Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2469: Something Went Wrong. (2 More)

At the air force base, Yue Feiyan stood on the city wall, overlooking the glowing Xuanwu Gate.

"Why hasn't Xi Beiqi come back?" She frowned tightly, her face full of worry.

It has been dark for half an hour, but the girl who promised to come back before dark has not appeared yet.

Yue Feiyan had an ominous premonition in her heart, and after waiting for half an hour, her mood became more and more anxious.

"Could something really happen..." She took a deep breath, and swallowed the second half of the ominous words back into her stomach.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Tai Keke walked over, still holding a post-dinner fruit in his hand, and opened his mouth to bite off a third of it.


She puffed her cheeks and asked vaguely: "Captain Crimson Face, why don't you go back to have dinner?"

There is fruit for dinner at the air force base today, and all soldiers who have completed training can eat it.

"When Xi Beiqi comes back, I'll go back and eat." Yue Feiyan said seriously.

"Hey, Captain Xibeiqi hasn't come back yet?" Tai Keke was stunned for a moment, and his expression became dignified.

Yue Feiyan frowned and said: "I don't know if she has forgotten the time."

Tai Keke shook his head, and said without thinking: "No way, there is nothing interesting in the salt water area, and I haven't come back yet, maybe something has delayed me, or...

She paused for a while, and couldn't bite down on the fruit that was brought to her mouth.

Yue Feiyan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she asked coldly, "Or what?"

"Or I really forgot the time when I was playing." Tai Keke said angrily.

"You said it all, there is no fun in the salt water area." Yue Feiyan's mood became more and more heavy.

Tai Keke heard the words and ate half of the fruit in his hand in two or three bites, and said with a serious face: "Captain, do you want me to look for it?"

Yue Feiyan was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Wait a minute, maybe she is on her way back."

"Okay." Tai Keke responded.

She rubbed her hands together and said, "Captain, don't worry too much, Captain Xibeqi is stronger than me, so it should be fine.

"I hope..." Yue Feiyan's eyes flickered, and she continued to stare at the glowing Xuanwu Kingdom Gate.

If the vampire girl wants to come back, she must come in through the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, and she can see it immediately.

Tai Keke also looked in the direction of Xuanwu Kingdom Gate, and as time passed, she also began to feel uneasy.

Yue Feiyan gritted her silver teeth, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "It's been dark for an hour, and she hasn't come back, you liar.

Tai Keke worried: "Captain Crimson Face, I'd better go out and look for it."

Yue Feiyan thought for a while, and just about to say to go in person, the liaison officer came running from a distance.

The liaison officer raised his hand to salute, and said respectfully: "Captain Crimson Yan, there's a call from Gaodi, why don't you go back.

"Wait a little longer." Yue Feiyan waved her hands and said, her eyes were still fixed on the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom.

Without waiting for the liaison officer to speak, she looked at Tai Keke and said, "I'm going out to find Xi Beiqi, you stay at the base.

"I'll go..." Tai Keke opened his mouth, seeing the red-haired girl jumping down from the city wall, and the wings of the Vermilion Bird armor behind her spread out, leading her to fly to the huge Xuanwu Kingdom Gate.

She curled her lips and muttered: "I haven't finished my sentence yet.

The liaison officer blinked and asked in a daze, "How do I talk to Gaodi?"

Tai Keke said without thinking: "Let's say that Captain Xibeqi hasn't come back since she went out in the morning, and Captain Crimson Face went to find her."

"Okay." The liaison officer raised his hand to salute, turned around and ran back to the liaison room of the air force base.

Tai Keke turned his head and looked at the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, praying in his heart that nothing would happen to the vampire girl.

"Hoo hoo~~~

Outside the sea of ​​storms, Moon Scarlet controlled the Vermilion Bird armor and flew towards the dark salt water area.

The sky over the salt water area is covered with dark clouds, and the moonlight is completely blocked, which makes the salt water area dark at night, which can be described as not being able to see your fingers.


Yue Feiyan shouted loudly, and then waited quietly for a response, but unfortunately, only the sound of the wind and the waves of the sea responded to her.


She continued to shout, while flapping her wings and flew forward, shouting the name of the vampire girl one after another.

Half an hour later, the girl turned her head and looked behind her. The sea of ​​mist could no longer be seen, and there was only darkness around her.

"It's so dark." Yue Feiyan's heart trembled, and a sense of helplessness arose in her heart, as if she had been abandoned by the whole world.

She took a deep breath, activated the Vermilion Bird armor on her body, and made the whole armor light up with flames, illuminating a range of more than ten meters around.

At the same time, the girl took out the Vermilion Bird fan and waved it around vigorously a few times. A dozen huge fireballs flew out in all directions, and the fire light illuminated the sea surface farther away.

The short-lived fire dispelled the darkness, and the tension in the red-haired girl's heart eased a lot.


Yue Feiyan continued to yell, her red eyes gleaming with worry.

"Stop joking, come back quickly." She shouted loudly.

The red-haired girl continued to fly forward for half an hour, waving the Vermilion Bird fan from time to time to create fireballs, one for illuminating, and the other for the vampire girl to see, so that she might be able to find her


Yue Feiyan got tired of searching, so she took out the empowering pearl suit, built a cloud platform to rest, and continued to look for the vampire girl after resting enough.

On the other side, inside the Highland Palace.

The little maid who received the reply from the air force base hurried back to the restaurant and repeated what the liaison officer said to everyone.

Yan Bing frowned, and his tone became serious: "Xi Beiqi went to Misty Sea to investigate the situation, and she hasn't come back yet?"

"That's what the liaison officer at the air force base said." Buff nodded obediently.

"Is there anything wrong?" Alina couldn't help but said.

Mia said in a solemn tone: "It's hard to say. I haven't sent any news after going out for a day. Maybe something really happened."

"Miss Crimson Yan went to find Miss Xi Beiqi." Buff continued.

Yue Qinlan worried: "The salty water area is so big, how can she find it?"

The environment in the salt water area is harsh, and the night is even darker. Finding someone in such an environment is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

She looked at Mu Liang, her water-blue eyes flickered, worry crept up her face.

"I'll go take a look." Mu Liang stood up.

"I'll go too." Mino hurriedly said.

"Hey, wait for me to come back." Mu Liang shook his head, stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the girl with rabbit ears.

Mino's furry rabbit ears drooped, and he begged in a pleading tone: "Okay, bring them back safely."

Mu Liang nodded lightly, and said in a serious tone: "I see."

"You guys continue to eat and wait for me to come back." He left a sentence, and the next moment his body disappeared into the restaurant.

After Mu Liang left, all the girls put down their chopsticks, and the delicious food on the table became difficult to eat.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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