Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2493: Headquarters Of The Mage Association (2 More)

New World, in the main city of France.

The country of France, one of the ten great powers in the New World, has a stronger overall national strength than the Kingdom of Haiting and the Kingdom of Xihua.

The Kingdom of Fama has another name called "Kingdom of Magic Mage". One-third of the magicians in the New World are here, and the headquarters of the Magic Mage Association is also in the main city of the Kingdom of Fama.

The headquarters building of the Mage Association is bigger than the royal palace, and the decoration is equally as gorgeous, and it is also more respected by the people.

For the vast majority of citizens, the Mage Association is more reliable than the royal family, and it is more trustworthy and reassuring.

In fact, the power behind the Fama royal family is the Mage Association, and even the current king is one of the top leaders of the Mage Association, but few outsiders know about it.

The royal family and the Mage Association are one, and there is not much difference in who the citizens trust more.

Outside the gate of the main city, two figures in black robes walked towards the entrance.

The knight guarding the gate just glanced at the two of them, and did not step forward to stop them. After all, there are 10,000 people dressed like this, and there are 3,000 if not 8,000.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"It's another broken ground 02 square." Under the black robe, Si Shali's eyes were shining, and she looked around the environment around the main city. There was a lot of garbage on the ground.

Angela tilted her head slightly, and lowered her voice: "Whether it's broken or not, we're here to carry out a mission."

The two came to Fama City with missions. One was to conduct a public live broadcast here, and the other was to meet the head of the Mage Association and ask about the support from the mainland.

Si Shali nodded, and said in a crisp voice: "That's right, even if you come here so far, you have to complete the task no matter how broken it is.

Angela raised her chin and said, "Let's go, first find a place to build a live broadcast stand."

"Well, we need to place a space portal." Tong Sally agreed.

The two didn't bring their subordinates here, they just wanted to complete the task as soon as possible and then return to the Xuanwu Kingdom. For this reason, they also carried a space portal, which can adjust the coordinates to connect to other portals, so as to quickly return to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The two walked towards the central part of the main city, where there is usually a square, which is a good place for public live broadcast.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

There are a lot of pedestrians on the street, and it can be seen from the clothes that many of them are Mage. Some of them hold magic scepters in their hands, which is a symbol of status and strength.

Si Shali looked around curiously, her eyes glistened coldly, it seemed that the time here was peaceful, and it seemed that she was not affected by the Xu Clan's affairs at all.

"Do you think people from the Mage Association will cooperate?" She asked in a low voice, turning her head.

Angela said with a serious expression: "It's hard to say, but it's best not to provoke them, otherwise it will be difficult for us to leave."

"Yes, our strength is not strong." Si Shali nodded in agreement.

This is the headquarters of the Mage Association, a place where there are strong people like clouds, and you cannot go head-to-head with the Mage Association.

The two chatted in low voices, and walked towards the square of the main city. It was already half an hour after arriving there.

The main city square of the Fama Kingdom is very large. In the center of the square is a stone sculpture, a 12-meter-high statue of a figure who is the founder of the Mage Association.

Many people stopped under the statue, and many of them came to play. As one of the main features of the Fama Kingdom, it is natural to come and see it.

There are also many vendors in the main city square, some set up stalls and sit directly on the ground, and some pushed a cart full of various objects.

It is not so much a square as it is a big market.

After the square is the palace, and next to the palace is the headquarters of the Mage Association.

Si Shali found an open space, turned her head and asked, "It's right here, how about it?"

"Well, the place with many people around is spacious enough, so it's right here." Angela nodded in satisfaction.

The two looked at each other, [Taiwan took out the live streaming artifact, video playback artifact, space portal, etc. from the space storage magic equipment.

Angela took the empowering pearl, and with a thought, she began to condense a large piece of glass, and built a curtain bracket and a bracket for installing the live broadcast and video playback spiritual tools.

Si Shali took out the compass and a small spiritual weapon, which are used to determine the coordinates, which can be used to locate the portal or the weapon of 'Judgment'.

Before the two set off to the Fama Kingdom, Yue Qinlan had said that the weapon of judgment would be used when necessary, and that would be the time when they would really fight against the Mage Association.

To use the Judgment Weapon, coordinate positioning is very important, and the positioning tool developed by Mu Liang can solve this problem.

Before using the Judgment Weapon, there must be a public live broadcast, and then a high-level interview with the Mage Association. If there is no initial agreement, then a public opinion war will be launched, and finally the Judgment Weapon will directly strike.

"You can't position here, you have to choose there," Angela said, pointing to the headquarters of the Mage Association in the distance.

It was a row of dense buildings, all of which were made of earth, stone and wood. The shortest had two floors, and the tallest had eight floors, which was much higher than the tallest building in the palace.

"I know." Si Shali responded.

At her feet is the main city square, where many Common people gather. If the location is chosen in the square, and the "judgment" attack is really carried out in the end, many innocent people will be killed or injured.

The girl looked at the headquarters of the Mage Association, adjusted the compass and positioning tool in her hand, and updated the positioning according to the direction and distance displayed by the compass.

While Si Shali was busy, Angela's hands didn't stop. It took only half an hour to set up the bracket for the public live broadcast, 590 and hang the huge curtain high on the bracket.

After Si Shali updated the location of the positioning tool, she helped install the live streaming tool and the video playback tool.

By the time the two of them finished their work, it was already an hour later.

"It's done." Angela clapped her hands in satisfaction, took two steps back and stared at the high hanging curtain.

Si Shali patted the glazed bracket and said with satisfaction: "It's simpler than imagined.

The high-hanging curtain attracted many people to gather around, wondering what the two of them were going to do.

"Let's get started." Angela and Si Shali glanced at each other, and began to control the live broadcast and video playback spirit weapons with a clear division of labor.

The live broadcast spirit device lit up, and soon connected to the video playback spirit device, which transmitted the images of the old continent and projected them on the huge screen.

Although it is daytime now, the picture projected on the curtain is still extremely clear, making people who see it feel as if they are in the scene, as if they can walk into the curtain with a step.

"Wow, is this a movie about Xuanwu Kingdom?" Some knowledgeable businessmen recognized it.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The picture on the curtain is that a group of virtual ghosts is attacking a big city, corpses and blood are the main theme, which makes many onlookers feel uncomfortable.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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