Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2494: Miss Shibeki Is Growing Very Well. (1 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, inside the main hall of the palace.

Yue Qinlan sat sideways on the soft sofa with bare feet, holding a small plate of cake in her hand, and was eating small bites with elegant movements.

Xiaozi folded her hands in front of her body, leaned slightly and asked, "Master Qinlan, how does it taste?"

Yue Qinlan poked the small fork on the cake, freed up one hand to hold up the hanging hair, and looked at the little maid next to her with her beautiful eyes.

She picked up the small fork again, and commented gracefully: "Well, it's more delicious than the ones made before."

"That's good." Xiao Zi smiled.

She has been researching how to improve the taste of the cake for the past two days, and is committed to making His Majesty eat a more delicious cake. Now it seems that the hard work is not in vain.

Yue Qinlan sipped the cream off the fork, and asked casually: "The taste is much better than before, how did you do it?"

Xiao Zimei's eyes lit up, and she said like a treasure: "I replaced some of the ingredients for making the cake, the three-color eggs were replaced with better animal eggs, and the fruits were also made of spirit fruits...  …

"Very thoughtful." Yue Qinlan praised generously.

Xiao Zi's pretty face was slightly red, and she smiled like a flower and said, "It's as long as Master Qinlan likes it."

Yue Qinlan put down the plate in her hand, raised her chin and said, "Well, send a piece to Mu Liang."

"Yes." Xiao Zi obediently agreed, then turned and went to the kitchen to get the cake.

Yue Qinlan thought of something, and reminded elegantly: "Remember to pour a glass of juice and add more ice, he likes to drink ice.

"Yes." Xiao Zi's voice came from the kitchen.

Yue Qinlan turned her head and stretched out her hand to gently knead her ankle. She had been busy all morning and only sat down to rest for ten minutes, "I have to go back to the main city administration to continue working.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

At the back door of the palace, Buff just came back from the back garden, changed into clean shoes at the door and walked into the main hall.

"Master Qinlan." She greeted obediently.

"Well, how is Xi Beiqi?" Yue Qinlan asked in a crisp voice.

Buff said in a sweet tone: "Miss Xibeiqi is growing very well~". "

"That's good, we can meet again in two days." Qi Qinlan pressed her head and chin on the back of the sofa.

Buff nodded obediently, and said coquettishly: "Yes, I will see Miss Xi Beiqi the day after tomorrow."

It has been eight days since Xibeqi was planted, and it will be successfully revived ten days after planting.

"It's exciting, it would be nice to be able to stab the resurrection." Yue Qinlan said in a happy mood.

Xiao Zi came out of the kitchen with the cake, and said worriedly: "Miss Xi Beiqi's resurrection through the magic mushroom, will it affect her own strength?"

Buff shook his head, and said crisply: "Your Majesty said, what Miss Xibeiqi was like before she died, she will be what she was when she was resurrected."

"That's good." Xiao Zi let out a sigh of relief, and went to the study with the cake.

"Is Master Qinlan resting today?" Buff asked in a low voice.

She has just returned from the shift shift with Qingwu, and it will be her turn to continue guarding the Magic Mushroom tomorrow.

"No, take a bite of cake and rest for a while." Qi Qinlan sighed faintly.

Buff blinked her beautiful eyes, stepped forward, and thoughtfully helped the elegant woman rub her shoulders.

Yue Qinlan squinted her beautiful eyes, her slender eyelashes trembled a few times, and said comfortably: "The technique has improved a lot, I have practiced a lot."

Buff explained softly: "When I'm free, I will practice with Xiao Zi and the others.

As a battle maid, 'maid' is the key point, followed by 'battle', the primary and secondary should not be messed up, how to make the king's life comfortable is the most important thing.

The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips rose, and she said elegantly: "Very well, everyone is so hardworking, so starting from this month, everyone's salary will be raised to 500 yuan."

"Thank you Master Qinlan." Buff's beautiful eyes sparkled immediately.

Yue Qinlan is solely responsible for the combat maid, and she decides the treatment of all maids.

The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips rose, and she said gracefully: "Keep working hard, and I'll give you a salary increase if you satisfy Mu Liang.

"Yes." Buff obediently agreed.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

In the direction of the liaison room of the side hall, Xiaomi hurriedly came out of it, and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Yue Qinlan.

She anxiously said: "Lord Qinlan, something happened to Tongsha and Angela."

"What happened?" Yue Qinlan sat up straight, her slender eyebrows furrowed.

Xiaomi spoke quickly and said: "Miss Si Shali and Miss Angela were performing a public live broadcast in the main city square of France, and they were beaten up by members of the Mage Association, and they were even arrested.

"How could this be? Isn't there a portal?" Qin Lan asked in confusion.

"I don't know the specifics." Xiaomi shook her head.

Yue Qinlan snorted coldly, stood up and said, "Hmph, anyone who dares to arrest me will seek death."

"Go, use the live broadcast spirit tool to contact the people of the Magic Association." She ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes." Xiaomi answered, turned around and ran back to the liaison room.

Buff asked in a low voice: "Lord Qinlan, do you want to speak to His Majesty?"

"Let's talk about it later, ask about the specific situation first." Yue Qinlan shook her head, and Shui Blue's eyes flashed with joy.

Buff pinched the corner of his clothes with his small hands, and said worriedly: "I hope Miss Si Shali and Miss Angela are all right. "

"Hmph, if they get hurt, the Mage Association will bleed profusely." Yue Qinlan snorted coldly.

The image of Mu Liang appeared in her mind, he was the most protective, if one of his own was bullied, he would have to pay back ten times and a hundred times.

If Si Shali and Angela died, there would be no need for the Mage Association to exist, and even the Fama Kingdom would have to pay the price.

Xiaomi came out of the liaison room with an ugly expression and said, "Master Qinlan, the Mage Association still doesn't answer the call request for the live broadcast of spiritual tools.

She tried several times, but the other party just didn't answer the video call from the live broadcast spiritual weapon.

"Damn it." Yue Qinlan's eyes became colder.

Xiaomi speculated with a serious face: "Master Qinlan, the other party may have sent the live broadcast to the spirit ship."

Yue Qinlan pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "Try to contact the live broadcast spirit tool that Angela (Nuo Zhao) brought to the public live broadcast."

"I'll try it." Hearing this, Xiaomi ran back to the liaison room again.

In the current liaison room, there are not only resonance bugs, but also many live-streaming devices, which can establish contact with different replay crystals by adjusting the Warcraft crystals on them.

Yue Qinlan turned her head to look at the study room, this matter can be big or small, it depends on how Mu Liang will deal with it.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Master Qinlan, I still can't get in touch." Xiao Da came out of the liaison room and said.

Yue Qinlan's eyes became colder, and she said coldly: "Continue to contact."

"Okay." Xiaomi turned her head and left.

Yue Qinlan raised her hand and rubbed her temples, then turned around and walked towards the study with a sigh.

Both Angela and Si Shali are rare talents, they were cultivated with a lot of thought and secret medicine, and they can't just give up like this.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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