pulled away the chair at the head seat.

Mu Liang smiled and sat down, looking at the delicious food on the table, his mood improved.

"Eat." He picked up his chopsticks and ate.

Liyue and the others continued to enjoy dinner, everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Mu Liang put down his chopsticks and asked doubtfully, "Did Xi Beiqi and Scarlet Yan come back?"

Alina said crisply: "Not yet, maybe there is a night training, and only one person can come back, someone needs to guard the Qianthorn Pass."

Mu Liang thought for a while, and asked, "Has there been ghosts haunting the Thousand Thorns Pass recently?"

"No, it's been several days since the virtual ghost appeared." Yue Qinlan said gently.

Mu Liang frowned slightly, and asked, "Have you sent someone out to investigate in the salt water area?"

"I'm going to ask Scarlet Yan and Xi Beiqi." Yue Qinlan said as she put down her chopsticks.

Mia frowned and said, "It's strange, even if it's extra training, it should be over, why haven't they come back?"

"Yeah, it's unlikely that neither of them will come back." Elina also put down her chopsticks, looking at Mu Chen with her pink eyes.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to ask?" Buff asked obediently.

Mu Liang looked at the little maid, nodded and said, "Well, go to the air force base and ask what they are doing."

"Yes." Buff replied, turned around and walked quickly to the contact room.

Nijisha said in a crisp voice: "It should just be delayed because of something, if it was because of Xu Gui, someone would have reported it long ago.

"I'll find out later." Mu 060 said gently.

He looked at Liyue and asked, "How's the interrogation going with those people from the Immortal Crowd?"

After Mu Liang and others returned to the Xuanwu Kingdom, Mo Sang and others were captured from Sha Kingdom and sent to the Highland Prison for interrogation by the silver-haired girl.

Li Yue asked softly: "The interrogation is over, but the transcripts of the three are still being sorted out, do you want to read it now?"

"No rush, just ask, and give it to me later." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

"Okay." Li Yue agreed.

Mu Liang thought of something, looked at Yue Qinlan and asked, "Have you got an answer from the Magicians Association?"

As a powerful force in the New World, the Mage Association has no reason to hide behind facing the Xu Clan, and should contribute its strength to fight against the Xu Clan's invasion with the main countries.

During the meeting of the Holy Land, the Association of Magicians sent people to participate, and promised to send people to support the Old Continent.

Yue Qinlan's eyes turned cold, she lightly shook her head and said, "No, 'Jin' doesn't answer video calls."

President Jin of the Association of Magicians has a live broadcast magic weapon in his hand, but he doesn't answer the call application, and he doesn't know where he is.

Mu Liang's eyes were indifferent, and he instructed: "Then send someone to the general meeting of the Association of Magicians."

"Okay, I will arrange it." Yue Qinlan agreed.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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