Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2495: Don't Flaunt Your Ignorance In Front Of Me. (2 More)

In the main city of the Fama Kingdom, the depths of the Mage Association is located, and there is a dungeon.

The dungeon is located at a depth of 100 meters underground, connected to the ground by a spiral staircase.

All kinds of people were imprisoned in the dungeon, many of them were vicious people, and some of them were imprisoned here because they angered the Mage Association.

In the depths of the dungeon, Angela and Si Shali were imprisoned there. Their limbs were chained and fixed on a cross made of fine steel.

The necks, waists, and shoulders of the two were fixed, making them like specimens, and they could only stay stiffly on the cross.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

"It hurts..." Si Shali moved her stiff neck, but she could only move slightly, and the iron chain made a rattling sound.

"Be patient." Angela whispered.

Si Shali said hoarsely: "Well, don't worry about me."

The ghost armor on the two of them was taken off, and they were only wearing a layer of close-fitting long clothes, and the exposed skin was still stained with dried blood.

The ghost armor was taken away by the people of the Mage Association, and there was not a single spiritual weapon left on him.

"Why are you so unlucky, you almost escaped 290." Si Shali sighed.

When the two were conducting a public live broadcast in the main city square, people from the Magic Mage Association were nearby, and they were the president of the Magic Mage Association, with the existence of a powerful holy rank.

If the person who came was not the president, Si Shali and Angela could leave through the portal, instead of being beaten to the ground by the president of the Mage Association as soon as the portal was activated.

After the two were taken away by the people of the Magic Mage Association, the spiritual weapons, curtains, space portals, etc. were all taken away.

Angela whispered: "Don't worry, the news has already been sent back to the high ground, and His Majesty will arrange for someone to rescue us."

After the people from the Mage Association appeared, she immediately awakened the resonance bug and established contact with the liaison room in the highland, otherwise the people in the highland would not know that they were arrested.

"We will be saved, but this mission failed." Si Shali sighed.

The mission has just begun, the public live broadcast has only been going on for two hours, and the public opinion battle has not yet started.

Angela said in a low voice: "They have decided that they don't want to befriend the Xuanwu Kingdom by doing this, and it's useless even if the task is completed.

"You're right." Si Shali's eyes flickered (acaa), she moved her wrist slightly, and maintained a posture for a long time, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She let out a breath and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, the coordinates were sent back to the high ground in advance."

Before the public live broadcast started, the girl completed the coordinate registration, and by the way used the resonance bug to send the specific coordinates back to the high ground.

Angela thought of something, and said in an uncertain tone: "You said, will His Majesty directly throw a 'Vulcan' over?"

"Probably not..." Si Shali opened her mouth.

If the 'Judgment Vulcan' really hit here directly, then they would also be affected, and they would die if they were not careful.

The two fell silent, and the dungeon became very quiet.

Angela shook her head vigorously, and said firmly, "No, Your Majesty is not such a person."

Si Shali blinked her beautiful eyes, and Mu Liang's appearance appeared in her mind, that face with a smile all the time, which people can't forget at a glance.

"Yes, Your Majesty won't do that." Her expression also became firm.

Angela took a deep breath and said word by word: "We just need to wait now, until His Majesty sends someone to rescue us.

"Yeah, before that, no matter what happens, you can't betray the Xuanwu Kingdom." Si Shali's eyes became more determined.

Tread Tread~..."

There were footsteps in the dungeon, and someone was walking towards the two of them.

Angela and Si Shali looked at each other, and their expressions became vigilant.

Out of the darkness came a figure, wearing a loose white robe and a gray beard, and stood in front of the cell door.

"Gold." Angela's face turned cold.

The man in front of him is the president of the Mage Association, Jin, who once came to the Xuanwu Kingdom to participate in the auction.

With his hands behind his back, Jin raised his chin and asked indifferently, "Tell me, what is your purpose for coming to the main city of Fama?"

Angela and Si Shali snorted at the same time, and did not answer President Jin's question.

Chairman Jin chuckled, and said calmly: "You will want to speak."

Si Shali raised her eyes to look at President Jin, and said coldly: "Your Excellency knows that we are from the Xuanwu Kingdom, are you not afraid that our Majesty will find us?"

President Jin smiled lightly and said: "If Mu Liang came over in person because of such a trivial matter, then he is too free, and the Xu Clan doesn't need our help to solve it.

"It's not just His Majesty's business to fight against the Void Clan, it's the business of all human beings." Angela said angrily.

President Jin grinned, and said coldly: "No, that's your business, it has nothing to do with our Mage Association."

Si Shali said angrily: "How can it have nothing to do with the Mage Association? If the Xu Clan enters this continent, can your Mage Association avoid it?"

"This kind of thing won't happen, the Xu clan won't be able to cross the sea of ​​mist." Chairman Jin said indifferently.

Without waiting for the two to refute, he continued: "If the Xu Clan can really cross the misty sea, why haven't they come here in the past few thousand years?"

Angela said coldly: "That's just because the Ghost King Xu didn't wake up, not to mention the Ghost King Xu crossed the sea of ​​mist before."

"Isn't it the fault of your Xuanwu Kingdom that the ghost king can come to this continent?" Chairman Jin's eyes showed contempt.

He put his arms around his body, and said indifferently: "Deliberately let the ghost king come over, disturb the peace of this continent, and then create the illusion that the continent will be destroyed, so as to sell various materials to make money

Si Shali and An Jie widened their eyes angrily, and were very angry at President Jin's words.

The Xuanwu Kingdom has done so many things in order to defeat the Xu Clan, but now it is completely denied by President Jin in a few words, and it is also misunderstood as a malicious conspiracy. How can this not make people angry.

President Jin said coldly: "If you want me to say, the Xuanwu Kingdom should go back to the old continent and never come back."

Si Shali took a few deep breaths, her chest heaving violently. If eyes could kill, President Jin might have died a thousand or eight hundred times.

She gritted her teeth and said: "Don't show off your ignorance in front of me, I suggest pouring out the water in your mind before speaking."

This sentence is a line in the movie, and it is always remembered by the girl because it is very interesting.

Chairman Jin frowned, listening to the other party mocking him.

"Don't argue with him, idiots won't understand." Angela said, closing her eyes and ignoring President Jin.

Si Shali also closed her eyes, as if she couldn't see her eyes.

President Jin's eyes became gloomy, and he said coldly: "Give them the potion, and I want them to tell what they know."

"Yes." The person in charge of the interrogation stepped out of the darkness.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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