The wardrobe was gently pushed open a gap, and through the gap of the opened cabinet door, one could vaguely hear the sound of depressing breathing inside.

After another half an hour, the cabinet door was completely pushed open from the inside, and the girl in a short black skirt came out of the cabinet with wooden hands and feet.


She suppressed her breath, even though she had been in the closet all night, she didn't dare to take a big breath at this time.

"Are you leaving?" Caryl murmured with a pale face.

She is a vampire living here and a member of the Yeyue family. She cooked lunch yesterday and was about to eat it. She had just returned to her room to change into her pajamas when there was a sound of unlocking the door, which scared her and subconsciously hid in the closet.

Who knew that this hideout lasted for most of the day, and even heard the horrifying secret, and even hid in the closet and dared not go out, otherwise he would surely die.

Until an hour ago, Kedre and Shanfu left, she was worried that the other party would go and come back, and she stayed in the closet for another hour before coming out.

Step on the road, step on the road~~~"

Carlisle walked out of the room and looked around, making sure that there were no outsiders in the house before letting out a long sigh of relief, but soon became nervous again.

"Will you suddenly come back at 30?" She clenched her small hands into fists, her heart beating faster again.

Although the vampire girl is a pure blood vampire, her strength is not high, only the third level strength.

Fortunately, I have a special talent, which can completely eliminate my own breath and smell, and even the beating of my heart can be in a state of silence.

Otherwise, it would have been discovered long ago.

Thinking of this, she pulled herself together in a hurry, went back to the room and found a large robe to cover her body, and then hurried out the door.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Karyl stepped on the stairs and went downstairs. When she passed the second floor, she heard conversations coming from downstairs, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

She pretended to go out from the second floor, and pressed down the hood on her head, completely covering half of her face.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Cedre and Sanf walked up the stairs, talking in low voices.

"Don't be impulsive, she will definitely come back, we'll just wait in the room." Kedrey advised in a low voice.

Shanfu said in a dissatisfied tone: "Your decision had better be correct. If you can't wait for her to come back today, you have to give me an explanation."

She had already found the place where Karyl worked, and after some inquiring, she found out that the vampire girl had a rest today. She had no choice but to go back to the place where the girl lived to continue waiting at Kedrey's suggestion.

..." The corners of Ke Deli's eyes twitched, his face was speechless.

When the two passed by the second floor, they happened to see Carlisle walking out of the passageway on the second floor with her head down. She stepped down the stairs without even looking at the two of them.

Shanfu turned her head to look at her back, thinking: "Is it a resident on the second floor?" "

"Let's go." Ke Deli didn't think much, and walked to the third floor.

Shanfu stood there for a while, then turned around and followed the old man up to the third floor.

Caryl went downstairs without looking back, quickly rushed into the rain, and ran towards the train station on the wet Qingshi board.

She was going to the main city and asked Xi Beiqi for help. As early as when she first came to the Xuanwu Kingdom, the girl said that sometimes she could go to the highland to find her.

Karyl's life is in danger now, and she can't think of anyone else, only Xi Beiqi is left in her mind.

The fastest means of transportation from Acropolis No. 7 to the main city is the transport spaceship, followed by the train.

The transport spacecraft does not fly every day, especially now that the transport spacecraft is going to pick up people from the New World and then go to the Old World, and the passenger service between the Acropolis has also been temporarily suspended.

Now only Lu Jun and Huo are left for the passenger service between workers.

Karyl walked towards crowded places, blending into the crowd of people under the rain, making herself less conspicuous.

It wasn't until she walked into the train station and bought the latest train to the main city that the girl slowly felt relieved.

After checking the tickets, she walked into the waiting hall and sat down, letting out a breath and relaxing.

"It should be safe now." Caryl murmured to herself, staring at the toe of the shoe for a moment.

At this time, she was still wondering who the other party was, why she wanted to kill herself, and took away her flesh and blood.

Thinking of this, the girl became afraid again. If she made any noise in the closet, she might be a dead body now.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she couldn't help bending her knees and hugging her legs, buried her head in her knees and wept.

It wasn't until the voice of the staff prompting the ticket checking sounded on the radio that Carlier raised her head, took a deep breath and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes indiscriminately.

She got up and walked towards the ticket gate. Under the amazed eyes of the ticket inspector, the girl passed through the passage to the platform, found a par car and sat down.

Carlisle sat by the window, and other passengers got on the bus one after another, and soon all the seats were filled.

Ten minutes later, the train started, slowly drove out of the platform, and began to speed up after leaving the train station [Go straight to the main city Shishi.

The staff's prompt sounded in the carriage: "The terminal station of this train is the main city railway station, and it is expected to travel for four hours..."

"Four hours, it's okay." Karyl let go of her lower lip, and the fear in her heart eased a lot again.


She looked sideways out of the window, the train was going fast, and the scenery outside the window receded quickly, the girl looked in a daze.

As time passed, the girl didn't sleep all night, and the environment of the train made her fall asleep unknowingly.

When she woke up again, she was not far from the main city.

"We are about to arrive at the main city railway station ahead, please pack your luggage and get ready to get off." The voice of the train staff sounded again.

Carlisle came back to her senses, and the girl was only fully awake when the prompt was broadcast for the second time.

253 She looked around, only to remember that she didn't bring a salute, and was driving quietly waiting for the train to enter the main city railway station.

When the train stopped, the girl felt inexplicably at ease, thinking that the main city was the safest place in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and she would not be killed if she came here.

She followed the flow of people out of the station and stopped a beast cart on the side of the road.

"Go to the highlands of the main city." Karyl said to the driver.

"Okay, sit still." The coachman responded and shook the rein in his hand, allowing the Octagonal Fanged Beast to move forward quickly.

Carlisle opened the window and looked at the street scene of the main city, her heart calmed down.

"It's so nice here." She murmured softly.

The girl's eyes showed longing, and she also wanted to live in the main city, but the policy did not allow it, so she could only sigh quietly.

Ten minutes later, the animal cart stopped outside the highland of the main city, a few hundred meters away from the gate of the highland.

"It's here, it can't be any closer." Shouting back.

"Okay." Karyl responded, took out Xuanwu coins to pay the fare, and then got off the beast cart and walked to the highland.

She looked at the highland gate from a distance, feeling a sense of fear and admiration in her heart.

The girl plucked up the courage to walk towards the high ground, and met the eyes of the guards on the high ground.

Carlisle said weakly: "Well, I'm looking for Miss Xi Beiqi, can you inform her?"

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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