Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2487: What Is This Woman Being Confident About? (2 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, Acropolis No. 7.

The No. 7 Acropolis, known as the ancient city, walks on the street and sees various antique buildings.

The ground of the street is not common slate, but paved with Qingshi, which makes the whole No. 7 Acropolis more ancient.

The buildings on both sides of the street are not high, and the roofs are also paved with double eaves. Various lanterns are hung on the doors of the houses, because some of them are red.

At night, all the red lanterns in the street are lit up, which is one of the beauties of the No. 7 Acropolis.


Now the No. 7 Acropolis is raining lightly, the crystal dragon fish is circling in the sky, and the rain covers the whole No. 7 Acropolis.

There are many pedestrians on the street, everyone is either holding an umbrella or wearing a raincoat, each busy with their own affairs.

The Acropolis newspaper published the weather forecast yesterday, and it will rain all day today.

Crystal Arowana's current task is to spread rain on the back of the turtle on "Two Four Seven", so that the Xuanwu Kingdom becomes closer to nature.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The No. 7 Acropolis shrouded in rain has a unique hazy beauty from a height, which is not available in the other eleven Acropolis.

In the long street of Qingshi Banner, two men in black robes walked forward in the rain, their pace was neither fast nor slow, as if they were taking a walk in the rain.

Ten minutes later, the two stopped at Jiawu Street, No. 7 Acropolis, next to Building No. 16, Jiawu Street.

"That's right here, building No. 16, Jia 5th Street." Shanfu looked up at the number plate of the building.

"Well, it's in Room 305." Ke Deli nodded.

Shan Fu whispered: "Then go up."

Ke Deli didn't speak, and stepped on the steps, the rain slid down from the black robe, leaving wet footprints on the steps.

The two came to the third floor and saw six doors with house numbers written on them.

Shanfu was very quiet, she stepped forward and stood in front of the door of 305's room, turning her head to signal the old man with her eyes.

Ke Deli stepped forward silently, listening carefully to the movement in the house, it was very quiet inside, without a single sound.

"I don't know if I'm at home." Shanfu opened her mouth lightly, her voice weak and moaning.

Cedre said in a low voice: "Go in and have a look."

"Okay." Shanfu nodded.

The two found the register from the housing management office. Although they killed a few people, they found the vampire's residence smoothly.

Ke Deli stepped forward, put his hand on the door handle, and began to use force, and the inside of the door lock was directly broken.


The door was gently pushed open, revealing the dim interior environment.

The two walked into the house one after the other. This is a house with one bedroom and one living room. The furniture inside is very simple. There is a small table, sofa and two dining chairs in the living room. sundries.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Shanfu turned around in the living room, and finally pushed open a half-closed room door, the light inside was also very dim, there was only a big bed and a wardrobe, and no one was inside.

"No one." She looked back at the old man.

"Maybe I went to work and haven't come back yet." Ke Deli said in a deep voice, and sat down on the sofa.

Shanfu looked at the door that was closed when she came in, and said, "Then wait for her to come back here, and then kill her for flesh and blood."

"Well, it's three o'clock now, and you don't have to wait long." Ke Deli looked at the swinging clock on the wall, and the time was just past three o'clock in the afternoon.

He had already inquired, and most people would leave work around 6:00 pm, with the exception of those who work in two or three shifts, and those who work in the workshop area.

"Well, that's the only way to go." Sanf nodded and sat beside Ke Deli.

The two became quiet, and no one spoke. The sound of rain came into the house through the window, which was louder than the breathing of the two.

The old woman stood up after sitting for a while, and continued to walk around the house.

She walked into the kitchen and saw a stew pot still standing on top of the stove. She lifted the warm lid, and there was half a pot of sweet potato stew in it, with some heat coming out.

"Strange, why the meat is still warm." Shanfu frowned.

Hearing this, Ke Deli stood up and walked into the kitchen, and was also surprised to see the sweet potato stew in the pot.

The two looked at each other the same way, their eyes became foxy.

Shanfu's face was not very good-looking and said: "She should have been out of the house not long ago, maybe she is on the night shift, then when do we have to wait?"

"If it's the night shift, it might be the next day when she comes back." Ke Deli said in a deep voice.

Shanfu cursed: "Damn, why don't you find another job, you have to work the night shift."

"Hmph." Shanfu snorted coldly.

She picked up the bowl on the side, served the sweet potato stew in the pot, took a spoon and started to eat.

Ke Deli was stunned for a moment, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat. 0

Shanfu said hoarsely: "Since she doesn't come back so soon, I can't wait for her hungry. The food will be wasted when she dies. Why don't we eat it?"

"You're right." Kedrey nodded.

"The taste is not bad." Shanfu commented.

"En." Kedrey nodded in agreement again.

In a short while, the sweet potato stew in the pot was swept away by the two of them, leaving only a drop of soup.

"It seems that I'm not full." Ke Deli touched his stomach, and put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand.

Shanfu looked at the wooden basket in the corner, there were several big sweet potatoes in it, and said, "There are sweet potatoes, you can make them?"

I won't. Ke Deli shook his head.

Shanfu glanced at the old man and said with a sneer: "You are not so useless.

"You will?" Kedre asked angrily.

"No, I have a chef." Shanfu said of course.

"..." Kedre twitched the corners of his lips, so why is this woman being confident?

Shanfu looked at the old man, raised her chin and asked, "Not convinced?"

"No, as long as you are happy." Ke Deli turned his head away, comforting himself not to care too much about women.

The two left the kitchen, sat down on the sofa in the living room, and waited for the time to pass.

During the period, the two were chatting, paying attention to the movement outside the door from time to time, and occasionally footsteps sounded, but they were going to other rooms.

"Da da da~~~"

The pointer of the swinging clock on the wall was moving, and the time passed by 3.5 hours, and soon came the next morning.

"Why haven't you come back? Shanfu's face was extremely ugly, and she waited all night but no one came back.

Ke Deli showed suspicion on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Could it be that something has been discovered, and you won't come back?"

"I don't want to wait any longer, go and find out where she works, and we'll go directly to arrest her." Shan Fu said and stood up.

Ke Deli persuaded: "Don't be impulsive, this will attract Mu Liang's attention."

"What are you afraid of, kill her immediately when you catch her, and leave after taking the flesh and blood." Shanfu snorted coldly and walked away from the house.

Ke Deli had no choice but to put on a black robe and hurriedly followed.

Half an hour after the two left, the closet in the house made a soft noise.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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