Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2539: Just Because It's Cheap And Cheap. (1 More)

The tree body of the tree of life lit up with light, and Mu Liang stepped out of the tree body, and met Yue Qinlan's eyes head-on.

"You're back, aren't you hurt?" Yue Qinlan stepped forward to meet her, Shui Blue's beautiful eyes looked at Mu Liang with concern, not letting her go from head to toe.

"It's okay, I'm fine, I haven't lost a single hair." Mu Liang raised his hand as he said, and walked around in front of Yue Qinlan, with a soft smile on his face.

Yue Qinlan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and said softly, "It's fine."

After Mu Liang left the high ground, she went to the military factory after approving the documents. After inspecting the production of weapons, she went back to the back garden and waited. During the waiting period, her heart beat faster, worrying that bad news would come back.

"I made you worry." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to gently caress the woman's face.

Yue Qinlan's eyes softened, and she said: "I'm fine, Liyue and the others are also worried about you.

Mu Liang asked in surprise, "They also know?"

"Well, they came back just after you left." Youlan nodded.

"Okay, let's go back to the palace." Mu Liang said softly, he had to go back to appease people's hearts.

The two walked towards the palace, and as soon as they entered the main hall, they saw Xi Beiqi, Liyue and others sitting on the sofa with uneasy expressions on their faces.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The sound of footsteps sounded, and several people quickly raised their eyes, and when they saw Mu Liang came back intact, their beautiful eyes were filled with joy.

"Mu Liang!" Xi Beiqi stood up in surprise.

Li Yue looked at Shang Muliang's gentle eyes, and felt relieved: "It looks like it's all right."

"Mu Liang, are you not injured?" Xi Beiqi asked.

Mu Liang shook his head, and said softly, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"That's good, that's good." Alina and the others were completely relieved.

Xi Beiqi asked with concern: "What about the transfer base, the ghost emperor's avatar has appeared, will it be all right?"

Mu Liang sat down and answered concisely: "Casualties are controllable, the glass barrier is partially damaged, and it has been repaired..."

The looks of all the goddesses became serious, the virtual ghost emperor's avatar is too strong, even Wen Kesha and Ling'er are no match, when Roy's main body wakes up, can human beings defeat the virtual clan?

Xi Beiqi blinked her golden eyes and asked: "Mu Liang, Xu Guihuang already knows the existence of the transfer base, why don't you evacuate the people there?"

"We can't withdraw. The transit base is an outpost battlefield, and it's very useful." Mu Liang shook his head.

Li Yue said coldly: "Yes, otherwise, when Roy wakes up and there is no outpost battlefield, then the main battlefield will become the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"We need more time to prepare." Alina said seriously.

"I understand." Xi Beiqi nodded slowly.

Elena glanced at the girl, and said angrily: "I told you to read more military books, but you don't."

Mu Liang wrote a lot of military books, which involved a lot of content in combat planning, and they were placed in the study for all the girls to browse casually.

"I'll start watching it tonight." Xibeqi blushed pretty.

Mu Liang flicked the vampire girl's forehead lightly with his fingers, and asked softly, "No training today?"

"Yes, you're all right, I'm going back to training now." Xi Beiqi blinked her golden eyes, turned around and ran after speaking.

"I'm off to work too." Alina stood up, took Nijisha's hand and left.

Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang, and said gracefully: "Mu Liang, do you want to pick up those Common people in the transfer base and Puyuan City?"

Mu Liang shook his head, and said calmly: "Time is running out, and the transport spaceships are not enough, now that Wen Kesha is there, as long as Roy doesn't come in person, nothing will happen.

Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully, and said crisply: "Well, now the transport spaceships have started to assemble weapons, and there are indeed not many transport spaceships that can be transferred outside."

The shipyard has already built five warships, and they are assembling weapons, which will be put into war in the near future.

In addition, other transport spacecraft also need to carry out weapon maintenance, and at the same time replace and upgrade some weapons.

In order to maximize the carrying capacity of the transport spacecraft, part of the cabin partitions built when carrying passengers were also removed to make the original cabins spacious for storing missiles and various weapons.

These works are in progress and it is expected to take three days to complete the transformation.

Mu Liang thought for a while and said, "Then let's go to the shipyard to have a look."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan agreed, and looked sideways at Xiaomi.

The little maid understood, and turned around to arrange for the army to travel.

Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang again, and asked, "Is your new spiritual weapon ready?"

"No, we'll be busy when we get back from the shipyard." Mu Liang shook his head and said.

Yue Qinlan asked concerned: "There is not much time left, is there time?"

"It's too late, give me two more days and I should be able to finish it." Mu Liang said firmly.

Yue Qinlan looked at the confident smile on the man's face, as long as this man was around, she felt much more at ease in her heart, and the fear that Xu Guihuang was about to wake up also weakened a little.

More than ten minutes later, the two got into the car and drove to the shipyard by themselves.

In the car, Mu Liang heard Yue Qinlan talk about going to the military factory.

The current military factory is running day and night, with workers in three shifts, and the production of weapons has not stopped for a moment.

Mu Liang asked casually: "" "Can the production of explosive fruits keep up?"

Yue Qinlan opened the notepad, flipped through two pages and said, "Don't worry, the planting area of ​​the explosive fruit was only expanded half a month ago, enough to produce more weapons."

Explosive fruit is an important material of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and it is also the raw material of many weapons, such as explosive bombs, bullets, explosive crossbow bolts of giant crossbows, etc., all need to use the extract of explosive fruit

Why not use the magic circle, because the explosive fruit is cheap and cheap, much cheaper than the cost of the magic circle, sustainable development, Common people can also participate in the production.

"En." Mu Liang lightly nodded.

Although he is the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom, he doesn't have so much energy to pay attention to all aspects. The planting of various green plants is one of them.

In addition, he didn't pay much attention to (Li's good) farmland, clothing factories, film and television bases, etc. in the past two months, and they were all managed by the Lanhe Administration.

In the past two months, Mu Liang focused on the research of new weapons, visited the major kingdoms in the New World, and dealt with many major events.

He has limited energy, and many things are thanks to Youyue Qinlan and the Administration Bureau, which makes the Xuanwu Kingdom better and better.

Mu Liang asked in a clear voice, "Have all those weapons orders been processed?"

"Most of the orders have been shipped." Yue Qinlan nodded her head.

The nobles in the New World placed a lot of orders for weapons, most of which were armor, shields, standard spears, swords and other weapons. The production of these weapons has formed an assembly line, and the shipment speed is very fast.

Weapons such as improved spirit weapon crossbows, spirit weapon spears, and spirit weapon sniper rifles will not be sold, at least not for now.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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