Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2492: How Does It Feel To Be Caught By The King For Being Lazy? (1 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, in the back garden on the eighth floor of the highland.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang stepped on the gravel path to the depths of the back garden, and in front of him was the towering tree of life.

Not far from the huge tree trunk, the little fantasy mushroom that gave birth to Xibeqi has grown to a height of more than one meter, and the canopy has not yet been opened [there are ten white dots the size of a baby's fist on the surface.

Under the fantasy mushroom, Qing Wu sat on the grass with her knees hugged, staring at the magic mushroom without blinking her beautiful eyes.

"What are you looking at? You're so preoccupied." Mu Liang asked gently.

Qingwu's body trembled, only to come back to his senses when he heard the voice.

"Your Majesty." She hurriedly stood up and saluted, her ears turning slightly red.

Now if you ask her what it feels like to be caught by the king for being lazy, she will definitely be able to answer it right now.

"Well, has it changed?" Mu Liang raised his chin, indicating the fantasy "350" mushroom in front of him.

Qing Wu shook her head, and said delicately: "Not yet, but it has been growing."

The girl sat in front of the magic mushroom and observed for two hours. During this period, her beautiful eyes rarely blinked, and she was keenly aware that the magic mushroom was growing all the time, and the unexpanded mushroom canopy was getting bigger and bigger.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said in a warm voice: "Well, in five days, Quan Beiqi will be able to come out.

"Five days, soon." Qingwu said crisply.

"Yes, soon..." Mu Liang's eyes flashed.

In five days, the vampire girl will be resurrected, but in twenty-four days, the ghost king of the Xu clan will also fully wake up.

Mu Liang lowered his eyes to look at the fantasy mushroom, stretched out his hand to lightly stick it on the umbrella cover, and rubbed his palm a few times.

The phantom mushroom shook slightly, as if responding to Mu Liang.

"Grow up well, see you in five days." Mu Liang said in a low voice.

The phantom mushroom shook a few more times, seeing Qingwu's eyes full of surprise.

"Keep watching, come to me if you need anything." Mu Liang urged.

"Yes." Qingwu nodded obediently, watching the man leave the back garden.

When Mu Liang returned to the palace, Li Yue, Yan Bing and others had just returned, followed by the vampire girl Karyl.

"Your Majesty, the person has been caught." Li said coldly at present.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Well, send it directly for interrogation."

"Okay." Li Yue promised, as long as Ke Deli and Shanfu are sent to the Highland Prison, they will not be afraid to pry their mouths open.

Mia gestured to the vampire girl sideways, and asked respectfully, "Your Majesty, how will Miss Yalier make arrangements?"

Mu Liang calmly said: "There should be many vacant rooms in the main city, arrange one for her to live in."

"Yes." Mia agreed.

Caryl's eyes were filled with joy when she heard the words, and then she thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "But what about my work in Acropolis No. 7?"

Mia said coldly: "I will send someone to inform you, you don't need to pay attention, the outstanding wages will be settled and paid to you in advance."


Carrie breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully: "That's good, thank you.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the administration to register first." Mia raised her chin as a signal, and walked outside the palace.

Carlisle hurriedly followed, turning her head to look at Mu Liang three times a step at a time, with gratitude in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, I'm off to work too." Yan Bing saluted Mu Liang, turned around and left the palace.

Mu Liang withdrew his gaze and said calmly: "Go to the study and tell me what happened.

"Yes." Li Yue agreed, and followed the man to the study.

When the two returned to the study, the silver-haired girl explained the process of the action. When she knew the strength of Ke Deli and Sanfu, her eyes flashed a little cold.

"They failed this time, and they will send stronger people over next time. Mu Liang's voice turned cold.

Li Yue nodded in agreement, and said coldly: "I think so too, the Immortals are provoking the Constitution."

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Immortals, when I finish off the Xu Clan, it will be your turn."

"Interrogate the two people caught, where is the headquarters of the Immortals, and who are the high-level people in power." He looked at the silver-haired girl and asked.

"Yes." Li Yue nodded seriously.

Mu Liang looked at the girl and said softly, "It's been hard work, let's rest for a while."

Li Yue shook her head, stood up and said softly: "I'll go to the prison first, and I have to keep an eye on the interrogation."

"Well, don't make yourself too tired." Mu Liang's eyes were as gentle as water.

"Okay." Li Yue's pretty face flushed slightly, she turned and left the study.

Looking at the closed door, Mu Liang raised the corners of his lips slightly. After living together for so long, the relationship between the two is closer than before, but the silver-haired girl is still shy.

He flipped through the documents sent by the little maid, all of which had to be approved on the same day before being sent back to the 0..

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Half an hour later, Yue Qinlan pushed the door open and came to get the documents for Mu Liang's approval.

"Don't you have to go to the studio today?" Yue Qinlan joked.

Mu Liang smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "If you stay in the studio again, you will probably blame me.

"Yes." Yue Qinlan nodded jokingly.

Sitting next to Mu Liang, she looked at the documents on the desktop and asked, "Have all these been approved?"

"Well, we can go." Mu nodded.

Yue Qinlan picked up the document and looked through it for a few times, and put it away after confirming that it had been approved. Shui Blue looked at the man.

"What's wrong?" Mu Liang asked suspiciously.

Yue Qinlan sighed, and said in a solemn tone: "The situation in the Old Continent is not optimistic."

"Isn't there enough support from the New World?" Mu Liang frowned, and lowered his raised feet.

His posture is casual only in front of his own people. When there are outsiders around, he always has the posture of a king, and he will appear as if he should not approach strangers.

"Not enough." Yue Qinlan shook her head.

She said in a serious tone: "The number of virtual ghosts in the old continent is increasing, and they don't know where they come from, and they can't be killed.

The number of virtual ghosts that appeared this time was even more than during the previous blood moon virtual ghost tide, and the number of high-level virtual ghosts was several times that of before.

Mu Liang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The powerhouses supported by the New World are five million if not tens of millions. Even so, there is no way to suppress Xu Gui?"

Yue Qinlan sighed, and said in a serious tone: "You don't know, there are many high-level virtual ghosts in the old continent, and it is difficult for the strong supporters to block them all.

"How many ghosts above the eighth level are there in the Xu Clan?" Mu Liang's expression became more serious.

He looked at Yue Qinlan and asked, "What's the answer from the Magic Association?"

"No reply yet." Yue Qinlan shook her head.

A cold light flashed in Mu Liang's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Damn..."

"Activate 'Judgment' and start supporting the Old Continent." He thought for a while and said.

"There are not many fire gods and space gods, are you sure?" Yue Qinlan asked seriously.

"Well, let's use it." Mu Liang nodded.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan didn't say anything more.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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