Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2532: Emergency Situation. (2 More)

On Jinyuan City, Su Jin stood in a green dress, watching the groups of ghosts outside the city wall, her complexion turned pale.

It has been three days since Xugui besieged the city, and the Xuguis who attacked seem to be endless, coming one after another, without giving the people any chance to breathe.

Bai Yu raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Lord Su Jin, go and rest for a while."

She has shouted too many times in the past few days, her voice is a little hoarse, and she is even more exhausted.

"No need." Su Jin shook her head slowly.

She was also very tired, and the continuous high-intensity fighting made her a little exhausted, but looking at the countless ghosts outside the city wall, she knew that she could not rest yet.

"I'm sorry~~~

Bai Yu turned her head and looked outside the city wall, there were more Xu ghosts running wildly in the distance, their ferocious appearance made people shudder.

She looked in the direction of the transfer base again, and the "187" transfer base, which was covered by a huge glazed barrier, had been completely covered by Xu Gui's body from the outside.

There are too many virtual ghosts, so many that they have already stood on the glass barrier and started a close-range attack.

"bang bang bang~~w"

It is precisely because of the transfer base that attracted many ghosts that Jinyuan City was relatively relaxed, at least the ghosts were not allowed to attack directly on the glazed barrier.

Bai Yu asked with a worried face: "Master Sujin, the barrier from the transfer base will not be broken?"

"I don't know." Su Jin shook her head,

She didn't know how the glass barrier could withstand it, she only knew that the current glass barrier was strengthened, and it was made by Mu Liangmu's avatar himself.


The sound of Xu Gui attacking the glazed barrier was loud and piercing, like a cat scratching a tempered plate.

Bai Yu trembled all over, no matter how many times she heard this voice, she would feel uncomfortable.

The glazed barrier was trembling, as if it was going to be unable to hold on anymore, but it never broke.


The virtual ghost's attack became violent, and Black's breath fell on the barrier, unable to penetrate the barrier.

In the transit base, Winksha looked up at the ugly faces on the barrier, with the snake's tail coiled slightly, which was a signal to prepare for an attack.

Behind her is a group of Warriors from the Snake-Human Race, who came to support her from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"Your Excellency, Winksha, wait a little longer." The person in charge of the transit base said.

Winksha looked sideways, and her erect pupils gradually became round.

The person in charge of the transfer base said: "I have applied for the support of 'Judgment', and you can rest for a while."

"Judgment?" Winkesa looked puzzled.

The person in charge nodded, and said with a serious face: "Your Excellency will know soon.

On the other side, Sujin received news from the transit base.

"Lord Su Jin, the transfer base said that there will be 'judgment' support soon, let us persevere, and don't let our people outside the city." The contact person who notified said respectfully

"What? 'Judgment' support?" Bai Yu frowned slightly.

Su Jin thought for a while, and then ordered: "Then let someone come back, support from the spirit weapon cannon.

"Master Su Jin, this is too dangerous, what if Xu Gui takes the opportunity to attack the city?" Bai Yu asked anxiously.

"I'll keep an eye on it." Su Jin said coldly.

Bai Yu opened his mouth, waved his hand at the messenger in resignation, took a deep breath, and turned around to deliver the order.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The sound of drums and thunder on the city wall conveyed the latest orders.

The powerhouses who were fighting were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, and quickly realized that they turned around and started running towards the city gate.

Most of these strong men came from the New World to support them. They were reluctant to deal with Xu Gui at first, but as time passed, they also became serious.


The spirit weapon cannon was activated again, and there were various long-range attack weapons, ballistas, crossbows, large throwing spirit weapons, etc., sending out the explosive bombs.

Explosions sounded one after another, and the virtual ghosts fell in pieces. The strong human beings outside the city returned to Jinyuan City safely, and the solid glass barrier kept the virtual ghosts out.


Xu Gui roared angrily, not noticing the two black dots that appeared on the horizon.

Su Jin noticed that there was a fluctuation in the distant space, and two black dots appeared out of thin air, coming towards Jinyuan City one after the other.


The speed of the black dot's advancement was very fast, and it advanced thousands of meters in one breath.

Su Jin looked serious, what is that?

The next moment, the black dot magnified in everyone's eyes, falling like a shooting star.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The virtual ghosts roared, looking at the sudden appearance of the UFO with some anxiety.

The first 'Judgment' missile landed with precision, the sound of the explosion resounded, the earth shook, and circles of shock waves spread out, sending all the virtual ghosts in the periphery flying away...

There was an electric arc jumping at the center of the explosion, and then lightning bolts fell from the sky, covering the transit base and Jinyuan City like rain.


The lightning was so dense that the people in Jinyuan City were shocked.

After the lightning rain, the earth had turned into scorched earth, and Xu Gui's body was lying on the ground. This attack caused more than ten thousand Xu Gui's deaths and injuries.

Bai Yu was dumbfounded, why didn't he expect the 'judgment' to be so big.


Before she could finish being shocked, the second missile came, and this time it still landed at the place where the virtual ghosts were most densely populated.

After the missile exploded this time, the space collapsed, and the virtual thoughts covered by the explosion range were twisted into pieces by the shattered space.

The space collapsed again, and the approaching virtual ghosts were swallowed by the space and disappeared.

The space god's explosion cleared out tens of thousands of virtual ghosts, and the outside of Jinyuan City became much quieter. There were less than five thousand virtual ghosts still alive, and all of them were injured.

Bai Yu felt his scalp go numb, if such a weapon fell in Jinyuan City, it would kill a whole city.

"Is there any more?" Su Jin's mouth moved, and the pressure on her shoulders was much less.

"It should be gone..." Bai Yu said uncertainly.

Several people kept quiet, watching the scorched earth outside the city, expecting the arrival of the new thick 0.0 bomb.

After a while, the city gate of the transit base opened, and Wen Kesha led the snake-human strongmen to kill them out, and began to clean up the ghosts who were still alive.

"Looks like it's gone." Su Jin whispered.

The people in the transfer base have all come out to fight, so why are there still missiles.

She ordered in a loud voice: "Open the city gates and clean up the virtual ghosts."

"Yes." Bai Yu replied, waved and led the strong men away from Jinyuan City.


The earth shook suddenly, and a large number of cracks appeared, the wide cracks were five or six meters wide.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The virtual ghosts in the battle all stopped, and they all fell to their knees piously on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yu raised the machete in his hand, staggered a few steps, and almost fell into the crack that suddenly appeared.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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