Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2477: My Body Almost Stinks. (2 More)

In the research institute, Yuffier was stirring the liquid medicine in the vessel, every time stirring made Blue's liquid medicine emit a cold air.


The blue medicinal liquid in the container began to freeze, but was quickly smashed by the girl with a glass stirring rod, and this process was repeated continuously. As long as her movement stopped, the medicinal liquid would freeze into a whole block of ice.

Yi Snake poked her head over and asked curiously, "Yuffi'er, what kind of potion are you making?"

"A potion that can freeze the body of the virtual ghost." Yuffier responded casually.

Yi She couldn't help asking: "Can the potion that freezes Xu Gui's body kill Xu Gui?"

Yuffier said crisply: "It should be possible, if this potion is successful, it can freeze the flesh and blood of Void Ghosts to death, so that they have no chance of regeneration.

"So powerful!" Yi She's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

You Fei'er said delicately: "Hehe, it's very powerful "Zero Five Three", but the current potion is very unstable, and it needs to be improved."

The potion has just been researched, and its stability is very poor. As long as the stirring is stopped, the potion will freeze. If the potion is completely frozen into ice, it means that the potion will be scrapped.

"Do you need my help?" Yi She asked crisply.

Yu Feier refused: "No need, you continue your research."

Yi She also has a research project in hand, which is a drug to be used in the hospital, a magic potion that can make pregnant people conceal their fetuses.

"Okay, just ask me when you need my help." Yi She said softly.

"Okay." Yuffier replied.

"Lu Lupin~~1"

There was a knock on the door of the research institute, and Cen Feier's voice sounded: "Miss Yu Feier, are you still busy?"

"Come in." Yuffier replied, guessing in her heart that the little maid was here to deliver dinner.


The study door was pushed open.

Cen Fei'er walked into the research institute, and said straight to the point: "Miss Yu Fei'er, Your Majesty has already finished his work, let me ask the young lady to have dinner together tonight."

"Muliang is done!" Yuffier Gold's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Yeah." Cen Fei'er nodded with a smile like a flower.

Yuffier nodded quickly and said: "I see, I will go to dinner."

Cen Feier reminded: "Okay, Tiandian is coming."

"Understood." Yuffier replied, looking up at the swinging clock on the wall, it is now six o'clock.

Cen Feier turned and left. When the door of the research institute was closed, the girl with ponytails felt a bit of cold air, and quickly turned to look at the glass vessel. The medicinal liquid inside had frozen into ice cubes, and wisps of cold air spread around.

"It's over, it's failed again." She sighed and was only focused on talking to the little maid, forgetting to continue stirring the liquid medicine.

Yi She reminded: "Continue to study tomorrow, you should go wash up and get ready for dinner."

"Do I need to wash up?" Yuffier blinked her golden eyes.

Yi She said seriously: "Of course, you haven't showered for two days, you stay in the research institute every day, and you are exposed to so many medicinal liquids and herbs, your body is almost smelly."

"..." You Fei'er blushed when she heard the words, and hurriedly lowered her head and sniffed the explosion-proof suit on her body, and there was indeed a complicated smell, which was faint and a bit unpleasant.

"Is it bad smell?" Yi Snake smiled.

Don't talk about it, just go wash it. "You Feier blushed even more, turned around and took off the explosion-proof suit and ran to the bathroom.

Yi Snake smiled and shook her head, picked up the explosion-proof suit of the blonde girl with twin tails, and hung it on the shelf at the door, and the little maid would come and take it away and send it to be cleaned.

At seven o'clock, Yuffier took a shower and changed into clean clothes and went to the restaurant. Alina, Mia and others were already there.

"Hey, Yuffier." Alina raised her brows lightly, and looked at the two ponytailed young waste who walked in with surprise in her eyes.

Yuffier rolled her eyes at the pink-haired girl, snorted softly and said, "Why, you're surprised to see me?"

Alina smiled like a flower and said: "Yeah, I usually don't see you once in ten days, so I am surprised that you will come out tonight.

Yuffier raised her chin and said proudly: "I was doing research, of course."

"Yes, yes, please sit down quickly." Alina smiled and pulled the chair beside her.

You Fei'er snorted and sat down, her beautiful eyes swept across the crowd, and she asked Jiaohan, "Where's Mu Liang?"

"He's still in the study, he should be here soon." Li Yue said softly.

"Oh." Yuffier replied.

Alina rolled her eyes and asked, "By the way, last time you said you wanted to surprise Mu Liang, can you show it now?"

"No rush, I'll bring it to Mu Liang after dinner." You Fei'er said coquettishly.

"It's mysterious." Alina rolled her beautiful eyes.

Yu Feier changed the subject and said, "Where are Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi, today's training is not over yet?"

"You still don't know about Xi Beiqi?" Alina was stunned for a moment......

"Xi Beiqi, what's the matter?" Yuffier was also taken aback.

"...This." Alina's mouth moved, but she stopped talking.

The others didn't speak, as if they didn't know what to say.

"Tell me quickly, what's wrong with Xi Beiqi?" Yuffier became anxious, staring at everyone with her beautiful golden eyes.

"Xi Beiqi is dead." Alina said succinctly.

"What!" Yuffier stood up with a bang, Gold's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.

Liyue comforted her softly: "Don't be nervous, Xi Beiqi can still be resurrected, she has been planted in the back garden, and you can see her in another eight days."

"Can it be revived and planted in the back garden?" Yuffier's head was full of question marks again, but the anxiety in her heart was a little less.

Alina cleared her throat and told the story in detail.

She said seriously: "That's the way it is. You have been busy at the research institute these days, so I didn't tell you."

"Damn it, if you don't tell me about such a big thing, I won't even know until I come out." Yuffier slapped the table.

She pinched the pink-haired girl's face angrily, wishing she could protect her face.

"I didn't do it on purpose either." Alina said angrily.

Yu Feier snorted coldly and said: "No, accompany me to see Xi Beiqi later."

"Okay, let's go after dinner." Alina comforted her.

"2.1 Fortunately, there is Mu Liang, otherwise..." Yu Feier half-spoken, not daring to think about it later, for fear that she would not be able to accept it.

"Okay, it's okay." Alina patted her friend's shoulder.

Footsteps sounded, and Mu Liang walked into the restaurant.

"What's the matter?" He looked at Yu Fei'er in surprise, seeing her look of lingering fear, he couldn't help feeling puzzled.

You Fei'er stood up and asked anxiously, "Mu Liang, is Xi Beiqi really alright?"

Mu Liang's face showed a look of surprise, he understood what happened to the girl with twin ponytails.

He comforted her in a voice: "It's okay, you can see her in a few days."

"That's good." Yuffier let out a long breath, she firmly believed in the improvement.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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