The interrogator glared at Gusme, clenched his fists tightly, and made a crunching sound when his knuckles were squeezed.

Gesme seemed to like the interrogator to be angry very much, seeing his furious expression, the corners of her lips curled up.

"Don't disturb my rest." She said calmly.

The interrogator took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, and reassured himself not to care about Gesmei, because he couldn't kill him, and he would only make himself angry.


He snorted coldly, and looked back at Si Shali and Angela, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The interrogator said coldly: "My patience is limited, if you don't tell me what you know, then don't blame me for being rude.

"You're welcome, what do you want?" Si Shali mocked with pain.

The interrogator grinned and said sinisterly, "For example, how about cutting off one of your fingers every five minutes?"

"It's not that good." Si Shali's eyes showed hatred.

"Then use these 04 methods. Since you don't tell me, then I will torture you slowly." The interrogator grinned and continued to smile.

Angela gritted her teeth, blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, the pain in her body did not decrease at all, but now the pain became clearer because of fear.

Gesmei frowned, feeling dissatisfied in her heart. Why did the two women in the opposite cell speak so hard? She just felt that they were suffering.

If it was her, it would be better to make up some lies to cover up the past than to suffer now.

She thought about it, how to prevent the interrogator from doing something to the two women, is it really necessary to hurt herself and make the interrogator afraid?

Before the woman could figure it out, the interrogator had already taken out an ax and was about to take Si Shali's left thumb.

Angela's beautiful eyes widened, and she couldn't help shouting: "Wait a minute."

The interrogator frowned slightly, looked sideways at the girl, and asked, "Have you thought it through?"

Si Shali became anxious immediately, and stared at her friend with determination in her eyes.

Angela glanced at her, then looked back at the interrogator and said, "Chop off my fingers first."

The interrogator's face darkened when he heard this, he was joking about himself.

He smiled angrily, stared at the girl coldly, and said with a grin: "Very well, I will fulfill you, this time I want you to have a whole arm."

Si Shali's heart was moved, and she endured the pain and shouted: "No."

The interrogator looked at her impatiently, and asked angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, either tell the secret of Xuanwu Kingdom, or become useless."

"Then you come." Si Shali closed her eyes as if death was at home, her body was still shaking, she didn't know if it was caused by fear or the pain in her body.

Angela's complexion was extremely pale, watching the interrogator's angry smile, she raised the ax in her hand and was about to chop at Si Shali's hand.

Just before the ax blade approached the skin of the girl's wrist, an invisible wave enveloped the entire dungeon.

Time and space seemed to be frozen, the interrogator maintained the movement of swinging the axe, but his body was as immobile as a sculpture.

Only his eyes can move, and his consciousness is clear, but no matter how hard he tries, his body cannot move an inch.

Si Shali closed her eyes for a long while, but the severe pain she imagined did not come. She opened her eyes with trembling eyelids, and saw the man who was frozen in place.

She blinked her eyes in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know either." Angela said hoarsely.

The two suddenly thought of something and looked at each other, the joy in their eyes could no longer be hidden.

Gesmei in the opposite cell also widened her beautiful eyes, not knowing what happened to the interrogator, why she kept raising the ax but didn't let it go.

The space fluctuated, and a slender figure came out of thin air, appearing in the cell where Hou Sha and Angela were.

Seeing the familiar figure, the two women could no longer control the tears from their beautiful eyes.

Angela shouted tremblingly: "Your Majesty, Wan An."

"Your Majesty, Wan'an, we have messed up our mission." Si Shali admitted her mistake in a hoarse voice, but Meiyao couldn't hide her joy

"It's good that people are fine." Mu Liang said calmly.

He raised his hand and waved it lightly, and with a few clicks, the shackles on the two women were all released.

Si Shali and Angela were extremely weak. As soon as they got off the cross, they staggered and fell to the ground.

When Mu Liang moved his mind, the gravity changed, allowing the two girls to stand firmly.

He stretched out his hand to condense two groups of life elements, shot them into the bodies of the two women respectively, quickly repaired the wounds in the body, and forced the tumor-causing potion out of the body.


Si Shali opened her mouth and sprayed out a big mouthful of pitch-black blood.

The same was true for Angela, after spitting out Black blood, her face turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Eat it." Mu Liang took out two more star fruits and distributed them to each person.

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty." Angela said gratefully, and quickly ate the star fruit.


The sweet juice spread in the mouth, nourishing the weak bodies of the two, and the tortured spirit became stable.


The two swallowed the last star fruit, and the wounds on the surface of the body had healed, leaving a little scar.

"These scars will disappear after two days of applying the secret medicine for removing scars." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes." Angela nodded vigorously.

Mu Liang asked indifferently: "Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"A little weak, but other than that, everything is fine." Anjie 823 said seriously.

"Yeah, I made His Majesty worry." Si Shali lowered her head in shame.

Angela also lowered her head, apologizing earnestly: "Your Majesty, it was because we were too weak and careless that we were caught by them.

"One month's salary is fined, and this month's vacation is gone." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yes." Angela and Si Shali saluted at the same time.

While the two breathed a sigh of relief, they also understood that His Majesty did not blame them, otherwise the punishment would never have been so easy.

Mu Liang did not blame the two of them. This is the headquarters of the Mage Association. With the strength of Si Shali and Angela, if they face the president of the Mage Association, they will have no chance to escape.

In the cell opposite, Gesmei stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"Your Majesty?" Gesmei said in astonishment.

Mu Liang turned his head to look at the opposite cell, his deep eyes were like sharp arrows piercing the heart, causing the girl to tremble uncontrollably.

She covered her mouth with her hand, so she didn't lose her composure and yell.

"Who is she?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

"We don't know, but from what this person said, she seems to be a descendant of the magic god." Angela said and pointed to the frozen interrogator.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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