Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2538: The Role Of The Outpost Battlefield. (2 More)

The body of Xu Guihuang's avatar became distorted, and some limbs burst into emptiness, unable to maintain a solid appearance.

Mu Liang looked down, soul toxin can target all life forms, unless it is a dead thing, otherwise it cannot get rid of the damage caused by soul toxin.

Xu Guihuang's avatar's face twisted, and his voice was extremely cold: "Mu Liang, I remember you, we will meet again......

Mu Liang's expression remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand, aimed at Xu Guihuang's avatar and gave it a firm grip.


The next moment, Xu Guihuang's avatar exploded into a cloud of emptiness. Just as he wanted to disperse and escape, he was sucked in by the opened devouring space.

Mu Liang exhaled lightly, the surroundings became quiet, and there was still the breath of ghosts in the air.

He opened the life field, covered the entire transit base, and purified the ghost's breath.


Ling'er yelled sweetly, flapped her wings and flew in front of Mu Liang, hugging his arm.

She coquettishly said: "Father, am I very powerful?"

"Yes, you are the most powerful." Mu Liang reached out and rubbed the head of the 27-life elemental spirit, his deep eyes were full of pampering.


Ling'er smiled like a flower, couldn't help yawning, and said in a soft voice: "Father, I have been away for too long, I have to go back to sleep."

"Okay, Ling'er, let's go back first. Mu Liang stretched out his hand to condense a mass of life elements, and let it into Huai Chen, the life element elf.

"Thank you, father." Ling'er's emerald-like beautiful eyes lit up, and she plunged into the branch of the tree of life holding the life element.

She was conceived by the tree of life of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and she cannot leave for too long.

Mu Liang withdrew his gaze, looked at the people on the ground, and fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty Wanan." The strong men on duty at the transit base saluted one after another. They were all from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang nodded, and gave orders in an orderly manner: "Well, all those who are injured should be treated, and those who can act should clean up the battlefield first, and give priority to the treatment of seriously injured patients."

"Yes." The person in charge of the transfer base saluted respectfully, and took those who could not move to clean the battlefield.

Mu Liang turned to look at Wen Kesha and Su Jin who were not far away, and walked towards them.

Su Jin said softly, "Mu Liang, long time no see.

"Long time no see, didn't you get hurt?" Mu Liang asked concerned.

"I'm fine, it's just that I'm exhausted, I'll be fine after a while." Su Jin said softly, her blue eyes staring at Mu Liang's without blinking.

Win Kesha raised her eyebrows lightly, looking at Su Jin's appearance, she understood something in her heart.

"That's good, you have a good rest." Mu Liang stretched out his hand as he spoke, and condensed a ball of life elements into the woman's body.

Su Jin's body trembled, and the life elements entered her body to start healing, allowing her nearly exhausted body to recover quickly, and her face became bloody visible to the naked eye.

Only then did Mu Liang look at Wen Kesha, noticed the wound on her shoulder, and asked, "I'm infected by deficiency qi, why don't you use the secret medicine to heal it?"

Su Jin explained: "It's useless, this is the emptiness of the ghost emperor, it can only purify part of it, and it can't be cured completely with the secret medicine."

Mu Liang frowned slightly, took out a bottle of secret medicine from his portable space, and poured it on the snake queen's wound.

"Zi La~~~"

The secret medicine wrapped the wound and could no longer purify the emptiness above it.

Wen Kesha didn't care and said: "It's okay, I can't die like this."

"Stop talking." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Win Kesha opened her mouth, bit her lower lip aggrieved, and looked at the man in front of her with resentful eyes.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand, green light gathered at his fingertips, and soon after, a drop of angel's tears, crystal like an emerald version, appeared on his fingertips.

He looked at the snake queen, brought the angel's tears to her lips and said, "Eat it."

This is a drop of a tenth-level angel's tear, which should be able to cure the snake queen's infection.

Winkesha blinked her beautiful eyes, opened her mouth to catch the angel's tears, her lips slipped past Mu Liang's fingertips accidentally.

Mu Liang looked indifferent, Shou Qian looked at her quietly.

Winksha pursed her lips, feeling the changes after the angel's tears entered her body. It turned into traces of clear water flowing like limbs, and finally converged towards the wound on her shoulder.

"Zi La~~~"

Soon, she felt that the wound started to itch, and then felt icy cold, as if applying ice compress.

Su Jin watched without blinking, and the emptiness on the snake queen's wound began to disappear, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"According to this speed, it will take half a day to recover." She said clearly.

There was some blood on Wen Kesha's face, she looked at Mu Liang gratefully and said, "I was saved by you again.

Mu Liang glanced at her, and said calmly: "You are worth more alive than dead."

The Snake Queen was injured while helping to guard the transit base, and he was willing to heal her.

Wen Kesha nodded calmly, understanding what Mu Liang was thinking, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong, just feeling a little lost for no reason.

Mu Liang asked casually, "Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"No." Wincosa shook her head.

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded calmly, raised his eyes to look at the huge glazed barrier, there are many damaged places, but it is not troublesome to repair.

He flew into the sky, put his palm on the glazed barrier, and used his ability to repair the barrier.

Soon, colored glass re-condensed in the damaged area, and the protective barrier became complete.

Mu Liang called out the magic circle and began to repair the part penetrated by Xu Guihuang's avatar, and upgraded the entire magic circle to make it stronger.

Mu Liang checked the entire glazed barrier, and stopped after making sure that there was no other damage.

He returned to the ground, but Wincosa and Sujin hadn't left yet.

"You don't have to guard Jinyuan City?" He looked at the green-haired woman in surprise.

Su Jin shook her head, and said softly: "There is no ghost coming, and I don't have to worry about Bai Yu."

"Okay." Bai Yu's appearance appeared in Mu Liang's mind, a woman with big arms and round waist in armor.

Su Jin asked crisply, "Mu Liang, are you going back?"

"Well, Xuanwu Kingdom still has something to do." Mu Liang nodded.

Su Jin said in a serious tone: "Mu Liang, the ghost emperor's avatar appeared today, after that Roy will come in person, the transfer base will not be able to hold.

It's just the avatars, and the transit base was almost destroyed. If Xu Guihuang's body came in person, the result would be self-evident.

"I know." Mu Liang's expression was full of complexity.

The transfer station is used to attract virtual ghosts to divert them, and it is also an outpost battlefield.

"I will stay here." Wincosa said word by word.

Mu Liang looked at her, nodded and said: "If Roy really comes, I will rush over as soon as possible.

"Okay." Wincosa nodded.

"I won't leave." Su Jin looked serious, her beautiful eyes still staring at Mu Liang.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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