Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2480: She Will Definitely Hate Me. (1 More)

Yue Qinlan looked at Yu Feier's shy look, and asked with a smile: "Do you need us to go?"

The fox fairy squinted and asked: "It's mysterious, so it must be showing Mu Liang something shady?"

"Not at all!" Yuffier's pretty face flushed, and she stared at the fox-tailed woman with wide-eyed Gold eyes.

"Okay, stop teasing her, let's go." With a smile in Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes, Shi Shiran stood up.

Mu Liang reminded: "Qin Lan, get ready tomorrow and test shoot Thor."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan responded gracefully.

The fox fairy also stood up, his eyes fell on the blonde girl with double ponytails, and he said in a teasing tone: "If it's a good thing, remember to share it."

"Okay." Yuffier nodded delicately.


The door of the study room was opened and closed, leaving only the blond girl with twin ponytails and Mu Liang in the field room.

When Yu Feier heard the door was closed, she secretly raised her eyes to look at the man on the dragon chair, grabbed the corner of her clothes with her little hand and then lowered her eyes.

Mu Liang's eyes were deep, he looked at the girl and asked, "Where is the surprise for me?"

"Inside the magic equipment." Yuffier whispered, reaching out to touch the space at the waist to store the magic equipment.

217 She took out the box in the space storage magic tool, it was a glass box the size of a palm.

"Here you are." Yuffier handed the box to Mu Liang.

Mu Hao took the box curiously and asked, "What is it?"

"The newly researched secret medicine will be given to you a few days ago, but you are busy." You Fei'er said delicately, her eyes fell on the lower half of Mu Liang's face, she still did not dare to meet his gaze.

Upon hearing this, Mu Liang opened the box, revealing the pills inside, each about the size of a longan, dark green in color, "looks like the severed head of a fly.

He moved his mouth and asked, "What is this potion used for?"

"The secret medicine that can turn people into spirit bodies." Yuffier said seriously.

"Make people become spirit bodies?" Mu Liang's deep eyes light up slightly.

Yuffier said crisply: "Yes, just eat one, and the body can become a spirit body, ignoring many physical attacks, and it can last for half an hour."

This secret medicine was researched by the girl unintentionally. When it was first made, she didn't know what the secret medicine was for, and only discovered the effect of the new secret medicine through testing the medicine.

Mu Liang's eyes sparkled, and he asked with a smile on his face, "What's the side effect?"

"Side effects, it will make people..." You Fei'er's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she hesitated and lowered her head.

Mu Liang asked suspiciously: "What will happen to people?"

"It's just..." You Fei'er gritted her teeth, and finally made up her mind to whisper a few words in Mu Liang's ear, her face turned even redder after she finished speaking.

The corners of Mu Liang's eyes twitched, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "The side effects of this secret medicine are hard to describe."

After taking the new secret medicine, people will become indifferent, especially the matter of men and women, which is even more indifferent than having no desires and no desires, and the situation will last for three days.

Yuffier said in a small voice: "How about I make some improvements and see if I can reduce some of the side effects.

Mu Liangping said calmly: "It's good if it's possible, but it won't affect much if it's not."

"It may take time." Yuffier whispered.

"Well, don't rush, take your time." Mu Liang said in a few voices.

He picked up a pill and looked it over carefully, and asked, "What materials are needed to make this secret medicine?"

Yuffier recalled it for a while, and said with fingers: "Eighteen kinds of medicinal materials, the leaf juice of the phoenix tree, the trunk juice of the holy tree..."

"Do you need much juice from the leaves of the phoenix tree?" Mu Liang asked in a clear voice.

Yuffier said crisply: "The juice of one leaf can make twenty secret medicines."

"That's okay, but it can't be mass-produced." Mu Liang's eyes flashed slightly.

The phoenix tree is not a common tree, its leaves are all used to display the ability of "spreading leaves into beasts", so you can't use too much to produce secret medicine.

The reason why the new secret medicine has the effect of turning people into (cice) spirit bodies is likely to have a lot to do with the sap of the phoenix tree.

"It can't be mass-produced, it can be used in some special operations." Yuffier said delicately.

"En." Mu Liang lightly nodded.

He looked at the pill in his hand, thinking that he should try the medicine himself to see what the specific effect would be.

"Have you ever tried magic to attack a spirit body?" Mu Liang asked softly.

Yuffier shook her head and said: "Not yet, but poison and physical attacks are useless [spiritual bodies cannot cause damage after a full review."

"Then try again." Mu Liang said as he stuffed the pill into his mouth.

You Feier widened Gold's eyes, and said in astonishment: "Why do you test the medicine by yourself, let Sister Qinlan and Sister Huxian know, they will hate me to death."

Mu Liang moved his throat, swallowed the pill, and asked subconsciously, "Why do you say that?"

"You have side effects from taking the secret medicine. If Sister Fox Fairy comes to you at night...she will definitely hate me." Yu Feier covered her face with her hands as she said, looking ashamed to face others.

She bit her lower lip and said, "No, I can't let Sister Huxian and Sister Qinlan look for you these few days, or they will be mistaken for you."

"Yu Feier." Mu Liang took a deep breath.

"And Liyue, don't let her come to you." Yuffier said seriously.

"..." Mu Liang twitched the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and knocked on the head of the blonde girl with double ponytails.

He said angrily: "What are you thinking about, this little side effect will not affect me."

"Huh?" You Feier was stunned for a moment, blinking Gold's eyes and looked at Mu Liang, with a dumbfounded expression that made people want to knead.

Mu Liang patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, this side effect is useless to me."

"That's good." Yuffier heaved a sigh of relief.

She murmured in a low voice: "That night, let Sister Qinlan and Sister Huxian come to you..."

..." Mu Liang raised his hand to his forehead, not knowing what the girl was thinking.

He still wanted to say something, but his body changed. His feet became translucent, and then the translucency spread to his whole body.

In just a few breaths, Mu Liang has turned into a translucent spirit body.

Yuffier stretched out her hand to get close to Mu Liang, and her hand went straight through, as if passing through a layer of fog.

"How does it feel?" she asked curiously.

"I don't feel anything, just like someone blowing air." Mu Liang said in surprise.

He ordered: "Try to cut me with a knife.

"Okay." Yuffier didn't talk nonsense, took a long knife from the wall decoration, and slashed at the improved body.


The blade passed through Mu Liang's body, and slashed directly into the chair behind him.


The entire chair was split in half, but Mu Liang's body was unharmed, still translucent, even the transparency did not change.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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