"Don't worry, Xi Beiqi is fine." Mu Liang said softly.

You Fei'er glanced at Mu Liang with flickering eyes, then hurriedly looked away, and said charmingly: "Yeah, I feel relieved with your words."

There was a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, the girl with blond hair and ponytails was still so shy when she saw her, she still didn't dare to look directly at him as before.

"Sit down." He sat down and said.

The girls sat down again, looking at the dishes on the table, they were already hungry.

"Let's eat." Mu Liang picked up his chopsticks and started eating.


Yuffier was not polite, she picked up a large piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth, and began to chew without any ladylike image.

For her, there is no such thing as ladylike or unladylike, and she doesn't have this concept in her heart.

There was a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, no matter how many times they ate delicious food, the girls still never got tired of eating, and every meal looked like they were eating a big meal.

Yu Feier swallowed the food in her mouth and asked, "Where's Scarlet Face?"

Buff explained: "The Air Force has night training tonight, and Miss Crimson Face won't come back to eat."

When it was just dark, Yue Scarlet contacted the high ground with a resonator, and asked the little maid to take care of the magic mushroom that gave birth to Xibeqi, and by the way, she mentioned that she would not come back for dinner, so that everyone would not worry about it.

"I see." Yuffier nodded slowly.

Alina spat out the bones in her mouth, rolled her eyes, and just wanted to use 26 people to ask more questions about the surprise that the girl with twin ponytails was preparing, when someone spoke first.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Mu Liang, do you want to tell him about Sid?"

Mu Liang moved his mouth, swallowed the meat in his mouth, thought for a while, nodded and said: "Well, I still have to talk to him."

Texid is the ancestor of Xibeqi, and the girl is also the little princess of the Yeyue family, so there is no reason not to inform the other party when something happened.

Liyue said softly: "The city of Yeyue is not at peace, Xu Gui is attacking the city day and night, now telling him about Xi Beiqi, will it affect him?"

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "I will tell him personally."

"Also, Texid is more willing to listen to your words." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Alina whispered: "Don't listen, just give me a good beating."

"Don't be so violent." The fox fairy gave the pink-haired girl a white look.

Alina blinked her pink eyes, and stared at the fox-tailed woman with the color of looking at a monster.

"Want to fight?" Hu Immortal narrowed her beautiful eyes.

"Eat, eat." Alina came back to her senses, and quickly immersed herself in eating.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Then after dinner, I will contact Yeyue City to check the situation. If the situation is not urgent, I will talk to Texid again."

"Okay, you arrange it." Mu Liang responded.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the pink-haired girl with a questioning look in his eyes: "What did you want to say just now?"

Alina's beautiful eyes were curved, and she said with a smile like a flower: "Before you entered the studio last time, Yuffier prepared a surprise for you, but it's a pity you didn't see it."

"Surprise?" Mu Liang slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at the blond girl with twin ponytails.

Yu Feier blushed slightly, turned her head and gave the pink-haired girl a sneaky look.

"Hee hee." Alina smiled beautifully, not caring about her friend's stare at all.

You Fei'er quickly raised her eyes to look at Mu Liang, then lowered her head and said, "Well, let's talk about it after dinner is over.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Mu Liang said softly.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Hu Xian said in a charming voice.

Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully: "Me too, what good thing is it?"

"It's just a new potion, you're not interested in it." Yuffier said hastily.

"The new potion, I'm more interested." The fox fairy's beautiful eyes were shining, and she looked at the girl with a smile like a flower.

..." Yuffier bit her lower lip.

Her eyes were resentful, and the hand under the table touched the pink-haired girl's thigh, pinched a piece of meat with lightning speed, and spun 360 degrees.


Elena gasped, Pink's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at her friends around her in shock.

"What's the matter, aren't you feeling well?" Yuffier asked with a half-smile.

Her words revealed concern, and she asked considerately: "Shall I get you some secret medicine?"

Alina twitched the corners of her mouth, and said solemnly: "No need, I'm afraid of being poisoned by you."

"How could it be?" Yuffier gritted her silver teeth.

All the girls looked at each other, and they all wanted to laugh.

The dinner ended amid lively laughter, the little maid began to clean up the dishes, and the honeymooners and others also went about their own affairs.

Yuffier was still sitting on the seat, twisting the ends of her hair with her fingers and playing around.

"Hey, Miss Yuffier, aren't you going to find His Majesty?" Buff asked concerned, who was cleaning up the dishes.

"Let's go later." Yuffier whispered.

Buff thoughtfully reminded: "Miss Yuffier, Your Majesty will be very busy later, and you need to contact Your Excellency Tesheed, if you don't go now, you may not be able to say a few words later.

"That's right." Yuffier trembled.

She hesitated for a moment, blushed and got up slowly, took a deep breath and walked to the room.

Xiao Zi joked: "Miss Uffier is still so shy."

Xiao Mi said with a smile: "Yes, I have known His Majesty for almost two years, why are you still so shy?"

The little maids looked at each other, and amidst a burst of laughter like silver bells, the blonde girl with two ponytails came out of the room.

"Knock knock knock~~will

The study door was knocked awake, and Mu Liang's voice came from inside: "Come in."


You Fei'er pushed the door open, Mu Liang was reviewing new documents, Yue Qinlan and Hu Xian were sitting on both sides.

As soon as the girl entered, three eyes fell on her.

"Sit down first." Mu Liang said softly.

"Okay." Yuffier obediently agreed, and sat down on the soft chair next to her with her head down.

"Continue." Mu Liang looked at the fox-tailed woman.

Hu Immortal suppressed the smile in his eyes, continued to flip through the registration book in his hand and said: "Shanhai Commercial City's turnover has hit a new low in the past half month, and many merchants are unwilling to place orders now, and they have to wait for the Xu Clan's matter to be resolved Think again."

Mu Liang nodded slowly and said: "This is a normal phenomenon. In the future, if the Zhen and the Xu clan go to war, the two continents will be in chaos. If you place an order now, you may lose everything in the future.

Hu Xian said in a charming voice: "Well, although there are no orders for clothes and drinks, there are still orders for weapons, medicines, and food."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Those merchants are all shrewd. When it comes to war with the Xu clan, weapons, medicines, and stuffing are the most important, and they can be sold at a good price."

"We have to use the weapons ourselves, and there are not many to sell. Those businessmen just want to hoard weapons and sell them at a high price in the future."

The fox fairy sneered and said, "They want to buy it, but I'm not willing to sell it yet."

The weapons currently sold by the Xuanwu Kingdom are part of the Common standard shields, spears, swords and so on.

"Well, don't sell them, send more to the Old Continent."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "We need weapons more on the front line, recruit mercenaries from the New World and distribute them weapons."

"That's right, those kingdoms don't want to send people here, so we'll spend a lot of money to attract them, and we won't sell weapons to the big kingdoms, then we'll see who's in a hurry." Hu Immortal's eyes lit up.

There are too many mercenaries, which is not a good thing for the people of the major kingdoms.

Moreover, most of the money for recruiting mercenaries is paid by people from the major kingdoms. If there are no mercenaries, then they should pay.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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