Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2499: Why Should I Save You? (2 More)

"The descendant of Mage?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman in the opposite cell.

He was about to go over to check, but he thought of something, and looked back at the interrogator who couldn't move.

"Leave it to you guys?" Mu Liang gestured to the interrogator with his chin, his eyes fell on Si Shali and Angela.

"Did you kill it?" Angela's eyes flashed with killing intent.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Whatever you want, you can slice him into pieces to vent your anger."

Si Shali struggled with her eyes, but she still shook her head respectfully and said, "Your Majesty will just deal with it."

"Your Majesty will follow His Majesty's arrangement." Angela also raised her hand to salute.

"Okay, then don't waste time on him." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

A coldness flashed across his deep eyes, and he said indifferently: "However, the suffering you have suffered will make them pay double the price.

"Yes. Angela and Si Shali nodded respectfully.

Mu Liang raised his hand and waved lightly, the interrogator scattered like a sand sculpture, and disappeared into a big blood mist in the next second.

Angela and Si Shali looked at the interrogator who disappeared, and the hatred in their hearts disappeared in an instant.

"Let's go." Mu Liang turned around and walked out, the prison door in front of him melted like snowflakes, unable to stop his pace.

"Tap T T T ~ ~ ~"

Angela and Si Shali followed behind him, and after walking out of the cell, they met the eyes of the woman opposite.

She saw the desire in the woman's eyes, and the other party also wanted to leave here.

Mu Liang just glanced at Ge Simei, and was about to walk out, as if he was not interested in women.

"Wait." Gesmei said anxiously.

As if Mu Liang didn't hear it, he continued to walk forward.

Si Shali and Angela looked at each other, hesitating whether to help Gesmei escape from the cell.

"Your Excellency, please take me with you." Gesmei shouted.

Mu Liang paused, looked back at the woman in the cell, and asked calmly, "Why?"

"I am the only descendant of the God of Magic, isn't your Excellency interested~"?" Gesmei asked seriously.

"Magic God does not exist." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He has learned about the past and history of the New World. Mage is very special, just like the awakened ones in the Old World. The two seem to have the same origin, but there are still many differences.

There was no Mage in the Legendary New World a long time ago, but I don’t know when the first Mage appeared, that is, the God of Magic, and he created the entire Mage system.

The God of Magic knows all types of magic. In addition to the common fire, wood, water, and earth magics, he also has rare lightning, life, space, and dark magics. It can be said that he is an all-powerful magician. Mage.

Gesmey said with a firm expression, "No, the God of Magic once existed and left a bloodline, but in my generation, I am the only one left."

After she said that, her expression darkened. She grew up alone, and it is not easy to live to this day.

"How to prove that what you said is true?" Mu Liang's tone was still indifferent.

Gesmei hesitated for a moment when she heard the words, finally gritted her teeth and raised her hand, brought her index finger to her mouth and bit it open, and immediately colored blood flowed out from the wound.

Mu Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, he was already surprised by the colored blood, and the magic element contained in the blood was even more astonishing, fire, water, wood, space, life and so on.

Seeing that Muliang's expression became serious, Gesmei knew that he was beginning to believe, so she pressed down the bitten finger to stop the blood flowing out.

Mu Liang 1, opened the way: "For example: he is a descendant of a demon, why there is no magic fluctuation in it, and he looks like a Common man."

"Except for this bloodline, I'm indeed a Common, and I don't know any magic." Gesmei shook her head frankly.

Mu Liang's eyes were filled with astonishment, no one would believe the descendant of the magic god who doesn't know magic.

He came to the prison door, put his hand in through the crack of the door, and grabbed the woman's wrist.

Gesmei wanted to hide subconsciously, but finally held back, the man in front of her was her only hope of escaping here, at least for now.

Mu Liang closed his eyes, felt the changes in the woman's body, checked inside and out, there was indeed no magic power, she was just a Common person.

"Strange." He frowned slightly.

Gesmei bit her lower lip, and retracted her hand, her pale face was bloodless.

She said weakly: "Can you take me away, Your Excellency?"

"Although you are a descendant of the magic god, you don't know any magic. Taking you away will only be exhausting." Mu Liang said truthfully.

"No, I can cook, do laundry and so on." Gesmei quickly showed her worth.

Si Shali and Angela whispered to each other.

"Is she doing this to steal Xiaomi's job?" Angela muttered.

Si Shali said in a serious tone: "No, she doesn't look like she can cook, don't make a pot of poison, the food cooked by Xiaomi and the others is delicious.

"That's right, then she's still useless." Angela blinked her beautiful eyes.

After the baptism of life elements and eating star fruit, the two recovered their bodies.

Gesmei didn't hear the muttering of the two, and her expectant eyes still fell on Mu Liang.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Her heart was beating very fast, as if there was a snare drum in her heart.

Mu Liang looked at the woman in the cell, seemed to have thought of something, and said calmly: "Then go back with me first, as for what you can do, it depends on Qin Lan's arrangements."

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Gesmei's face showed ecstasy.

Angela corrected with a stern face: "Call Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty..." Gusmei's white lips parted.

Mu Liang glanced at her, raised his hand and tapped on the cell door, the next moment the solid cell door melted into molten iron.

Gesmei's eyes were shining, she didn't want to stay in the cell for a moment, so she hurriedly walked out to pay Zhao Zhaolai.

"Let's go." Mu Liang didn't waste any more time, and promised Yue Qinlan to go back at dawn.

The four of them walked out along the corridor, Gesme, Angela, and Si Shali walked behind, and the woman was caught between them.

Gesmei couldn't hold back and asked in a low voice: "Where is your Xuanwu Kingdom?"

When she was taken into the dungeon, there was no news from the Xuanwu Kingdom outside, and she only knew a little bit about what happened outside, and she heard it from the guards in the cell chatting.

Gesmei tilted her head, then muttered, "Is it at the border of the continent?"

Angela explained casually: "Of course not, the Xuanwu Kingdom is located in the sea of ​​mist, you will know it when you arrive.

"In the sea of ​​mist..." Gusmei opened her mouth wide, wondering if Angela was crazy, or was she making fun of her.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize the transfer. .

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