Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2531: Well, That's What Men Say. (1 More)

At night, in the palace.

The restaurant was filled with the aroma of delicious food, Yue Qinlan and the others had already taken their seats, and the dining atmosphere was very lively today.

The dining table was almost filled with girls, Gesmei and Xueji were sitting next to each other, they were staring at each other, they didn't know each other.

Yue Qinyi sat beside Yue Qinlan, looked at Gesmei curiously, and winked at her sister.

She lowered her voice and asked: "This woman looks pretty good, and she is the woman who came back from Mu Liangnong?"

"..." Yue-Qinlan was speechless for a moment.

She thought about her sister's words and she was right. Ge Simei was indeed brought back by Mu Liang, but her identity was not what Yue Qinyi imagined.

She lowered her voice and said, "Don't think about it, Mu Liang just likes her talent and the blood of a magic god."

"Well, that's what men say." Yue Qinyi nodded in agreement.

..." Yue Qinlan twitched the corners of her mouth, knowing that her sister didn't believe it.

Yueqin Yishui Blue rolled her eyes, and asked again: "After she comes, will Mu Liang stop climbing on your bed?"

Yue Qinlan widened her beautiful eyes, reached out her hand to cover her sister's red lips, blushed and said: "Don't talk nonsense, she has nothing to do with Mu Liang.

Yue Qinyi blinked her beautiful eyes, her slender eyelashes fluttered, and the smile in her beautiful eyes seemed to say the word 'believe'.

She struggled a bit, beckoned her sister to let go of her hand, and her eyes became innocent.

Yue Qinlan's eyes were filled with warning, and then she slowly put down her hands.

"Hoo Hoo~~~"

Yue Qinyi let out a breath, raised the corners of her lips and said, "Don't be so excited, this doesn't look like you anymore."

Yue Qinlan took a deep breath, regained her elegant temperament, and cast a reproachful glance at her sister.

Yue Qinyi turned her head slightly and approached the woman, jokingly said: "When Muliang is mentioned, you get anxious.

" better shut up." Yue Qinlan raised her hand to her forehead, her ears began to turn red.

Yue Qinyi smiled without saying a word, and looked at Ge Simei with probing eyes.

"Hello." Gesmei blinked her beautiful eyes and greeted her generously.

Her gaze moved back and forth from Yue Qinlan and Yue Qinyi, and she was surprised that their faces were exactly the same.

"Hello." Xue Ji turned her head, her face changed into that of Yue Qinyi, and she also greeted the girl.

"Ah!" Gesmei exclaimed, the three identical faces made her a little face-blind.


Xue Ji smiled with satisfaction, she likes to see people's surprised expressions the most.

"Stop teasing her." Li Yue said crisply.

"Okay." Xue Ji obediently agreed, and her face returned to its original appearance.

Gus Mei's eyes were full of surprise, and he stared at the Variety Witch without blinking, which made the girl feel a little nervous.

Xue Ji coughed twice and said, "Ahem, I know my face is pretty, so you don't have to stare at me like that."

Gesmei's pretty face blushed immediately, and she quickly looked away.

Li Yue introduced softly: "Her name is Ge Simei, you were busy at the film and television base before, so you didn't know her.

"Gesmey, change the name to make it sound better." Yue Qinyi raised her eyebrows lightly.

"Thank you." Gusmei smiled.

Yue Qinyi asked abruptly, "Do you like Mu Liang?"

"Ah?" Gesmei's expression was stunned, she didn't know how to reply with her pink lips.

"Sister..." Yue Qinlan's eyes twitched.

"I'll shut up." Yue Qinyi clasped her hands together as if begging for mercy.

Only then did Gesme come to her senses, and hurriedly explained: "I don't like Your Majesty..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that if she didn't like His Majesty, she would hate it, so she hurriedly remedied: "No, I like Your Majesty's, but it's not that kind of liking."

"So do you like it or not..." Xue Ji began to dig a hole.

"I like... I don't like it, like it's not that kind of like." Gu Siye explained in the middle of the knot.

"Okay, we all understand." Yue Qinlan hurriedly waved her hand to stop her, and if she made the girl tangled up in explaining, she was afraid that she would get involved, and then she would really not be able to explain clearly.

"Okay." Gesme breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you talking about?" Mu Liang's gentle voice came, and he walked into the restaurant wearing a black loose robe.

Gesmei greeted obediently: "Your Majesty."

"It's nothing to talk about, just small talk." Yue Qinyi smiled gracefully.

"Okay. Mu Liang slightly raised his eyebrows and sat on the head seat.

Gesmei said crisply: "Your Majesty, I thought you were in the studio."

"We'll be busy after dinner." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

His spiritual weapon plan has been optimized, and he can continue to invest in the production of new spiritual weapons at night.

"Your Majesty has worked so hard." Gesme praised.

Mu Liang smiled, picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, officially starting the dinner.

...asking for flowers......


Xue Ji ate meat and drank soup, as if she was very hungry.

"Eat slowly." Yue Qinyi said unhappily.

Xue Ji resentfully said: "It's been too long since I had dinner in the palace, I can't bear it."

"There are still a lot of dishes in the kitchen." Xiaomi said crisply.

Xue Ji's pretty face turned even redder, "I'm sorry to slow down my eating speed.

Mu Liang chewed the spiritual rice and asked after swallowing, "Have you encountered any difficulties in your work recently?"

Alina and the others looked at each other, and shook their heads in unison to say no.

Their daily work now is to train and perform tasks to clean up hidden dangers in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

So far, I have not encountered any difficult problems that cannot be solved.

"Yeah." Nijisha nodded.

"What about you?" Mu Liang looked at the silver-haired girl.

Liyue lightly shook her head, everything was silent.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "I have something to do, since the public live broadcast started, the public has panicked, and I have to find a way to appease.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said peacefully: "It's normal to panic, we can show them some videos of the military parade to enhance their trust in the kingdom."

Only by letting the people of the kingdom know the strength of the Xuanwu Kingdom will they have a sense of security and will not cause trouble.

The Xuanwu Kingdom held a military parade, and the video has been kept, and now it can come in handy.

"Well, this is a good idea, let someone carry it out tomorrow." Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes lit up.

Mu Liang continued: "In addition, you can also play some videos of the army successfully killing virtual ghosts.'

"Okay, I understand." Qin Lan nodded again.

Mu Liang looked at the elegant woman, and instructed: "The newspaper's propaganda must also keep up, write an article that human beings can defeat the Xu race, and they will feel at ease after reading it."

Yue Qinyi said: "The best way is actually to come out in person and give a public speech in the main city square. The hearts of the people will be more at ease."

Mu Liang's eyes showed surprise, he didn't expect Zizhi to think of such a way.

He thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, go and make arrangements, I will speak tomorrow."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan readily agreed.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the correct size. .

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