Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2479: What Kind Of Human Disaster Will It Be? (2 More)

Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement: "Well, as long as you pay a lot of money, those mercenaries should be happy to kill Xu Gui.

"How much money is it?" Yuffier asked curiously.

Mu Liang glanced at her sideways, and said softly, "Such as weapons, medicines, basalt coins, etc."

"Yes, these can attract mercenaries." Hu Xianmei said.

Mu Liang continued: "The right to live in the Xuanwu Kingdom can also be released. Those mercenaries who have made contributions in dealing with ghosts can settle in the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Huh?" Yuffier widened her beautiful Gold eyes.

Mu Liang glanced at her, and said in a clear voice: "You can get a permanent identity card, as long as you don't break the law, you are a citizen of the Xuanwu Kingdom and enjoy all the benefits for the people.

The Xuanwu Kingdom has a lot of benefits for the people, from food, clothing, housing and transportation to medical care, which are not available in other kingdoms.

The favored treatment in his mouth involves free housing, free medical care, free schooling for children, stable job assignments, and so on.

Yue Qinlan asked in a crisp voice: "Then what if you don't want those mercenaries?"

"Then give a sum of Xuanwu coins, or gold coins, and you can go back to the New World." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Also, those who can make meritorious deeds are all talents. If they are willing to stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom, it will be even better for us and beneficial to the future development of the kingdom."

Hu Immortal praised: "Only Mu Liang can think of such a good way to get a lot of talents for free.

"I don't trade at a loss." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.

"You are the real businessman." Hu Immortal couldn't help but said.

"Have you forgotten, the improvement was started in business." Yue Qinlan joked with a smile.

When the Xuanwu Kingdom was still Xuanwu City, and when the rock turtle was still young, Mu Liang took everyone to major cities to do business.

"That's right, I almost forgot." Hu Immortal smiled in relief.

"What else do you have in mind~~?" Mu Hao laughed.

Hu Immortal put down his crossed legs, and said crisply: "No, let's talk about the preparations for the recruitment."

Mu Liang said clearly: "There is a way, find someone to go to the New World to do a public live broadcast."

"What is a public live broadcast?" Yue Qinlan and Hu Xian asked at the same time.

Mu Liangyan explained succinctly: "How should I put it, it's a bit like an outdoor movie. The movie curtain is pulled up outdoors, and the screen is projected onto the curtain through the player and the live broadcasting device.

"What picture?" Fox Immortal asked.

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Of course it's the pictures of the old continent, such as the scene of Xu Gui attacking the city, the desolation of the old continent, etc., let people in the new continent see it with their own eyes."

He wants to live broadcast the situation in the Old Continent, let people in the New Continent know what is true and what is true, and truly understand the strength of the Xu Clan, so that those people can understand how much the virtual ghosts are a threat to human beings.

Yue Qinlan and Hu Immortal nodded slowly, somewhat understanding what Mu Liang meant.

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "During the live broadcast, let people explain the dangers of Xu Gui's crossing the Xuanwu Kingdom." Let's talk about the previous situation of Xu Gui's smuggling to Yongcheng in the New Continent.

Just imagine, seeing the strength of the Xu Clan with your own eyes, and knowing that if the Bai Xuanwu Kingdom is defeated, it will be a disaster on earth if the Xu Ghosts invade the New World.

"A good way, I will arrange someone to do it." Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "With these preparations, we will spend a lot of money to recruit strong people, and those strong people will be very willing."

Yue Qinlan nodded and said: "Then we have to formulate a reward and punishment system, how much money or weapons can be exchanged for killing a virtual ghost."

As long as the rewards are attractive enough, those strong will be willing to take the initiative to kill the ghosts.

"Well, write me a plan." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

"Okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow." Yue Qinlan agreed without hesitation.

Mu Liang looked at Hu Immortal and asked, "Continue with your report."

Hu Immortal closed the book in his hand, and said charmingly: "I'm fine."

"Then it's my turn." Yue Qinlan said as she opened the notepad in her hand and began to talk about things in the kingdom.

Mu Liang listened with lowered eyes, watching Yu Feier out of the corner of his eye, she was standing very straight now, her eyelids were always lowered, she seemed very nervous.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "After the last crackdown, the crime rate and racial discrimination cases in the kingdom have dropped by more than 90%, but there are still a small number of villains who can only be sent to prison to serve their sentences.

Mu Liangping said in a peaceful voice: "Well, these criminals can be used as a model, and they can be used as an example to warn those who want to commit crimes."

Yue Qinlan said indifferently: "I've already done this, and the appearance of these criminals and the punishment they will face are played on the billboard in a loop.

In the special environment of the Xuanwu Kingdom, criminals have no dignity at all, and only thunderous means can work. The Xuanwu Kingdom has not fully entered into a society ruled by law.

It is precisely because of such means that those who want to commit crimes are afraid and fearful.

"Well, go ahead." "Mu Liang nodded lightly.

Yue Qinlan opened the notepad and continued talking about some important matters of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

She talked for half an hour and drank a few cups of tea before she felt thirsty.

"Probably that's it." Yue Qinlan closed the notepad and said.

"Well, I understand, I'm waiting." Mu Liang nodded lightly.

He said peacefully: "After the Xu clan is resolved, we will hold a national All People Congress to talk about the future development of the kingdom and the adjustment of all walks of life."

"National All People Congress?" Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes in doubt.

Mu Liangyan explained succinctly: "Simply speaking, it is a meeting, but this time there will be more people participating, involving people from all walks of life, to make the Xuanwu Kingdom better together. I

"I understand." Yue Qinlan suddenly understood.

"It's not urgent, let's talk about it after the humans win (Wang Hao)." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, if the humans lost to the Xu clan, then there is no need to hold a national All People Congress.

Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement: "Yes.

"Is there anything else?" Mu Liang asked in a clear voice.

"No more." Yue Qinlan replied, and then looked at the blond-haired girl with twin ponytails.

Feeling the gaze, Yu Feier raised her eyes and looked over, and then met with Jia Jia.

"The matter is over." Mu Liang reminded.

Yu Feier subconsciously asked: "Aren't they leaving?"

Hu Immortal raised his eyebrows lightly, and asked in a charming voice: "What? What is so mysterious that neither Qin Lan nor I know?"

Yu Feier's pretty face flushed again, and he hesitated and said: "It's not really......"

"I'm just shy." Mu Liang said with a smile in his eyes.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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